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Re: open invitation

By almost average 28/1 13:05Wed Jan 8 13:05:00 2025In response to open invitation

Views: 1000

Have spoken on this subject with a number of fans and there's no doubt the 400- 500 who do seem to be on board do feel this is our club and there's a really positive feel about match days . The away days are really fun with 200 - 300 fans converging on some local club who normally get 30 - 100 home fans . Does help when your winning most weeks .
I'd rather see the club playing at step 6 in Bedworth , but being run well , than at step 1-3 by people you can't trust with the clubs best interest a distant second to their own , or just plain poorly . Despite all the positivity there does also need to be realism about what's ahead of us and imo it ain't going to be easy or quick , but for now i'm thoroughly enjoying this new boro / town .
Nice to see some lapsed posters back with some interesting posts .