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Newest article: Re: A ramble and in praise of Becca!! by Middx WandererYesterday 14:24Yesterday at 14:24:53view thread

Oldest article: Travelling to Harrow Borough by harrowborofcadmin2/4/2015 20:48Thu Apr 2 20:48:03 2015view thread


Next thread: Salisbury by harrowred23/9/2020 21:56Wed Sep 23 21:56:36 2020view thread


By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)23/9/2020 23:33Wed Sep 23 23:33:44 2020

Views: 701

Hello all, hope everyone is well. From tonight clubs have been advised to use the NHS track and trace app, this can be downloaded from your phone's app store. Make sure to download it before going to a game so you can scan the code at entrance! Take care

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Previous thread: The future ? by geemickey8/9/2020 09:40Tue Sep 8 09:40:45 2020view thread