Come on you Reds!
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Hartley Witney- Postponed
Views: 705
The decision was a joke. Yes I am aware it has been raining. However, I went to the ground before the ref came. It didn't look too bad. Could have played the game easily! This is another reason why Southern League officials are no good at all.
Edited by RangersAsh at 16:07:56 on 8th January 2022
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Re: Hartley Witney- Postponed
Views: 568
Farcical, pitch was definitely playable. Nothing to do with it being Southern League officials as referees do not do just one league, it's a general attitude in football
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Re: Hartley Witney- Postponed
Views: 631
Hello Middlesex Wanderer.
Surely In This “Modern World”These Southern League Refs Can Make ANew Years Resoultion Thats The Show Must Go On And l I Do Wonder How We Use To Play In The Snow With The Orange Ball In The Old Days!
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Previous thread: A Great Shame!!! by Terrance8/1/2022 15:03Sat Jan 8 15:03:43 2022view thread