Come on you Reds!
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Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1513
Next up for harrow is a trip to the webbswood stadium, home of highflying Swindon supermarine. The hosts have picked up seven points in their last five fixtures including tricky ties at home to Hayes and away to Chesham! The last time these side met was at earlsmead in November where the reds were two goals up with fifteen minutes to go however lost three two after heavy pressure from the Wiltshire club. A key player on that day for the visitors was Campbell who netted twice past now ex boro keeper Hafed Al-doubi that afternoon. As for us we come of the back of a great performance on our visit to imber court as well as interesting two two draw at earlsmead on Tuesday night where all four goals came from the spot, my prediction for this game will be a exciting 4-4! Wishing all players, officials and supporters a safe journey.
Match details:
Swindon supermarine v Harrow
Southern league
Saturday 14th March
3pm KO
Webbswood stadium
Adults £10, concessions £6, u12s £ FREE
Programme -£2
Free parking!
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1509
Be great if we could get behind the lads like we did at Imber Court.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1460
Dont See Why Not Earlsmead Partimer lm Going so thats a Good Start!
The Guys Seem To Have Got The Vital Ingredients now.
Self Belief Self Confidence Good Gameplans Stopping the Opposition When We Havent Got The Ball and Players Who Know where the Goal is!!!!
Very Unlucky Last night and if we play to the same Standard Saturday l can only see one result a 2-1 win to Borough.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1338
Having seen that all premier league and EFL games have been postponed due to the virus, I was wondering if the southern league is the same. Has anyone heard any news? Thank you!
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1344
Hello Boro Loyal My Advice To The Southern League is Lets Keep The Show on The Road.
If All The Fancy Dans In Professional Football want To Pull the Plug Thats Up to Them.
If Individual Teams want not to Play fine but for the rest until The Government say we cant play Lets Get on with it Starting at Swindon Tomorrow!
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1335
They've got to suspend the league. Fortunately, I'm in Kazakhstan and we only have two confirmed cases (both confirmed today). If I were in the UK, I wouldn't step anywhere near a football ground under the current circumstances. Common sense and the safety of everyone have to prevail.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1421
Cappers Lovely to hear from you.
But Hang on 50,000 at Cheltenham Today and 60,000 Wales v Scotland Tomorrow.
Sorry the Only Reason The Pro Football Suspended it would look bad for their" product" around the World playing to Empty Staduims.
Please can we have Some Common Sense.
The Crowd at Swindon Tomorrow be 400 max yet your saying call it off while Cheltenham& Wales Goes ahead!!!
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1351
50,000 at Cheltenham and 60,000 at rugby is absolute madness. Every country in the world is taking this crisis seriously apart from the UK. The UK is a laughing stock.
The reason Pro Football has been suspended is because numerous players and staff have got the corona virus and there are whole squads in self isolation! All countries are suspending their sport leagues. Why should the UK be any different? How else do you plan to fight this pandemic? They are still letting in people arriving from Italy and other badly affected countries. It's unbelievable how naive the Government are dealing with it.
In Kazakhstan, we have just two confirmed cases. All sport leagues have been suspended, all schools and universities are closed. All cinemas and theatres are closed. All events are cancelled including the Almaty Marathon that I was going to run in next month. People arriving from high risk countries are banned from entering Kazakhstan apart from Kazakh citizens who have to go into quarantine for two weeks. Now that's what I call common sense.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1340
Thanks Cappers lm with you about banning flights into uk from Italy Iran and the rest.
But our Government advice is Schools still open and big events still can carry on.
So on the basis until it change the advice lm saying that the match tomorrow at Swindon should go ahead.
Its a simple choice for the fans we can go or stay away.
Freedom of Choice!!!
Lovely to hear from you and a pleasure to meet you recently.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1348
Probably only a matter of time til everything goes into lock down in UK perhaps next week I reckon ( hey but what do I know? !)
Mind you for my "two cents worth" I reckon the virus has been active around the world since Xmas.
My fit as a fiddle brother was really ill with flu like symptoms back than and hasn't been abroad for years ! The Chinese were very secretive and economic with the truth over the outbreak anyway at the start, I reckon it's been all over the world infecting thousands of people before the cat was out the bag.
It's bad news but we can only delay the spread now .
