Come on you Reds!
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Blackfield&Langley 2 Harrow Borough 0.
Views: 874
First all l know l speak for all those who Travelled on the Supporters Mini Bus by Saying a Very Big Thank You to Alan James for Organising the trip for us.
Thank You Alan.
As Ash&Earlsmead Part Timer have already said an Excellent Turn Out from our fans Coming on a fairly long trip and we Outnumbered and Outsang the locals.
Especially about the Referee!!!
Friendly club Blackfield&Langley and Despite the Spartan Ground we were all made to feel welcome.
Those at The Anchor pub in Totton where we had Lunch a Very Friendly Bunch too.
Now the the Hard Bit the match!.
The first 15mins we were just off the pace as if we turn up at some village team and thats enough a win will follow.
Just the wrong mindset.
We Woke up and and a Borderline Offside Descsion robbed us and a Poor piece of Refereeing when their keeper was stranded he gave a very Controversial free kick for so called Dangerous play.
Near half time we were getting on top.
5 mins into 2nd half some Shocking Marking at a Corner and Blackfield&Langley go 1 up.
2 Mins Later Anthony O'Connor Misses a siter from a Corner 8 yards Out and then Substituted.Hope hes not injured.
We had a Very good 15 min spell midway through the 2nd half.
Hitting the bar and their goalie pulling of a fine save.
But then a mystery.
10mins to go a free kick not far from the corner flag but Micheal Bryan doesnt take but Dylan Ives does and totally overhits it.
That seemed odd that Bryan didnt take but not one word from any player to the effect thats not good enough dont do it again to Dylan.
Sometimes a team you have to gee each other up.
Blackfield&Langley 2nd Goal a bad blunder from Hafed somehow it goes in top corner.
Just not Good Enough at any level.
We gave them 2 goals and they never Worked for them thats Not On.
I would say 3 other things.
1 Never throw a ball backwards always down the line
It nearly cost us a goal doing that.
2 Pointless trying to score wonder goals from outside the box when a player is free on the wing.
3 Believe or not Defenders and Goalies dont like Defending Crosses Because they are Working.
So dont mess about first time in the mixer with crosses.
Lets hope Lessons Learned!
Apart from the result a Very Enjoyable day Travelling with our Fantastic Friendly Fans.
James,Ash,Greg and all who Travelled on the Mini Bus!
Come On You Reds!!!!!!
Edited by Terry at 22:42:42 on 18th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 22:48:16 on 18th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 22:57:55 on 18th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 00:06:33 on 19th January 2020
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Previous thread: Blackfield&Langley v Harrow Borough Match Preview. by Terry18/1/2020 09:18Sat Jan 18 09:18:00 2020view thread