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Re: Badge for new club

By The_Hullablue29/3/2024 22:10Fri Mar 29 22:10:05 2024In response to Re: Badge for new club

Views: 634

Iirc the fella from HLR said they would never agree to anything H&H wanted so they couldn't understand why H&H had told Boro fans what they did.
And they lied about loads and loads of other stuff.
They were compulsive liars and ran away as soon as they realised people had spotted they were full of shit.
And that is 100% fact.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Next article in this thread: Re: Badge for new club by s. tone ragma730/3/2024 09:06Sat Mar 30 09:06:01 2024

Previous thread: Tamworth promoted by VS City29/3/2024 16:56Fri Mar 29 16:56:46 2024view thread