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Re: Player agree’s terms

By Boropod (BoroughPod)2/6/2024 16:26Sun Jun 2 16:26:32 2024In response to Re: Player agree’s terms

Views: 770

Saw a few games at level 6 in last few months including teams in our league as I live in Leics.
Most teams had a few enthusiastic youngish lads and some older footballers that I could not comprehend what they were trying to do.
Defending seemed to be a major weakness and the goalies were not great. Attacking however seemed to be the way.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Next article in this thread: Re: Player agree’s terms by The_Hullablue2/6/2024 20:12Sun Jun 2 20:12:49 2024

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