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Hartley 0-3 Boro

By harrowred (RedHarrow)17/8/2021 22:20Tue Aug 17 22:20:03 2021

Views: 1336

I'll be honest and say I wouldn't have predicted that before the game!

George Moore moved to right back, James Taylor made a debut in defence in place of Imran Uche, whilst David Taylor moved into midfield instead of Lewis Cole, with Frank Keita also starting, MCS was back.

The lineup seemed more experienced with more of a dual threat in attack. Ewington scored a hattrick. Hartley missed penalty late on. A great result!

Next up we are away to Salisbury, who followed their 0-0 draw with Met Police by losing 3-1 to Truro.

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By Earlsmead part-timer17/8/2021 23:16Tue Aug 17 23:16:40 2021In response to Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1277

Agreed, it was a great performance by Boro.
Showed character and really dug in when put under pressure by a (what I thought) was a very over physical HW who at times seemed more interested in trying to boot us off the park.

James Ewington a Man of the Match performance, didn't have many chances but when he did he put them in the back of the net, unlike the HW strikers.
Damian Las was also excellent in goal.
In fact it was a top performance by the whole team and substitutes. MCS and David Taylor both off injured, David's one looking particularly bad and I think he went to hospital. I hope he's OK.

Well done Boro.

A great result

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By The Majors Hat18/8/2021 06:40Wed Aug 18 06:40:15 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1237

Fantastic result.
Full credit to the players and management staff for turning it around.

Let's hope that we can continue at Salisbury on Saturday.

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By Middx Wanderer18/8/2021 07:06Wed Aug 18 07:06:51 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1341

A very enjoyable evening. The whole team played well. Ewington apart from scoring a hat trick covered so much ground, not allowing Hartley to play out slowly. Damian Las made couple terrific saves in the first half & looked composed throughout. He has faced 2 penalties & neither have been scored!
Keita came into the midfield & gave an extra dimension to our game.
Our Management had clearly done their homework as Hartley were very physical, but the combination of James Taylor, James Mansfield, Sean Preddie & David Taylor, in central defence & holding midfield was solid.
Sadly David was stretchered off with what appeared a nasty injury. Moore & Biler as wing backs defended well but also got forward to good effect.
MCS along side Ewington worked well. Marc was cleaned out from behind to earn the penalty & limped off.
A good mid week away support too.

Up the Boro.

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By harrowred (RedHarrow)18/8/2021 08:51Wed Aug 18 08:51:15 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1301

Let’s hope MCS is fit for Saturday!

David Taylor has suffered a broken knee cap so will be out for a while. We will need someone else to step into midfield now who can do the dirty work!

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By Middx Wanderer18/8/2021 10:43Wed Aug 18 10:43:19 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1297

I would expect James Mansfield will fill the defensive midfield role as Ben Tricker is expected to be fit for Saturday.

Gutted for David Taylor, he has been very unlucky with injuries.

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By Terrance18/8/2021 16:24Wed Aug 18 16:24:29 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1406

Thanks To The Forum Members For Their Thoughts And Report's For That Great Win Over Hartley Whitney 3-0 Which Is A Great Help To Those Like Myself Unable To Go Last Night.
I Would Always Start MCS and Frank Keita When Fit As They Are Both Quality Players Who Bring Not Just Skill But Physical Strength To The Team.
That’s An Excellent Response From The Players And Management After Saturdays Display Against Yate Town And Some Of The Justified Views Given On Our Forum And Let’s Hope We Have Found A Winning Formula And Go To Salisbury Saturday And Take 3Points There Also!
Come On You Reds!!!

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By The Majors Hat18/8/2021 12:07Wed Aug 18 12:07:54 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1187

Does anyone know what's happed to Imran Uche?
Was he just unavailable last night or has he signed elsewhere?
He was our best player against Yate Town imho.

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By Middx Wanderer18/8/2021 12:35Wed Aug 18 12:35:03 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1422

Imran Uche was injured so didn't play.

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By harrowred (RedHarrow)18/8/2021 17:23Wed Aug 18 17:23:31 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1466

Good to know that he’s injured, rather than playing elsewhere. Was unsure if him playing on Saturday was a one off as we seemed a bit short of players. Good to hear Ben Tricker should be available for the weekend!

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Re: Hartley 0-3 Boro

By Earlsmead part-timer18/8/2021 09:44Wed Aug 18 09:44:35 2021In response to Re: Hartley 0-3 BoroTop of thread

Views: 1301

Gutted for David.
I wish him a speedy recovery.

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Previous thread: Supporters Mini Bus to Hartley Wintney by Middx Wanderer16/8/2021 18:55Mon Aug 16 18:55:02 2021view thread