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Re: The truth the fans deserve

By The_Hullablue20/5/2024 12:56Mon May 20 12:56:43 2024In response to Re: The truth the fans deserve

Views: 1223

I think Derek stepped outside his remit.
He did post on.Boro Chat (with the best of intentions without a doubt) that the football subcommittee had ended its search and was going to present that choice to the board a few days later.
That was a mistake.
As was announcing "we have a manager(s)"

However Derek failed tion all of this when he posted about "the truth the fans deserve", with a very one-sided account which missed out all of the important bits that made him look bad.

And, as is normally the case, negative news was slurpes up with gusto by those looking for a chance to say "told you so".

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Next article in this thread: Re: The truth the fans deserve by Breadline20/5/2024 18:13Mon May 20 18:13:13 2024

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