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Re: Elephant in the room

By Armchair vultureToday 09:12Today at 09:12:10In response to Re: Elephant in the room

Views: 189

Sadly when it comes to Boro/Town there are realities.
1. Massively well supported in the late 60's - then a decline in crowds.
2. Big crowds for big games.
3. Manor Park- huge but a 1920s ground which near the end was a rusting, decaying dump which required big money the club never had.
3. Manor Park not able to generate money all year round.
4. Boro historically always crying for money and close to the edge.
5. Kelly tried to make money with totes and bringing in Best and Ali to make money- many lambast him but he did try.
6. Kelly brought in Carr and produced one of the best sides in Boro history- the crowds however were generally poor and around the 800- 1000 mark bar some big games. Economic situation and lack of promotion carrot at the time was a factor and crowds across football were down in this era massively.
7. Boro thrown out of conference as Taylor report closed many designated ground stands post Bradford- Boro didn't have the money to improve the ground.
8. Kerry et al took over and rebuilt the main stand - created more debt with the club going under in the early 90s.
9. Consortium saves club and slowly try to improve the team and ground.
10. Brenden Phillips creates one of the most entertaining sides in the clubs history watched by 1200-1500 ish crowds.
11. Boro back in conference with average crowds around 2000 then Farnborough and decline yet again- crowds dived in Conf north to around 800 - 1000.
12. CLayton et al say Manor Park not viable to make money to fund Boro and look for new ground.
13 . Council offer sites- all options fail prior to and at planning stage.
14. Boro shunted to liberty way in a new ground many didn't like- some end their support due to location and other reasons.
15. Neale takes over and liquidates the club starting again at low level but under Wilkin slowly climbs back to conference.
16. Conference crowds never match Manor park conference crowds ( Boro fans not including away supporters).

The fundamental point I am making is that Nuneaton people don't seem to bothered about watching run of the mill games, even at the top level of non league- the town has changed. Nuneaton folk that like football can be at CCFC in 10 minutes or Villa in half and hour- why would they give this up to watch Boro especially at step 2 or 3 of non league?
Its often been said that Nuneaton is a football town - may be so but in the 21st century its not a non- league town.
So many similar and smaller towns than Nuneaton get much better crowds than Boro and to me all the years of failure, economic problems and club collapses has done so much damage.
When I look at images of Town games now I see youngsters but it still seems and looks like the vast majority of supporters are 55 plus - it looked the same at the fans forum looking at the pictures.
So the way forward? Carry on with the fan owned setup and all the good it is doing.
Try and understand what level the club could be viable at and don't throw money at something that can never be achieved.
Vor is a tad right when it comes to future proofing but grandiose plans for 2000 seater stands is not realistic- incremental development when needed and finances are right is what is needed.
HOWEVER- the elephant in the room - you can have all the funds you want but gaining planning permission for a new ground will be very difficult in a town which is today very much just a residential area.
Vale view has been touted- surrounded on three sides by housing with one major entrance. No resident will want a new Boro ground near their home to potentially hold 5000 fans what with the prospect of noise, floodlight nuisance, anti social behaviour and traffic congestion. Residents near the proposed Jubilee Centre and Elliot park fought against those sites.
All this said Nuneaton does have the population to support a top non league side but it needs a ground in the right place which can turn money when the team aren't playing - 3d pitches, corporate facilities and function rooms.
There also has to be responsible ambition which includes the sort of governance the club now has but lack of funds may hamper this and the spectre of so called successful businessmen getting involved again is a tad concerning.
Gaining the trust of Nuneaton people after years of failure and broken promises is perhaps the hardest part but it may perhaps be true that the big non league club in Nuneaton is a ship long since sailed.