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End of Season Disaster.

By Fulham red28/4/2024 20:07Sun Apr 28 20:07:02 2024

Views: 705

Anyone who went to Merthyr will know many players just weren't up for it.To see no fight after 5 mins is just not acceptable. OK we were already down but pride still plays a part.If you go down then go down with a fight.We went with no pride,passion or fight.Total embarrassment. To see some players treat it as a jolly boys outing makes me question my season ticket renewal. Strangely for a side that has shipped so many goals only Seabrook,Gurteen and Yorke can come out of this season with some sort of credit.R.Mitchell had a good season but frustrated me so many times and Tutton looked good but need to see a full season from him.If you know me you will know my feelings about the management.Under these we will only go sideways or backwards.Some of the management team need to show some respect to the people that follow Boro home and away.Rant over.I could go on but until we know where we will be playing next season I'll let it rest for a while.Ive never been embarrassed to be a Boro fan but being there yesterday at Merthyr,I was.

Edited by Fulham red at 17:10:47 on 29th April 2024

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Previous thread: Hammered in South Wales by Middx Wanderer28/4/2024 06:28Sun Apr 28 06:28:46 2024view thread