Re: This coming Saturday...
Views: 133
1. I usually park on Spitalfields (Civic Hall ) 1 or 2 car parks. Or a club car park nearby where I am a member. I'm not as mobile as I used to be so a short walk suits me.
2. Bar seems fine. I've had a few beers in there. Spoons is a five minute walk away. Does a mean Hazy Jane and Guests
3. Table often sited just inside the gate, rh side. Also in bar.
4. Attacking line up and format. 108 league goals tells it all. Excellent use of subs. All out commitment. Passengers not permitted.
5. Danico is likely to be the biggest surprise to you. He is well built but surprisingly fleet and has skills which the MP faithful would have adored. Many defenders have underestimated him. At cost. At the start of the season I also wondered why Carsley took the set pieces instead of going into the area. ( He is very tall) . It's because he hits the ball hard and pretty accurately.
6. I stand far side, opposite club house. Nearest to whichever end we play into. (Free movement all round) . I recommend the green tea bar on that side, run by a lovely lady who sells some home made stuff as well as the usual snacks. Food generally is quite good imho. Prices very fair.
7. I hope you enjoy it. My grandson, Nephew and son have all visited the Oval to watch BoroTown this season and each had a good time. Coton Green like many of our opponents will come to rough it and get in our faces. They will also probably play out of their skins. I hope BoroTown show you what has drawn some of us back this season by surmounting that and still bagging a few more goals.
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