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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vulture7/1 22:39Tue Jan 7 22:39:47 2025In response to Back to Nuneaton Fund

Views: 1150

The money they've raised so far wont even get you a planning application. Architects fees and most importantly to start with planning agents who will charge at least 100 quid an hour.
Say they find a site:
1. The council have already said they won't help the club financially and with Boros track record why would they?
2 Limited areas of land and none within the traditional fan base area.
3. Any site will require access infrastructure costs.
4. Just because there is land and money it don't mean you'll get planning permission.
5. Any proposed new ground next to residential development will incur the wrath of local residents and their councilors will have a field day.
Remember too where Leamington have had to play for many years- basically on farm land.
Remember 20 odd years ago Boro approached the council for site recommendations.
All these sites failed and so Boro were shunted in with the Nuns on the towns eastern extremities, far away from the traditional fanbase.
At this time Boro had an asset to sell, all be it complicated with the covenant and club debt.
I reckon you're looking at 3million quid for a basic setup akin to Stratford town.
Grants can be procured but this will only take you so far.
And a big mistake would be to create any new ground far away from the fanbase; Liberty way drove many traditional Manor Park supporters away and the club needs as many fans as it can get.
Looking at the local plan I see no sites suitable in the Stockingford/Camp Hill area or anything near the location of Manor Park.
Me? Id be a cheeky sod and get together with the council and Beduth- sell the oval for much needed housing.
Use this money along with grants to construct a new ground shared by both clubs including leisure facilities, a corporate area to make money and 4G pitches which could bring in money.
The location? Land between the two towns in the vicinity of Bermuda park - green belt but get justification for the development using the NPPF. And remember the new Labour government are pushing the need for new housing so everyone's a winner.
Pie in the sky perhaps but no harm in asking.
The hard part in all this is trying to persuade the LA when you consider the football clubs financial reputation over the last 50 years.
Liberty way? waste of time but may be the only option if Town could somehow get back.
Whatever happens it will be a long long road back sadly and the reality of the damage done the last few years will soon become far more apparent.
Although no longer a supporter myself I wish all you town fans the best of luck for getting the club back into Nuneaton but it aint gonna be easy without a big money investor.

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