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 12:48:45 on 13th March 2020
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1339
hey all! I'm hearing that the southern league officials will be having a meeting this afternoon to decide, also reports that the midlands leagues are all off as well as all welsh divisions.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1342
Let Me Give The Southern League Some Advice.
Cancel your Meeting This Afternoon and Stick to Government Advice That States That Gatherings Like Football Matches can Take Place At The Moment.
If Individual Clubs Dont Want To Play Fine.
But My Message to The Southern League Dont Follow The Premier League and The Rest Of Them.
Take a Stand and Keep The Show On The Road!!!!
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1321
I agree with you to a point about following government advice but I completely disagree with the government advice.
Good to finally meet you too Terry.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1512
Hello Cappers Literally Just Now Newsflash Wales v Scotland OFF.
But Cheltenham Still On!!!
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1373
Why should the league's not follow government advice!!!! Just because a few players go down with it in the Premier League we all suffer for it. Those teams get loads of money from Sky so know they can afford to have time off.
They all have huge squads and only individual people with symptoms supposed to self isolate. Absolutely disgusting that other leagues suffer because of them. They should be fined heavily and money given to clubs who might fold because of their action.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1645
Let's be clear here. We are dealing with a virus that has a death rate of 3.4%. The flu has a death rate of 0.1%. I have a father who is 69 years old and suffers from diabetes and guillain-Barre syndrome and if he catches the corona virus he is potentially facing death.
The fact people on this forum are playing down the severity of this virus is just plain sad and quite frankly unbelievable. All people will be put at risk by playing football matches in a stadium. That includes players, staff and spectators even though attendences at this level are in the hundreds rather than the thousands.
I find it incredibly sad that the UK government is doing nothing to stop the spreading of the virus. As I mentioned in previous posts, they are an absolute disgrace and are practically killing people. How do you know that players and staff from Southern League clubs don't have players that have contracted the corona virus? Now is clearly not the time to be playing football and gathering in crowds, even at this level.
Terry, you are always telling us about how proud you are to be Irish. So why no comment about the sensible steps the Irish Republic have taken in their response to controlling the corona virus? Why is it, every country in the world is taking sensible measures to stop the spread of the virus apart from the UK?
Well done to the Southern League for doing the right thing.
Edited by cappers at 16:34:00 on 13th March 2020
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1388
Because Cappers The Irish Government have got it wrong as usual!
So we are saying a Survival rate of 96.6 % ok.
Im sorry to hear about your Father Please give him my best regards but Lets be Clear The Southern League are going against our Governments advice and Showing a Complete Lack of Leadership.
They are Dancing To The Tune Of The PremierLeague and rest of Pro Game.
Whatever happened to Freedom of Choice if people want to go to the Match who are The Southern League to stop them.
Are we saying then the Smoking must be Banned surely that Kills more this virus ever will.
Im sticking to my view Bad Descsion Southern League.
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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!
Views: 1306
It's funny how you mention our government's advice and complete lack of leadership in the same sentence because that's exactly how I would describe our government's actions on this matter - showing a complete lack of leadership.
The Southern League have the right to suspend the season as they run it and have deemed it not appropiate to play football matches in the current pandemic. Freedom of choice? How do you know all the players in the league want to play matches in the current pandemic? Have you asked every single player from every club? Have you asked the referees if they are happy to officiate? Organisations have to make decisions and the decision based on the health of everyone is to suspend the season. As fans, we rightly have no say in the matter.
My friend plays Sunday League football in Bedfordshire and he just sent me a screenshot saying that all football leagues in Bedfordshire are suspended citing that the welfare of players, volunteers, referees and supporters is of paramount importance.
The Irish have got it wrong? Our government have got it spot on then? Carry on as normal and let the virus keep spreading? Unbelievable.
I would love smoking to be banned. I can't stand smoking. Smoking is a choice people make. Catching the corona virus is certainly not a choice and can be passed on very easily from person to person.
I will not comment any further on this topic. I have made my opinion very clear.
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Re: A Very Poor Descsion By Southern League.
Views: 1602
Dave Town Colours in the Words of Meat Loaf You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth!!!
What you say is so True all These Leagues are Blinded By The Premier League and Their "Stars"
We Have The Gold Cup Running Shortly in Front of 50,000 at Cheltenham and Yet The Southern League cant Sanction Boroughs Match at Swindon in front of 400 max!
I Wont Mince My Words This is A Complete Joke.
A Complete Lack of Leadership.
