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Steve Baker Interview

By harrowred (RedHarrow)16/5/2020 13:29Sat May 16 13:29:51 2020

Views: 1222

Last weekend on Radio Harrow, Bakes was interviewed about how the coronavirus is affecting him, the club, the players, the league and the future. You can listen here; https://m.mixcloud.com/RadioHarrow/radio-harrow-steve-baker-interview-ptone-harrow-borough/ (Part 1)

A very good listen. It will be really quite fascinating to see which approach the club takes next year. Steve mentions how last season the board were good and backed him, put quite a few players on contracts but this backfired due to injuries etc. I could see the club going with very few contracts next season, especially in case of a second wave. I think it will also be fascinating to see which players and the quality of players will be at Boro next year. You would think that many players will not be paid so much throughout non league. This might mean a different approach for players. Some won’t be willing to travel so far, some may play at a lower level if they are getting paid a similar amount.

It will also be interesting to see how social distancing and numbers of crowds will be allowed as rules are restricted. It’s pretty much thought that professional football will be behind closed doors until next year. Would this apply at non league? What if all matches could have 100 people maximum and only home fans? That would allow for social distancing and clubs to still generate some gate money. It would also put most non league clubs on a similar playing field in terms of budget.

It really could go either way for Boro - it might help us by clawing our lower end budget closer to others - or it might mean that the club can not sustain itself or afford to pay players at all.

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Re: Steve Baker Interview

By harrowred (RedHarrow)16/5/2020 13:32Sat May 16 13:32:05 2020In response to Steve Baker InterviewTop of thread

Views: 1156

Part 2 - https://m.mixcloud.com/RadioHarrow/radio-harrow-steve-baker-interview-pt-two-harrow-borough/

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Re: Steve Baker Interview

By Earlsmead part-timer16/5/2020 19:27Sat May 16 19:27:33 2020In response to Re: Steve Baker InterviewTop of thread

Views: 1121

Thanks for the link on that RedHarrow , a very good and informative interview with Steve.

The whole of Non-league (not just Harrow) have got a huge mountain to climb to get back to where we all were pre-virus.
I do wonder how all the clubs at our level are going to survive, its going to be really tough. But good to hear our manager being positive and as upbeat as you can be given the circumstances.

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Previous thread: Wouldn't it be nice ... ? by geemickey5/5/2020 18:50Tue May 5 18:50:57 2020view thread