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By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 21:28Mon Jan 29 21:28:45 2024

Views: 2254

I felt it went very well.

More an information sharing opportunity; A start to get the wheels in progress.

About 150-170 present (or 500 in JG Speak).

Just one very embarrassing question. (How much was Andy Walsh costing the coop.......answer was (to nearest penny) £0.00

No real directed references to "what has happened"

* Its up to Boro supporters if they want a club or not and how that shapes up.
* There is a possibility of being with H&H but they dont seem keen (from one meeting).
* To enter at (2 level below; maybe 3 I cant remember) then application has to be in to FA by 1st Feb, otherwise "recreation football" (and no' that term was not used.
* SE "No way will football return to LW"
* The name "Boro" would not be permitted for at least 5 years and then only if credible link to previous incarnation.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 21:29:46 on 29th January 2024
Edited by VS Boro at 21:32:19 on 29th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 13:49Tue Jan 30 13:49:17 2024In response to MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1440

SE being Stuart Eliot?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 15:49Tue Jan 30 15:49:15 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1404


>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 15:52Tue Jan 30 15:52:39 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1361

Do you know in what capacity he was there? On the top table or just a curious fan like yourself?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 15:54Tue Jan 30 15:54:54 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1359

His attendance was equal to everyone else there.
Jason Dean and Roger Stamford (to name just 2) were also there

(I dont think he asked any questions but did give his views (was asked IIRC by the table) when the question of Liberty Way was raised,

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 15:55:47 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 16:56Tue Jan 30 16:56:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1398

I don’t think he was asked I think he volunteered. But he made three inaccurate statements mainly to deflect from not paying the rent I think.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 16:57Tue Jan 30 16:57:44 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1303

Sorry if I have missed this, but you are seemingly in the know about exactly why the gates were locked and the tenancy revoked.
Could you explain it here so we know what is true and what is not.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

Edited by The_Hullablue at 16:57:59 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 17:08Tue Jan 30 17:08:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1493

I think it’s been covered by others before and not me but the arrears went back to 2019.

There has been a brief relax for Covid.

By September over a years rent was owed and immediate payment was asked for.

A payment plan to pay off by Dec 25 was suggested and rejected.

A legal letter sent,

Bailiffs then took reentry of premises.

Then after gates had been locked all sort of supposed offers made to pay off debt but landlord say Boro Leisure was an unreliable tenant.

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 17:10Tue Jan 30 17:10:39 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1279

What were the three inaccurate statements made?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 17:14Tue Jan 30 17:14:07 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1367

Landlord had said football would not return to LW - they only spoke to him once

Landlord had poor relationship with rugby club - he was there Saturday

LW would be knocked down. No plans

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 17:09Wed Jan 31 17:09:37 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 893

Gustavus, I would just like to put the record straight on your last point...LW - No plans.

That may well be the case now that AT have got rid of their sitting tenant, which will increase the value of the Stadium land (it is the land they are interested in) but it was certainly not the case when I was invited to a meeting with Jason & Santi.

It was explained to me that a new Stadium was proposed to be built on the Nuns Nr 2 pitch & that a design & costing had been produced.

What was intended to be a one hour introductory meeting turned into a very informative discussion, at the end of which we had produced a very high level Cost Risk Analysis, including provision for the loss of revenue suffered by a 5-year groundshare, to assist with AT's construction financing/sequencing/programming.

I subsequently posted on here about the potential 'ransom strip' at the access off Ptarmigan Place & you immediately jumped in (because that is what you do) & stated that the 'ransom strip' was owned by Cartwright & they wanted £1 million (another smokescreen on your part), which I said I
considered excessive.

So, I appreciate that you are working hard to tidy up AT's/Nuns position in all of this & you previously said that you only want to see fair play but fair play also means stating the facts.

In law, the law cannot be applied retrospectively & neither can your comment NO PLANS, because there were proposals & plans at that time to demolish & re-develop the existing Stadium side.

