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Re: open invitation

By Armchair vulture9/1 10:19Thu Jan 9 10:19:05 2025In response to Re: open invitation

Views: 725

No doom and gloom on here - there is realism and reality - starting a new club is the easy bit - building a brand new ground in a town with very few suitable sites is quite another. And the money the club has made so far may perhaps pay for a buffet spread at a planners meeting.
Not negativity just realism.
25 years ago Boro asked the council for potential sites for a new ground. All recommendations failed at the planning stage. Opposition from local residents related to each site was massive and other issues also contributed to the plans failure - the result was that Boro were shafted into Liberty way at the other side.of the town resulting in many Manor park stalwarts abandoning their support.
Even if the council propose a site they will not fund it and planning permission is.never guaranteed. Any proposal in the close vicinity of residential development will face opposition which is just what occurred when the council proposed the Jubilee centre.
Not impossible but certainly not easy and that my friend is the reality.
Modern Nuneaton is predominantly a residential area with very few areas of land that have not been earmarked in the local plan for more housing. Boro missed a big opportunity decades ago when there were some decent tracks of abandoned industrial land available but these have since been developed.
I still believe that Boro and Bedworth United should come together and approach the council with a plan to build a new purpose built facility for both to share funded by grants and the sake of the Oval. The council would still own the ground with both clubs paying rent.
The location is difficult but perhaps on land next to Bermuda park.
Can't see the council offering anything other than pre-ap advice unless there is something in it for them. Why would they put any money into an institution with a track record of financial failure with nothing in return? For me a joint venture with Beduth is perhaps the only way forward but getting all parties to agree would be a major stumbling block.