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Boro Beaten On Pens.

By Terry12/2/2019 22:43Tue Feb 12 22:43:19 2019

Views: 838

Unfortunately l couldnt get to the match at Uxbridge but followed it on twitter! Well played to Uxbridge for their win on pens! Pooles win tonight means we still stay in 6th but have 3 points to find.But to a Large extent its still in our hands as we have a match in hand and play them Saturday week.l think this Saturday at Farnborough is the biggest game of the season so far.Spencer Day the Farnborough manager is a one time property developer and Combined Counties manager so l doubt tactically we will be out thought.Its down to our players making a fast start getting the ball in their half of the pitch and showing some fierce determination to win this game.All the slow stuff from the back bin! We show the same effort we did for the Last 30 at Dorchester we win this game no doubts! As many fans as poss get to Farnborough on Saturday! Come On You Reds!

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new striker

By RedHarrow (harrowred)13/2/2019 11:46Wed Feb 13 11:46:17 2019In response to Boro Beaten On Pens.Top of thread

Views: 820

I see mark bitmead came off of the bench and scored a penalty for us. Having had a look at him, seems like he will be our Kearney replacement, having scored 16 in 29 for Ashford Town Middx this season

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Re: Boro Beaten On Pens.

By Earlsmead part-timer12/2/2019 22:50Tue Feb 12 22:50:05 2019In response to Boro Beaten On Pens.Top of thread

Views: 757

If we play anything like we did tonight Terry we've got absolutely no chance Saturday. (if we can field a full team with subs)
Hope the lads prove me wrong.

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Re: Boro Beaten On Pens.

By Terry12/2/2019 23:10Tue Feb 12 23:10:06 2019In response to Re: Boro Beaten On Pens.Top of thread

Views: 820

Cheers for the reply Earlsmead Part timer.You had the good fortunate LOL to see the match Live! I would say this l think l would go for a change of Captain for Saturday and lm thinking Mark Mcleod who gets stuck in well and can be vocal.Just shake things up a bit.Confidence can be fickle and the guys need to remember the good performances they have done through the season.We need to up our game from now on play at a good tempo and all the slow build up stuff forget every match now is a battle and 5th spot is all that matters.Sorry if lve gone on too Long!

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Re: Boro Beaten On Pens.

By Middx Wanderer12/2/2019 23:27Tue Feb 12 23:27:01 2019In response to Re: Boro Beaten On Pens.Top of thread

Views: 834

The 10 mins after Uxbridge took the lead untill Half Time ee played well, the other 80 were pretty awful.

If we play a flat back four on Saturday, lets hope it is Preddie & Gough. Playing a centre back in midfield does not work. We desperately need Ireland or McLeod in the midfield holding role.

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Previous thread: Uxbridge 2 HBFC 2 - Uxb win on pens by Earlsmead part-timer12/2/2019 22:34Tue Feb 12 22:34:12 2019view thread