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By VS City (VS Boro)20/5 12:19Mon May 20 12:19:26 2024In response to Re: HULLABLUE

Views: 1110

As I said “no idea if the case”.

I could find dirt on ****** ****** (aka hullablue) and spread that info to others
* could be mistaken identity.
* could be false information.
* could be privileged information.
* could be abuse of “power”. I have access to stuff and information (my voluntary work) that I can never share.
* could be “spent”.
* could be a fault accusation.
* could be private information that can not be shared (GDPR).

How would you find dirt on me?
How would I find dirt on you?

One is easier than the other if using the internet.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<