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Re: Worked hard for that

By joetowny (Joe)Yesterday 12:43Yesterday at 12:43:46In response to Re: Worked hard for that

Views: 152

of course nothing is certain until it is fact
let me put it another way if you had to put say 500 quid on the outcome
where would you put it

*lets say for a return of say 550 quid on the boro at 10-1 on.
or say for a return of 4000 quid on ANO.

*just a piece of logical guesswork ref odds on my part.

ps. btw i wouldnt give you any odds on the Boro
i wud rather keep my 50 quid... not saying miracles never happen ;-) .... but

Edited by Joe at 12:44:15 on 16th March 2025

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