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Re: Wednesfield 0 Boro 4 FT

By Armchair vulture10/8/2024 19:41Sat Aug 10 19:41:51 2024In response to Re: Wednesfield 0 Boro 4 FT

Views: 1084

I'm with Spurs but good luck to all of you who are putting hard work in to resurrect the club AGAIN.
As Tamworth run out in the National league while Boro yet gain turn out in the abyss maybe those who are mow putting hard work in such as Mark should perhaps have been a bit more vociferous in trying to oppose the buffoon who ruined the last club.
Personally I see a few seasons of success but when Boro do return to at least the Southern Central the financial turmoil will probably return.
Despite my apathy I genuinely wish all those involved much success but sadly three collapses in 30 odd years has done it for me.
All that said the club needs to come back to Nuneaton with a new ground within its historic catchment area. Trouble is there is no land in that area and a return to the eastern fringes of town will probably give you another Liberty way.
So now the Starmer Marxists are in power Boro should bang heads with the green backs, get some grants and ask the council to sell the Oval for housing - all the money can then go to building a new complex and ground between the two towns on the existing green belt but Keir Stalin wont be opposed to that so happy days - a new modern ground for both clubs owned by the council and shared by both clubs. Happy days
Good luck to you all.