It is all water under the bridge now but I felt I had to make that point.

Perhaps you are not as well informed as you make out?


At the end of the meeting Santi went off to see JG & Jason said to me that they would get back in touch...

All of that is now history!

Edited by VoR at 17:15:21 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VoR at 17:15:59 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 18:00Wed Jan 31 18:00:26 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 824

I have this feeling you may have made one tiny weeny mistake.

You believed what you were told by The Boro.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 18:03Wed Jan 31 18:03:13 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 822

Fair comment.


What I still believe, is that a new Boro, with no previous management links to Boro Leisure, could still return to LW & work with AT & the Nuns to re-develop LW to everyone's benefit.

A lot of the spadework has already been done & three pairs of hands instead of two would help with the heavy lifting.

Realistically, the choice is either LW or Gala Field?

Everyone needs to get NBBC onboard & I mean everyone.

Edited by VoR at 18:07:53 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VoR at 18:10:42 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers31/1 21:14Wed Jan 31 21:14:01 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 743

Not going to happen AT “Do Not Want Football At LW”
Quote from tonight’s meeting

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Re: Meeting

By BoroNotBoro31/1 22:19Wed Jan 31 22:19:06 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 651

I never warmed to LW, much preferring the faded, crumbling grandeur of Manor Park, so if we can find a ground/build a ground I won't mourn the loss. Unfortunately, I don't want to go outside of Nuneaton, so I'm doomed to disappointment

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Re: Meeting

By Blueboy (Crocket)1/2 07:31Thu Feb 1 07:31:10 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 545

I agree with this , it is exactly how I feel after watching for the last 60 years I’m not keen on going to Hinckley either but if that’s what we have to do so be it !

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers31/1 22:41Wed Jan 31 22:41:45 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 656

Afraid so tonight’s meeting made it clear to all that any new Nuneaton club would not play in Nuneaton for a while

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 18:18Wed Jan 31 18:18:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 851

Why get the council involved in a move back to LW?

It would have the square route of naff all to do with them.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 18:23Wed Jan 31 18:23:19 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 865

I believe Ted Stocker's original proposal was to construct a three-quarter size 3G pitch, external to the Main Stadium?

By all accounts, LukeS has said that NBBC need 3 more 3G pitches, why not one at LW?

If the specification was upgraded to 4G (with a shock pad) a new full size pitch could be constructed for use by both the new Boro & the Nuns, in a groundshare at a newly constructed, modest Stadium, suitable initially for both the new Boro (playing at a much lower level) & the Nuns...or is that too sensible a proposal?

Edited by VoR at 18:26:27 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VoR at 18:26:55 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VoR at 18:28:00 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)31/1 18:42Wed Jan 31 18:42:25 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 766

You asked in a different post whether you are the only one to dream, VoR. Of course we all dream, but most of us have a filter that means we don't have to rush straight off into long term plans every time we have a thought. You are already planning a 4G pitch share with the Nuns at a ground where the owners won't even talk to us. Maybe just calm down a bit and not rush ahead with your detailed plans every time a thought goes through your head.

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 18:49Wed Jan 31 18:49:14 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 830

The real problem that this town has Greg, is that its people are dysfunctional, they have great difficulty in forming normal social relationships & partnerships.

Sometimes, they need to be prompted to give them something else to argue about!

What is seemingly straightforward in other towns is an issue in Nuneaton

That is why our town is poked fun at!

This latest episode at LW has IMO brought shame on our town.

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Re: Meeting

By Barwell Boro (Spurs and Verde)1/2 17:55Thu Feb 1 17:55:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 512

1) You mean you have difficulty forming normal relationships so spend so much time on a football forum

2) is Nuneaton poked fun at …… by who about what ??

