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Tiverton 0 Boro 0

By Earlsmead part-timer11/11/2023 19:01Sat Nov 11 19:01:28 2023

Views: 578

I suppose you've got to be happy with a point on the road and a clean sheet ?

Even if Tivvy are struggling, it's a long way to go and come back with nothing. (I didn't go btw ,to far for me)

A big game now on Tuesday just up the road to Beaconsfield. Three points would be handy .

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Re: Tiverton 0 Boro 0

By TOWN COLOURS12/11/2023 13:46Sun Nov 12 13:46:21 2023In response to Tiverton 0 Boro 0Top of thread

Views: 542

At least we came back with a well earned point. Fair result and both teams struggled to play on a difficult surface. Grass too long and plenty of water puddles on the pitch. Glad it was not called off. Good luck to the groundsmen getting it playable again. Very friendly people at Tiverton who are going through a torrid time.

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Previous thread: Penalties by Earlsmead part-timer26/10/2023 08:18Thu Oct 26 08:18:42 2023view thread