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Re: Wednesfield 0 Boro 4 FT

By Nuneaton110/8/2024 21:29Sat Aug 10 21:29:16 2024In response to Re: Wednesfield 0 Boro 4 FT

Views: 882

Serious question to armchair vulture and spurs and Verde, why do you keep posting on a football forum where you've both admitted to having zero interest in. Most of your posts are either negative or patronising, seriously why bother. Spurs you said you can't watch park football, well thats your choice. why come on here and rub people up by saying that. Just enjoy paying a premium watching overpayed drama queens in a sanitised atmosphere and let the rest of us enjoy watching "Park football".

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Next article in this thread: Re: Wednesfield 0 Boro 4 FT by Spurs and Verde 10/8/2024 21:43Sat Aug 10 21:43:05 2024

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