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Re: open invitation

By VoR9/1 13:06Thu Jan 9 13:06:21 2025In response to Re: open invitation

Views: 715

I am going to take you to task here AV & no apologies for it!

Gala Field is the obvious location.

It would be a prestige development that NBBC would still own & gain rent from, generating an income & they could put funding into the project if they give it very careful consideration.

If only the Nuns & the Boro could put their differences aside & could co-operate, a town the size of Nuneaton could have a facility & a groundshare between their two premier sports clubs that they could be proud of & who knows Nuneaton Griff could also consider joining the party in some form or other.

The town needs visionaries to step forward from all quarters.

Just my thoughts!

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Next article in this thread: Re: open invitation by bert's dad10/1 09:14Fri Jan 10 09:14:10 2025

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