Come on you Reds!
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Whats The Score?
Views: 965
Im Saying 3-1 To Boro we are going to be far too good for Hartley Whitney.
But what say other Forum Members?
So just for fun some scorelines please!
Come On You Reds!!!!
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 958
My prediction is 1-0! also, who is our goal keeper? Haff and Luka have now both left so wondering who will be between the sticks....
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 931
Ash Good Question! Im sure Steve Baker has sorted a goalie out!
So 1-0 it could be a cagey affair!As Long as we win!
Thats for the prediction and see you at the game.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 943
Mmmm . . . 4-1 to "this Village side"
We ae in big trouble.
Thankfully Dorchester and Beaconsfield seem to be worse than us (both lost again )
Perhaps this will be our saving grace.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 943
Well lve eaten some Humble pie in my article Earlsmead Part timer and for the first time ever given Man of Match to an opposing player.
Something has come to my mind since l wrote my piece.
I can remember 2 players who if they were on that pitch
today how can l put it would not have just Accepted what We saw in that First Half.
With Crosses Totally Overhit or Underhit.
A Free Kick Hit 20 Yards Over The Bar.
Harry Manoe&Wayne Walters l Have Seen Wave Their Fists at Players and Demand More Effort from Such things as Corners and Crosses.
To put things in perspective their Keeper didnt make a save till the 55th Minute.
If Steve Baker owns a Hairdryer get it out and use it!
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 949
In my relatively short time (compared to many other fans) following the Boro, this season seems to be the worst.
I know we've always had a reputation of being a "Jekyll and Hyde" team at times, but Mr Jekyll has shown his face far to often in 2019/20 with some truly ghastly performances.
I really do fear that with the next run of fixtures coming up one of those teams could hit 7,8 or 9 against us if we don't get it right.
And if them up the road who used to play in Harrow, but no longer do, (can't bear to mention their name) we're to be bothered to put their first team out against us in our last remaining cup game they could easily tear us a "new one "
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 22:02:08 on 25th January 2020
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 22:05:17 on 25th January 2020
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 927
Yes its a question of some time how best is your worst is to dig out results.
Its not a easy task managing Borough with Limited resources but the basics remain the same whatever Level.
Urgent work needed on those and a bit more fight and grit from the players.
How badly do they want to win l didnt see enough of that today.
I want them to prove me wrong next Sarurday.
But some Hard Work and Talking is Needed.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 844
I understand yesterday was overall, not good. Watching it was difficult. However, I could see the hurt and disappointment in Steve and Darron and I am sure they did not remotely give a half-time team talk that resembled anything like 'well done and continue doing what you're doing'. I am totally convinced of that.
Some of the comments on here and the match report are justified, but my belief is there is too much down and dark when we lose, and too much up and shining light when we win. Opposite ends of the spectrum if you like. Even during the dark of yesterday, I saw some shining bright lights to be happy about and to want to believe further in them. But I see much more dark being reported and very little light. It should always be our lights we report on and not so much the dark. Much too easy to always point out the dark and be critical of everyone. We ask for courage and belief on the field, well let's try doing the exactly the same, reporting and talking about the shining lights. If you didn't see any, well then maybe you weren't looking for the good and just the bad.
Feel free to disagree and to justify why after so many years etc etc etc you've seen better. While that maybe true and justified, we have to get behind and celebrate what we have now and not the past.
I hope the shining light parts of our team and performances grow bigger and bolder in the coming games.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 879
Thank you Newisred this is what we must have on here Debate.
But you must understand it we must call it as we see it.
You Mention Steve and Darron l know there putting in their best and are passionate and want to do well.
But its a glaring error you wouldnt see in Sunday football.
George Moore&Marc Charles Smith playing up front together part of teams who have won recently partnership broken up by a player we have on loan from Barnet who Lets be honest was at Least 2yards of the pace.
If thats too negative sorry but thats how it Looked.
You will find in all great teams yes there is some conflict to gee people up and do better.
I mentioned 2 players Last night who would not have accepted yesterdays "Efforts"
A 3rd has come to mind!
Older fans will remember George Lidster who was a Geordie and Tough.To say the Least!!!
When we went 5-3 down to Wembley in 1978 trying to get
promotion he had on field fight with Gary Fowles over the 5th goal.
I promise you this all forum members if George was on the pitch we wouldnt have seen that display in the 1st Half!!!
This is Brilliant.A Great Forum!
Edited by Terry at 17:34:04 on 26th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 17:35:34 on 26th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 17:36:52 on 26th January 2020
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 875
Terry, I understand and get the frustrations of yesterday and B&L, but that doesn't mean we can't find the positives and good things. Each player is a person, they don't deserve to read some of things on here. yes they can play bad, but we don't know what's going on in their lives that could have forced a poor performance or half of a performance.
We all won't agree on the negatives and we won't all agree on the positives. Thats football. But just focusing on the negatives means we don't feel enough positivity about our team when not equally balancing with positives. Wheres the incentive for engaging with each other and debating if its going to be 90% negative and only 10% positive. Even though yesterday wasn't great, I certainly saw more than 10% in the whole 94 or so mins I watched. we lost yes, but there were positives all the same. Lets debate those positives more often...
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 845
Very Interesting do the players read this.
I hope they do.
There has been good praise for wins.
But when theres critism theyve good to show character put things right and shut me up.
That would be brilliant we all want the same outcome Harrow Borough to do well and win as many games as possible.
Trying to think of a positive Anthony scored a good goal and most important learn the lessons from yesterday by Hard Work in Training This Week.
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Previous thread: Harrow Borough 1 Hartley Witney 4 by Terry25/1/2020 18:04Sat Jan 25 18:04:50 2020view thread