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Well done all

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)12/2 15:11Wed Feb 12 15:11:35 2025In response to Re: January Treasurer's Report

Views: 626

I'm not going to bang on again about how I had to manage a seven figure annual budget for over 16 years .


My experience was that underestimating and being careful (not mean) leads to successful financial management.

Chucking other peoples' money at the wall for the sake of it is it a mug's game. And a recipe for disaster.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Well done all by Dougie812/2 16:43Wed Feb 12 16:43:24 2025

Previous thread: I have a few criticisms by Unnamed Sauce14/2 11:35Fri Feb 14 11:35:20 2025view thread