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Boro Exhibition at Museum - starts 15th June

By From Town To Town14/6/2024 12:18Fri Jun 14 12:18:30 2024

Views: 438

From Town To Town, in conjunction with Nuneaton Borough Supporters' Co-operative, are pleased to announce that our exhibition at Nuneaton Museum will open tomorrow, Saturday 15th June.

The display showcases many rare and unique items from the town's senior football club that was formed in 1889.

The museum opening hours are Wednesday to Saturday, 10:30am to 4:30pm.

The exhibition will run until Saturday 10th August and entry is FREE.

From Town To Town - Nuneaton's Footballing Heritage

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  • Collapse threadBoro Exhibition at Museum - starts 15th June by From Town To Town14/6/2024 12:18Fri Jun 14 12:18:30 2024view thread