3) losing liberty has brought shame on the town —- has it I bet 99.9% of football fans in this country don’t know or don’t care

Bit of a weird post this VOR

Retired Boro fan
Tottenham and Austin FC sufferer

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)1/2 09:31Thu Feb 1 09:31:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 537

And there we go - you proved my point straight off the bat. Your first sentence has alienated long standing Boro fans in one simple statement because you didn't stop to think about the implications. The thought came into your head, and your fingers typed it before you actually considered what you were saying.

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Pot and kettle AGAIN!

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)31/1 21:43Wed Jan 31 21:43:56 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 761

That opening sentence is the most remarkable piece of insulting garbage I have ever read, here, or on any other forum.

It is so appalling, it deserves a much wider audience than being buried on here. Voice of Rubbish has let his guard slip and finally shown us all what he really thinks about us.


Voice of Rubbish, our patronising ,delusional ,condescending, ignorant, self appointed saviour, there is , was, has never been and probably never will be, a more dysfunctional human being contributing ( I use the word advisably) to any debate on football matters on this Forum ......than you.

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Re: Pot and kettle AGAIN!

By VoR31/1 22:42Wed Jan 31 22:42:31 2024In response to Pot and kettle AGAIN! Top of thread

Views: 720

If I remember correctly, you were berating the town on here recently & lauding Bedworth for homing the Charity you work for, after Nuneaton had shown no interest?

I am Nuneaton born & bred & have lived here all of my life & I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that Nuneaton people aren't interested in anything other than online shopping, parcel deliveries & food deliveries.

By the way, it looks like it's Hinckley LR for the next 2/3 of my mates sends his regards.

Edited by VoR at 22:43:07 on 31st January 2024

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Digging a very large hole

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)1/2 17:52Thu Feb 1 17:52:13 2024In response to Re: Pot and kettle AGAIN! Top of thread

Views: 548

" I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that Nuneaton people aren't interested in anything other than online shopping, parcel deliveries & food deliveries. "

I cannot add any more to my previous post than this . No further comment needed.

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Re: Pot and kettle AGAIN!

By VS Dysfunctional (VS Boro)31/1 22:48Wed Jan 31 22:48:07 2024In response to Re: Pot and kettle AGAIN! Top of thread

Views: 711

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that Nuneaton people aren't interested in anything other than online shopping, parcel deliveries & food deliveries..

All towns and city use the internet for shopping.
The reason for the likes of Debenhams, Jessops, Woolworths being no more
The likes of Next, John Lewis and Marks & Spencer closing stores and focusing on large shopping complex & Internet
The rise of companies like Amazon, Just Eat.
is not actually down solely to the people of Nuneaton. Amazing I know; who would have thought.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 22:48:38 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Pot and kettle AGAIN!

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)31/1 22:33Wed Jan 31 22:33:44 2024In response to Pot and kettle AGAIN! Top of thread

Views: 767

Arrogance at it highest… well said

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 20:04Wed Jan 31 20:04:21 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 748

its people are dysfunctional,


>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 18:53Wed Jan 31 18:53:21 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 836

What a patronising, insulting, factually flawed pile of absolute horseshit.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture31/1 18:55Wed Jan 31 18:55:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 805

Hulla is back and shooting from the hip- as VORs post goes it is the jackpot in generalisation bingo.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 18:48Wed Jan 31 18:48:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 759

(unless mistaken) its not even the owners land.

The idea (pre LockGate) was reported by the coop and indicated the Nuns were not keen.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VS. (VS Boro)31/1 18:37Wed Jan 31 18:37:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 775

What happened to stockers plan - link to it recently posted!Asg77DMmjpbRgkBGnlrj1vc0enqh

Edited by VS Boro at 18:38:44 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VS Boro at 18:39:26 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 18:31Wed Jan 31 18:31:37 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 773

Ted Stocker's original proposal was to lie and screw everyone over so he got his money back.

Edit: Freudian slip changed "to lie" to "Tories".

