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Re: H&H = BS Central

By VS Dysfunctional (VS Boro)11/2 11:04Sun Feb 11 11:04:38 2024In response to Re: H&H = BS Central

Views: 751

I think the SE sponsorship is a complex issue. He also sponsors Bedworth (and I believe Barwell).

With respect to Hinckley Road. Boro Leisure discounted this (and Rugby) due to cost. Have they dropped their demands?

Shame H&H can't join forces with the new initiative. Not wanting to be part seems to indicate "it's my way, or no way".
(I hope) the new initiative have a board with equal rights and (difficult I know) that this is respected and not dictated by those with most money*

There is a lot of talk about the council. Times have changed, and my best hope would for the council to pay for a facility available to all BUT get someone private to run it for them. This could open the way for a mens football team to rent it.

I was very "not bothered" about a new club (in any guise), but I am slightly more enthusiastic now.

* I still claim the biggest "investors" are those who pay at the turnstile. 200 paying (say) £5 is £21,000pa.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<