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Re: Summary

By VS Griff (VS Boro)26/1 11:54Fri Jan 26 11:54:17 2024In response to Re: Summary

Views: 554

To be honest, I am very indifferent to any new club.

The situation and history makes the (yet again) demise of NBFC very unique.

My ideal would be at least 8 local people get together and set up a club with (at least 1) supporters representatives on the board and treated as equals (having agreed to important constraints).
If this means the supporters group had to raise £x,000/year to remain then so-be-it.

Transparency (as much as could be expected) would be important.

Even if this was possible, this club would not have any facilities and that takes money.

The new club would not be able to take loans (other than from financial institutes) other than short-term loans that would have to be repaid within (say) 6 months and the same source could not be used for 24 months.

This off top of my head.

100% fans owned sounds great, but enthusiasm with drop and it will be left to a few.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<