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

Edited by The_Hullablue at 18:35:58 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 17:31Wed Jan 31 17:31:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 830

When was this?
In what capacity were you invited?
ou produced a High level RA in a meeting.

Were the nuns involved as they own that land.

This is what the coop reported back having spoke to LW owners.

Whose "plans" were these? I see no mention of AT being present

Feed back from owner of ground.
The Rugby Club are not happy with his proposals for the present ground, which is to build them a new ground on part of the land at Liberty Way, which the football club would then share with them. He would then apply for planning permission for the rest of the site. This leaves the football club in limbo at present with less then 3 years on the current lease.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 17:43Wed Jan 31 17:43:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 772

I was invited by Jason on an informal basis to meet members of the Operational Board at the time, to give an opinion.

What we discussed at the time, in principle, was feasible & I subsequently met up with a good mate of mine, who agreed to help with the Planning function...Development & Construction Planning.

If you want to know more specific details, you need to speak to the Co-op.


IMO, now that the new Boro are likely to drop through the leagues, a return to LW should not be ruled out from a good business point of opinion is only based on sound business practice & doesn't account for the people involved!

Edited by VoR at 17:47:28 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus31/1 17:17Wed Jan 31 17:17:46 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 847

A feasibility study is not a plan!

Were you asked to sign an NDA as they were?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 17:21Wed Jan 31 17:21:39 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 852

It was all very positive at that time & we were planning to hold further meetings.

There was no mention of signing an NDA.

I have no idea what happened after I attended the first meeting to change the situation, perhaps you could enlighten me?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus31/1 17:22Wed Jan 31 17:22:08 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 809

Hmmm ...

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 17:28Wed Jan 31 17:28:43 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 793

The situation that existed at that time is further supported in the Supporters Co-op Minutes, so it is clear that proposals were being considered to re-develop the site, so it was no secret.

Those proposals & plans may now have changed, now the circumstances have changed?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus31/1 18:50Wed Jan 31 18:50:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 788

I don’t know what repercussions you will have caused with your admission but you see it goes to the very heart of governance. Some people just do not have the intellectual capability to understand what confidentiality really means and the need to uphold it at all times.

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 18:57Wed Jan 31 18:57:10 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 732

Gustavus, you should have better phrased/couched your answer.

You questioned the accuracy of SE's comment.

The Boro supporters reading your comment could have believed it to be true.

Edited by VoR at 18:57:26 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 19:06Wed Jan 31 19:06:07 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 732

Gustavus is a Boro fan.

Your wording suggests they are outside the "Boro fan" demographic.

The accuracy was not questioned, as in Gustavus did not wonder if it was true, he said, categorically, it was not.

And I think you missed the point by declaring in writing, on a public forum, that people had breached a NDA.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)31/1 19:09Wed Jan 31 19:09:03 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 725

Hulla - this harks back to my earlier comment. There seems to be a filter missing somewhere - if the thought occurs, it has be typed immediately.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus31/1 18:59Wed Jan 31 18:59:07 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 742

All three of SE’s claims were untrue as I demonstrated.

But your and Boro Leisure’s breach of a signed document is a separate matter!

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)31/1 19:07Wed Jan 31 19:07:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 719

I.m not sure you have demonstrated that SE's "No football at LW" is false, Gustavus. You have said it would not be logical for AT to have said that during negotiations, but you have not shown that it didn't happen at any time before Monday evening.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 19:15Wed Jan 31 19:15:41 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 710

His argument is that AT had not spoken to anyone connected with Boro Leisure since the gates were locked, so that comment could not have been made.
Before the gates were locked, there was football at LW.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)31/1 19:28Wed Jan 31 19:28:09 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 713

There is an issue of "what is actually demonstrating something"? It would seem that Gustavus has knowledge of what happened, but cannot explicitly tell us what it is. Therefore, he may know things - but that doesn't mean it's been demonstrated to us.

