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Re: A Retraction

By Unnamed Sauce ((Dysfunctional sector))23/5 09:51Thu May 23 09:51:32 2024In response to Re: A Retraction

Views: 600

Some of the language being used and expressed in that thread is not for me. And having slept on what I posted last night-I still feel it has nothing to do with football. As you know, I have strongly held political views on everything from drowning Prime Ministers, through to to the chaos in parts of the Middle East and right down to the amount of raw sewage regularly being dumped in the River Anker. This is not the place to air them.

As for the vagaries of the various parties still jockeying for position and power as regards the club-after all these years and still having apparently learned nothing during that time-there are two groups taking part in that thread and the other current shenanigans:

1. those who seem to know what the hell is going on:

2. The rest of us.

I am in category two. Other than Darren Acton, who I recognise as being a past goalkeeper-I have no idea who the personalities quoted or insinuated as being involved are. None at all. Even though apparently, I was standing next to some of them last week. Even though a few have been named elsewhere. I cannot put a face to them. And of course, not all have been named. Just referred to as "he." Or by using initials. Even after trying to follow such a long thread, I have no real idea of who has done what and to whom and more importantly....why.

There is one thing currently in matters of this club-Phoenix or otherwise-that stands out above all others. It is the continuing lack of transparency. We are all hiding behind aliases on here, myself included. That has advantages and disadvantages. I realise that some people feel they are being sensible by only hinting at things. But it does not always help to speak in euphemisms.

In an information vacuum, interest wanes. As I grow older my tolerance threshold shrinks. I do not have time to spend all day combing social media platforms to try to find out what is going on. I was intending to go and watch the "New" Boro sometimes next season. Now I find that the only thing "new" about it is the name-and even that is not original. So unless something radical happens, I just can't drum up any interest.

All this infighting is nothing new. It is an old old OLD overplayed record, with the same needles stuck in a different groove. It may seem thrilling to some. But to a few of us it is just boring.

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