Come on you Reds!
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A Good Point!
Views: 762
Unfortunately with my Father not over Flu yet l had to play Dutiful Son and thus missed the match yesterday.
But l know we will all take that point and have a 6point buffer over Walton in the final"R" place.
We are becoming more resilient and tougher to beat as Chesham found out.
So as Dave Town Colours said to me we are going to do in draws avoiding possibility of Relegation
There l dont Like saying it Relegation!!!
So well done all the fans going in that and the team for a well earned point.
As Ever.
Come on You Reds!!!!!!
Edited by Terry at 10:28:21 on 16th February 2020
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Re: A Good Point!
Views: 713
Terry I reckon you bottled it because of the weather!!
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Re: A Good Point!
Views: 851
My Dad Comes First.
Even Before Borough!
Good Fighting Point and Twitter Coverage Excellent l Must say in Keeping Those not their informed.
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Previous thread: Boro 2 Chesham 2 by Middx Wanderer15/2/2020 20:01Sat Feb 15 20:01:16 2020view thread