He is probably correct that some things are not logical. It was not logical to miss paying the rent, but it happened.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 19:43Wed Jan 31 19:43:09 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 713

Aaah, you are at the "this is illogical so a normal person would not do it" with "this is illogical but the Boro did it anyways" stage.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)31/1 20:03Wed Jan 31 20:03:22 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 716

I'm not sure I have been at any other stage for many years.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus31/1 19:20Wed Jan 31 19:20:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 729

And I don’t particularly want to argue with Greg but my understanding is that the only thing the solicitor has said is that Boro Leisure is an unreliable tenant.

Even JG has acknowledged this iin some of his interviews.

There is no way a solicitor would make a sweeping comment about no more football.

I think it was SE hyperbole to deflect,

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 17:35Wed Jan 31 17:35:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 852

Feed back from owner of ground.
The Rugby Club are not happy with his proposals for the present ground, which is to build them a new ground on part of the land at Liberty Way, which the football club would then share with them. He would then apply for planning permission for the rest of the site. This leaves the football club in limbo at present with less then 3 years on the current lease.

This was a meeting between the coop and AT which mentioned the Nuns.
So, if any proposal would be initiated by AT. To draw up plans without some agreement from those who own the land would be folly.
Its like H&H presenting their plans to build a FL ready stadium at the Griff.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 17:50Wed Jan 31 17:50:13 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 776

VS, as I have pointed out many times before, to re-develop LW would need a Joint Development Agreement between AT & the Nuns.

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Re: Meeting

By LukeS (LH)30/1 17:35Tue Jan 30 17:35:06 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1307

As far as I am aware, all who have spoken to Arden Tigress regarding LW have had some connection to Boro Leisure Ltd, at least the way it may appear to the landlord.

There may be the slimmest hope, but it would be foolish not to take the chance.

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 17:23Tue Jan 30 17:23:37 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1274

"Landlord had said football would not return to LW - they only spoke to him once"

Football will return to LW then?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 17:25Tue Jan 30 17:25:00 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1290

Not saying that I don’t know.

But they had never said what was quoted last night. Same as they had never said if JG went it made any difference. They simply and accurately said - which was their right - that Boro Leisure had been an unreliable tenant.

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 19:27Tue Jan 30 19:27:53 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1174

Are you absolutely certain that someone from AT did not say to SE that football would never return to Liberty Way? You know the content of a private conversation?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 19:31Tue Jan 30 19:31:53 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1166

Yep . The only conversation was whilst the lease still existed.

And I should have added earlier the other breaches of the lease which led to the forfeiture were subletting and condition of the buildings.

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 19:37Tue Jan 30 19:37:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1195

And you were personally party to that conversation? You actually heard it?

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue30/1 19:58Tue Jan 30 19:58:43 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1157

Because he is Neil Robinson / one of his bitches.

(Neil isn’t actually the landlord. It’s his boss)

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Re: Meeting

By uneaton burro ("THE ERASER")30/1 21:24Tue Jan 30 21:24:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1119

No Text


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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 21:41Tue Jan 30 21:41:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1109


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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 19:46Tue Jan 30 19:46:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1167

Given it was whilst the lease was still in existence it would be very strange to say there would never again be football at LW.

Indeed there probably was football the next Saturday!

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 20:11Tue Jan 30 20:11:41 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1121

I understood that SE contacted AT after the lockout, and made an offer to pay off all arrears and pay some in advance. That is only my understanding of the situation.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 21:16Tue Jan 30 21:16:37 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1094

At the risk of more vitriol from Manor Park Blue it was by text and responded to by solicitor. And as you say all after the lease had gone!

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)31/1 16:27Wed Jan 31 16:27:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 820

Indeed - but that could well have been when the "No more football at LW" comment was made.

