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No subject

By RedHarrow (harrowred)26/1/2020 09:04Sun Jan 26 09:04:25 2020

Views: 1004


That takes us upto February. We need 10 points minimum from those games to give us some breathing space. Anything less and I’d consider us down and out‘

A few weeks ago I said this, and we achieved the 10 points minimum I thought we needed. However with dropping two points at Merthyr and then losing the two last games on that list it seems like a kick in the teeth. We do have a little breathing room but not much, especially with our run of fixtures coming up.

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Re: No subject

By Terry26/1/2020 09:26Sun Jan 26 09:26:23 2020In response to No subjectTop of thread

Views: 900

Yes Agreed Red Harrow a tough run coming up but 2 Saturdays on the trot we are home but with tough trips to Taunton and Truro either end of February.
But whoever we play if we cant do the basics well enough you wont win football matches at any Level.
The Basics
1 Passing
2 Crossing
3 Tackling
4 Defending
5 Attacking
Get those right through hard work and practice with a bit of fierce determination to win and believe or not you will win matches!
Yes do need an element of Luck too and sometimes team selections you make can backfire as we saw yesterday.
So next Training Session l would say to players and Management forget yesterday focus on Taunton work very hard on Crossing especially Emphasize early balls in the area and prepare for a tough physical battle on Saturday.

Edited by Terry at 09:27:06 on 26th January 2020

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Re: No subject

By RedHarrow (harrowred)26/1/2020 16:00Sun Jan 26 16:00:42 2020In response to Re: No subjectTop of thread

Views: 892

We are probably going to be right in the fight for survival after the next 7 games.

I can see us getting a maximum of 6 points from those 7 games. That will leave us with 36 points from 37 players. We will be right in the thick of it. It will come down to how good we play in the last 7 games (when we play 6 teams in the bottom half). Those games will decide our fate. Beating Dorchester, Yate, Hendon and Beaconsfield are key to survival.

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Re: No subject

By Terry26/1/2020 16:56Sun Jan 26 16:56:56 2020In response to Re: No subjectTop of thread

Views: 894

Hello Red Harrow l think your giving Nostradamous a run for his Money with your Predictions.
I said in my Closing to my Match Report if we dont improve Taunton will put 6 or more past us lm Hoping and Praying that some of the management or players saw that and made them determined to prove me wrong!
If you Like a mind game in reverse!
Its the old adage 1 game at a time 3points at a time.
Watching Tranmere this afternoon it is Similiar to Boros"efforts" yesterday.
Maquires Goal Hailed a Worldie.
I will mention something that may shock!
You must press the ball!!!
Tackle if poss but if not Kick Him and give a foul even if it Costs a Booking.
Youve Stopped a Goal and Can Defend a Free Kick.
One of the Dark Arts of Football!
But Just generally Tranmere Like Boro Giving Far Too Much Respect to their Opponents.
Lets All Pray God on Sunday we Never see a Display Like that again at Earlsmead.
Come On You Reds!!!!

Edited by Terry at 04:45:10 on 27th January 2020

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Re: No subject

By geemickey27/1/2020 10:09Mon Jan 27 10:09:01 2020In response to Re: No subjectTop of thread

Views: 878

Having watched Taunton at Chesham Saturday, I doubt they'll put 6 past Harrow but I think you probably won't score against their well organised defence. That would mean your best hope is a 0-0 draw, which would be a very good result.

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Re: No subject

By Terry27/1/2020 11:11Mon Jan 27 11:11:35 2020In response to Re: No subjectTop of thread

Views: 875

Thanks for those encouraging words Gee-Mickey
Saying they would put 6 past us l was in some way hoping that the management or players might be having a look on our forum desperate to prove me wrong!
We all Hope and Pray that Boros "Performance" Saturday was a one off!!!!

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Re: No subject

By RedHarrow (harrowred)27/1/2020 14:37Mon Jan 27 14:37:19 2020In response to Re: No subjectTop of thread

Views: 847

Terry I didn’t really have a problem with Okime starting on Saturday. He has some pedigree and has scored a fair few goals in the Barney second team. A good chance for him to show his stuff on Saturday. I’m not sure why Bryan and OConnor didn’t start, I’d have rather seen one of those ahead of MCS and/or Fenton. I’d also look at bringing back Haugh to start some games. Is there any chance we can get Ben Tricker back?

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Re: No subject

By Terry27/1/2020 14:58Mon Jan 27 14:58:21 2020In response to Re: No subjectTop of thread

Views: 884

Hello Red Harrow.We will have to differ on Okime lm afraid.
Scoring goals for Barnet Reserves is fine and dandy but he Looked off the pace for most of Saturdays game and his contribution was negliable.
As l said MCS and George Moore together up front and Micheal Bryan should have started too.
Its poor team selection in my view and we saw the result.
Obviously Anthony isnt fully fit when he is his pace is a big worry to defenders.
As they say Lessons to Learn!
Come On You Reds!!!!!

Edited by Terry at 15:00:00 on 27th January 2020

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Previous thread: Whats The Score? by Terry25/1/2020 11:26Sat Jan 25 11:26:34 2020view thread