Those Who have Made this "Decision" In My Personal View Should Be Sacked at Next AGM By The Clubs in Attendance and Lets Find Some New People With Bottle and Leadership and Not being in awe to So called Professional Football who do Little or Nothing for us at Non League Level 3.
A Truly Poor Descsion which as you so Rightly say Town Colours Goes against Government Advice.
Im Nearly Lost For Words!!!!
Edited by Terry at 15:46:34 on 13th March 2020
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Re: A Very Poor Descsion By Southern League.
Views: 1711
Well it is what it is Terry. I guess we will have to just get on with it.
And obviously peoples lives come before football , but.... I
hope it doesn't go on for an extended period.
Because I'm sure some clubs if they don't get some sort of financial help with this will almost certainly go out of business. Hope that doesn't include our club.
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Re: A Very Poor Descsion By Southern League.
Views: 1336
Thanks Earlsmead Part Timer.
Yes Very Disappointing we Could be facing the end of the season now if we are Honest.
I Would Like The Southern League to Come out With a Statement Explaining Their Decision Which Town Colours so righly says goes against Government Policy at The Moment.
Im Afraid Too Many At Our LeveL running the Game Lacking 2 Words.Wait For It!
Commen Sense!!!!!
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1388
At least the Southern League have made a decision. Rightly or Wrongly.
The Middx FA can't quite get to have a meeting untill Monday, regards our Match at Hampton on..... Monday.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1398
Alan Middlesex Wanderer Surely thats what The Southern League should have done waited till Monday and play this weekends games.
Im with Middlesex FA on This.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1288
It's not reasonable to plan the meeting on the afternoon of the match. It could held today tomorrow or Sunday. Or just email the members of the committee.
Unless they have health professionals on the committee they have two choices.
a) go with government advice
b) follow the lead of most other sporting organisations.
No need to wait untill monday
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1294
Mmmm. I agree with Terry about this quandary. Wait until government advice changes!!!! The real galling thing about the situation is that the National League fixtures are being played tomorrow. When the government give the matter further consideration the likely outcome is that matches with small crowds of say under 1000 will still get the go ahead to be played. Hardly any matches in our league get more than 1000 and no doubt they could make matches all ticket if necessary. If people are worried and don't wish to attend matches then they don't need to do so.
Anyway I guess it will be interesting to see the developing situation. Everyone seems to have a different idea on how we should cope with the virus including doctors.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1298
But Town Colours, you are looking at it from a fan's point of view. How do you know that all players are willing to play? How do you know that certain players from certain clubs are not already in isolation due to the suspected corona virus. We've seen it with the whole squads of Chelsea, Portsmouth and Arsenal. The government's advice is to carry on as normal even though they have admitted cases will continue to rise. There are going to be a lot of people that are not going to follow that (non) advice and rightly so.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1347
Hi Cappers. As I said in my last note - everyone has a different idea of the best way forward on this one. I have no idea about the willingness to play . However when it comes to the Premier league they are on contract. As are most of our players! The teams you mention as far as I am aware only have a few players and one manager down with the virus. Only those individuals need to go into hibernation according to government advice. The rest can carry on as if nothing has happened. I needless to say understand your concern. The government have made the current decision - no doubt it will be reviewed very soon. It may be the country goes into complete lock down like Italy. I hope not personally! The due to be televised Harrowgate Town National League match tonight was cancelled because 4 of their players apparently had virus symptoms. Despite that currently all other matches are being played in that league tomorrow.
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Re: Southern Leagues Poor Descsion
Views: 1284
Hello Town Colours What Gets Me Is This.
Why Couldnt The Southern League have Allowed Saturdays Fixtures to Go Ahead instead of Cancelling them in a Panic against Government advice For Gods Sake at 3pm.
Just Half an hour after their "Expert Descsion"50,000 were watching The Gold Cup at Cheltenham.
Words fail me not often but they have with this.
Do they have no thought for the fans l ask the number of Coaches and yes in our Case with Borough Mini Buses going all having to be Cancelled.
The type of thing you would expect from the Premier League a Million Miles away from Their Fans sorry in their case Customers(Mugs)
We Expect a Lot better from those in charge on Non League Football.
# Sack The Southern League Board!!!
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1341
Hi Town Colours. If you come in to contact with someone who then tests positive for the virus, you yourself (although maybe not infected) also need to go in to self isolation. This means that all Chelsea and Arsenal players are in self isolation as far as I understand. Check this out that I copied and pasted from The Guardian website regarding Hudson-Odoi. So you can see why the situation is so difficult and needs to be managed properly.
