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Agree 100% LoTM

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)27/1 10:03Mon Jan 27 10:03:45 2025In response to Re: In summary

Views: 560

So much more fun this season than many others. Particularly some of the games previously under you know who when some of the antics on the pitch and in the dug out were often ruddy awful.

I wish Beduff could open the turnstile some days by the Memorial Gates, like they used to during our "derbies" there, but I guess that is a maintenance/H. & S. /staff costs issue nowadays.

And finally (to provide all Forum readers with an amusing image), being in my dotage now, if I slipped on that grass bank coming down towards pitchside I'd probably bounce right over the perimeter fencing and onto the 3G.

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