Come on you Reds!
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Advance Tickets for Northwood match
Views: 835
Please by your ticket in advance for Tuesday
Edited by Middx Wanderer at 17:58:57 on 6th September 2020
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Re: Advance Tickets for Northwood match
Views: 637
Please make life as easy as possible for the volunteers at the turnstiles & buy in advance via
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Re: Advance Tickets for Northwood match
Views: 603
Hello mate, will season ticket holders need to give track and trace information for each game? Thanks!
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Re: Advance Tickets for Northwood match
Views: 606
Club have ST holders details . So just maje sure you are ticked off at the gate.
By the time we play Salisbury all season ticket holders will have a bar code added to your season ticket . You will then be able to tap in the same as advance ticket holders
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Previous thread: Truro Tickets by The Majors Hat7/9/2020 21:19Mon Sep 7 21:19:37 2020view thread