"Chelsea’s full squad have gone into self-isolation after winger Callum Hudson-Odoi tested positive to the coronavirus, the club said in a statement."
"Chelsea personnel who had recent close contact with the player in the men’s team building will now self-isolate in line with government health guidelines."
Have a good evening.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1307
Hi Cappers. Does this mean if you work in a large office with where a couple of people get the virus then the rest of the staff all need to self isolate? That would be a disaster for most businesses.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1323
Yes absolutely! It's crucial to stop the virus spreading. All the information is here and it clearly states that anyone coming into contact with an infected person should self isolate and that's official government advice. If one player in a team turns out to test positive. The whole team will be out of action. All businesses around the world will suffer including mine in Kazakhstan. However, I would like to think we value our health over finances.
Anyone who has travelled to an affected area, or who has been in close contact with an infected person, had already been asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
Spending 15 minutes within 2m (6ft) of someone with the virus, or having face-to-face contact, is judged as close contact and a significant risk.
Edited by cappers at 05:02:20 on 14th March 2020
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1273
Hi Cappers. The advice on that website is totally ambiguous. You will see what I mean when you look at the part about home sharing compared to the first part of the article. Confusing to say the least.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1379
Town Colours l used To Run My Own Business Painter/Decorator.
Believe or Not if You Didnt Work No Money!!!
In The Words Of The Late Great Micheal Winner "Lets All Calm Down Dears"
The Human Species is Tough and Can Fight Most illness
So Say Your Prayers at Night and My Message to all on This Forum is Get Out There and Enjoy Your Life!
But As Ever
Come on You Reds!!!!
Edited by Terry at 22:28:17 on 13th March 2020
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1293
Cappers My Friend Your Being Star Struck by Premier League "Stars" Thats Chelsea and the Rest of Them Lookout They can Afford to Have Time off.
Non League at our Level Cant.
# Sack The Southern League Board.
No ones answered me about How come Cheltenham can host 50,000 and Swindon cant Manage 500!!!
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1463
I’ll throw my thoughts into this;
With the governments current advice I was surprised that the Southern League postponed games for two weeks, however I do understand it.
Being at Boro on Tuesday night, I had no worries about catching the virus. I felt just as safe, if not more at Boro, than going to Tesco to do my weekly shop or being at work in a school all day. Non league football is genuinely an open stadium with not that many fans. The governments advice at the moment is that these events can continue. However if a team did not want to play, I would think that is fair.
In the middx county league, the ruling has been set - both teams can agree to play a match if they are willing to do so. If a team does not want to play, they are within their rights to say no and will face no fine or punishment.
As regards to the mortality rate, it is thought that a huge amount of people (10,000ish) have the Coronavirus in the UK but; have no symptoms, have mild symptoms which doesn’t stop them going about their day or have it but have just not been tested. If this is the case then that leaves us with a mortality rate of 0.1% as only 10 people have died from it.
As for the Southern League I hope that teams can finish the season if the Gov has got this right with the science.
As for the PL, it would be funny if Liverpool were denied their first title in 30 years if they couldn’t finish it.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1279
Red Harrow Thanks For Sharing Your Thoughts.
Lets get this Right.
We Have a Population of 66 Million and around 800 cases.
If This is all Such a threat l would say this 50,000 attended the Gold Cup at Cheltenham yesterday how come we are not hearing of mass sickness this morning of those who attended.
This is Virus is no worse than bad Flu.
Yes in the Old and and ill they would be more at risk of Passing On it buts that lm afraid is always been the case with Pneumonia etc.
Middlesex FA Should be Applauded for Commen Sense.
Giving Their Clubs Freedom of Choice To Play or not.
Not The Southern League Way of We Know Best.
They Certainly Dont and in Breach of Government Advice at The Moment.
So Everyone on the Forum Join Me in this Wish.
# Sack The Southern League Board.
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1308
I imagine you’ll find that some of the Boro management or players would not be interested in playing matches right now and will think the right call has been made
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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA
Views: 1337
Personally, I have to feel sorry for the players. The Middlesex FA have not taken time to understand that our squad all have full time jobs, some lads may need to get time of work. However I think the decision on the game will be to postpone it.
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