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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)10/2 09:44Mon Feb 10 09:44:00 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!

Views: 531

There is moaning..and then there is moaning for moaning's sake. The people I am talking about shout their rubbish at the players and then turn round, as if to seek support from others. There is none, because they single out individual players and identify what they see as their mistakes. Almost everything they shout comes indirectly off the telly.

Forum "moaning" usually is no such thing. It's just a varied group of people expressing different opinions. "Forum": as I have often suggested, the clue is in the name.

Hands up, I have moaned for England over the years. As much as anyone. But rarely if ever at the players. I did grumble about Gary Bradder on the one of two occasions I ever sat in the stand at MP. He was club captain at the time but injured hence sitting nearby. He spent more time checking results elsewhere than he did encouraging those playing and wearing the shirt. I thought that was a poor show.

Being judgemental, I doubt the armchair moaners have ever coached, played, run the line or refereed. Those of you who have, may well agree with Lee Dixon that shouting things at individuals does not really make anyone play any better. You know when you have made a mistake on the field. You don't need to be reminded about it again by some nonentity watching.

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