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Bracknell Away

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)17/12/2020 12:33Thu Dec 17 12:33:30 2020

Views: 921

Hello all, for those of you who have not seen it yet. We have Bracknell away on saturday! Here is all the information you need for the game.

DATE: Sat 19th December
TIME: 12pm Kick Off
PRICE: Adults £5 Concs £3 U16s £1
GROUND: The Lane - RG12 9AN

head to https://bracknelltownfc.ktckts.com/cart to get your tickets! hope to see a big number of us down there...

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Re: Bracknell Away

By Middx Wanderer17/12/2020 13:05Thu Dec 17 13:05:54 2020In response to Bracknell AwayTop of thread

Views: 848

Berkshire is about to go into tier 3.
I have no idea if that effects football.

In my opinion its time to stop playing until we move out of tier 3

Edited by Middx Wanderer at 13:21:48 on 17th December 2020

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Re: Bracknell Away

By Earlsmead part-timer17/12/2020 15:58Thu Dec 17 15:58:23 2020In response to Re: Bracknell AwayTop of thread

Views: 909

Must admit I hold the opposite view and think the Leagues should go ahead with the social distancing measures and masks in place. But I guess the only view that matters is the Government's first and the the League and clubs second.

My gut feeling is they will void the league and it may all start again August.

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Re: Bracknell Away

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)17/12/2020 17:35Thu Dec 17 17:35:18 2020In response to Re: Bracknell AwayTop of thread

Views: 779

Personally, I disagree with the government and league. If your allowed to go to a shop or a high street then you should be allowed to go to football at this level! If you see the crowds at harrow v chalfont or harrow V Hanwell you'll see that enforcing COVID rules can make it safe to watch your local team. As for Bracknell, I'm not happy that home fans can attend but away cant... But it is what it is at the end of the day...

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Re: Bracknell Away

By Lee Endersby's Left Peg17/12/2020 23:01Thu Dec 17 23:01:03 2020In response to Re: Bracknell AwayTop of thread

Views: 771

I'm sure that you will be OK, just don't turn up wearing Borough colours to the game or put them on when you get inside the ground.

People at the games this season have been pretty sensible ( exception Gosport!) .

It will be good to still be able to get out to a game while we can, even though it is another friendly.

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Previous thread: Hanwell v Harrow Boro Match Preview. by Terence15/12/2020 10:52Tue Dec 15 10:52:42 2020view thread