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A short story...

By MJNB20/12/2024 11:10Fri Dec 20 11:10:55 2024

Views: 590

In approximately 1994, whilst sat in the main stand at Manor Park with my late father and Mum, two young lads and their Dad sat in front of us, and me and the lads became good friends. I was 9, and they were 11 and 9 at the time.

We continued sitting together for Boro's title wins as a kids in 1996 and 1999, before moving on to the Cock n Bear end in our teens, and eventually going to pretty much every away game together with a group of other lads we met, enjoying too many beers, enjoying nights away watching Boro' in various towns and cities (Newcastle for Blyth, Guernsey pre season trip, Newquay for Truro, Torquay, London stopover for Dartford etc etc etc).

30 years of friendship later, whilst sat at my house yesterday with my wife and daughter, the elder of the two lads I met back in 1994 at Manor Park asked me to be best man at his wedding next year.

Sadly, due to location and family commitments, I don't get to see Boro/Town much these days, but yesterday was a reminder of how special Boro' has been to me over the years, the memories that come with it, and how much of a bond sport/football/Boro can create amongst us.

I hope the young lads (and others, obviously) having their fancy dress piss up tomorrow have a blinding day, as those friendships and piss ups at football lead to special days like I'm gonna experience soon!


  • Collapse threadA short story... by MJNB20/12/2024 11:10Fri Dec 20 11:10:55 2024view thread