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Re: Enjoyment

By VS City (VS Boro)Yesterday 16:02Yesterday at 16:02:25In response to Enjoyment

Views: 265

I have yet to attend, but intend to...but when.
As explained JG has cured my addiction to football.

What I am picking up is people are enjoying it now and feel part of the endeavour. Winning certainly helps.
For too long the club has been one persons personal play thing. Why should I pay for someone else's family and friends to get their fix and income?

As for ground move. The $64,000 question is "where", then closely followed by cost.

Im not saying this is exhaustive, but..
* Liberty Way.................very unlikely, but things do change.
* Joint endeavour with the Nuns on their land?.
* Jubilee way - probably unsuitable for housing, so can't be discounted.
* The pingles?
* Gala Fields?
* Windmill?

Even if a location can be identified there are a lot of hurdles past the finance.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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