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Wimborne Preview

By harrowred (RedHarrow)19/2/2022 10:13Sat Feb 19 10:13:46 2022

Views: 834

Wimborne sit second bottom with 15 points. They have 3 wins since we played Portsmouth. Sounds bad? Well we have 4!

Both teams are conceding an awful lot, Wimborne only have two clean sheets since early September. With James Ewington being supported by Dembele and Moore, I EXPECT goals for us. Can we keep them quiet at the back though? They haven’t scored in their last two, but quite often they also manage to score in defeat.

Expect goals today. I’m going for a 4-2 Boro win.

Adenola Preddie Mansfield Biler
Moore Donnellan Keita El-Mhanni
Ewington Dembele

Would be my preferred lineup. Not sure if they’re all available. Hope we can get a lead that Mbele gets a chance if he doesn’t start. If we lose this though, we are in trouble!

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Re: Wimborne Preview

By Borofan19/2/2022 11:47Sat Feb 19 11:47:56 2022In response to Wimborne PreviewTop of thread

Views: 702

Prob end up 0-0 but heart says 3-0 boro demble 2 Moore 1

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Re: Wimborne Preview

By Earlsmead part-timer19/2/2022 10:36Sat Feb 19 10:36:23 2022In response to Wimborne PreviewTop of thread

Views: 825

Difficult one to call this game I reckon .
Looking at it both teams not in good form , it's going to be a swirly windy afternoon on a soft pitch.
I'm hedging my bets going for a draw hoping for a win .

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Re: Wimborne Preview Match Off !

By Earlsmead part-timer19/2/2022 15:17Sat Feb 19 15:17:55 2022In response to Re: Wimborne PreviewTop of thread

Views: 692

Well someone dropped a b#llock somewhere didn't they ?

As a Harrow Borough exile who lives just down the road from Wimbourne, I was absolutely amazed the game was called ON at 9:00am after yesterday's storm and the heavy rain forecast for this morning.
Then at 2pm to have to it called off (rightly imo as looking at the pitch it was clearly unplayable) well . . ... I could have told u that at 9am this morning !

It would have saved a lot of people a lot of time what with having a long drive back up to London.

Not good enough I'm afraid.

If I as a fan could work it out that it should have been called off a 9AM why can't the person/persons involved in the making the decision work it out as well ?

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 17:28:06 on 19th February 2022
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 17:41:50 on 19th February 2022

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Re: Wimborne Preview Match Off !

By Middx Wanderer19/2/2022 22:15Sat Feb 19 22:15:56 2022In response to Re: Wimborne Preview Match Off !Top of thread

Views: 721

The pitch was literally flooded. This was never going to be on. Why they ended up waiting for the match referee to call it off is irresponsible. There clearly wasn't a proper inspection in the morning.
I spoke to one of the ground staff who told me the guy that did the inspection was there less than 5 minutes.

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Previous thread: Hayes 4 Boro 2 by Middx Wanderer15/2/2022 23:01Tue Feb 15 23:01:24 2022view thread