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Re: Meeting

By Inquisitiveone30/1 22:05Tue Jan 30 22:05:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1056

When will it finally be accepted that the blame for the LW lock out sits firmly with a tenant who defaulted on the terms of the lease, namely non-payment of rent plus other possible breaches eg sub-letting. I can imagine that the rent would comfortably cost less than one, two or three players wages per month. It is so easy to promise jam tomorrow and offer a payment plan with full payment of rent arrears after the lease has been forfeited but where were the directors in the preceding months urging that financial obligations were met?

When the new club emerges, let us hope that the broad church required to manage the enterprise completely grasp all obligations that come with management and that the impossible dream proves possible. And I would suspect that AT require no bitches at their side: business acumen and legal propriety seem to have been the swords at their disposal.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 22:11Tue Jan 30 22:11:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1129

Every Boro fan I know knows the balme lies with the club, not the landlords.

There is hard feelings about the way it was handled, and that AT could have been publicly open about stuff and made it easier for people to visit thier families in the memorial garden and to get flags and memorabilia from the ground, but I do not know anyone who blames the landlords over the tenants.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 14:24Wed Jan 31 14:24:56 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 900

Blames 1 man, but names 2.

How can one man take all this away from our community all our football clubs history just thrown in the bin for pure selfishness gain!!!
You Boro supporters keep your eye on the site
He must have a building plan in place
To be so heartless and just do this to our town is beyond belief
The new potential owners offered to buy the Ground/Land back and put it in trust for sports only and got told he wouldn’t sell it for a million?
The new owners also offered to clear any rent issues and pay 12 months rent up front!!!
All proposals were simply turned down,
So Ardent Tigress
Mark Lowther
Neil Robinson
Have simply closed the local football club down for there own gain,

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 14:25:04 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers31/1 15:47Wed Jan 31 15:47:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 871

Over to you Gustavos

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Re: Meeting

By Inquisitiveone31/1 16:32Wed Jan 31 16:32:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 815

Is it possible to now move on from the claim/counterclaim/blame tedium of LW and the respective roles of Boro Leisure and AT? Nothing useful will now come of it and a new perspective is required and seems to be being provided by the Coop. One of the lessons that must be learned is the governance and management of the enterprise as I have alluded to earlier. It should not be assumed that everyone involved in any sporting club have philanthropic, community intentions front and centre. The previous management certainly did not. Repeating errors of the past will be careless to say the least which is why it is to be hoped the Coop will find a role to play.

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Re: Meeting

By VoR31/1 17:35Wed Jan 31 17:35:54 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 747

A parallel situation is now being discussed at the RFU, who are proposing to franchise both the Premiership & the Championship.

The RFU's position is that for the funding they are putting in to the Championship, under the present model, they are not getting value for money & that the clubs in the Championship need to make a decision as to whether they want a franchise or whether they want to be the pinnacle of community rugby.

The same applies to the new Boro, does the new Club want to aspire to be an Elite football club or a Recreational/Community football club, because IMO you cannot be both?

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue31/1 16:39Wed Jan 31 16:39:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 835

Until we can all learn the truth, we cannot move one.

Our football club has gone.

We deserve to know why.

Not just claims, but facts.

We deserve the truth.

And without truth, the lessons that need to be learned cannot be.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Inquisitiveone31/1 16:53Wed Jan 31 16:53:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 799

Of course everyone is entitled to the truth but I am afraid this is unlikely to be forthcoming now. Business have confidentialities to uphold and so documentary evidence to prove or disprove will not be available. Then we have hearsay and anecdotal evidence that would be self-serving and impossible to prove or challenge. Some lessons are easy to take forward.

Incur minimal debt and only that which can be readily repaid.
Live within one’s means
Have a management and governance system that embraces a wide spectrum of ability, experience and interest (fans)
Fully understand the terms and obligations of any lease that pertains to the ground.
And dont forget to pay a landlord rent

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 17:03Wed Jan 31 17:03:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 731

I believe that debt was presented to sponsons in September. I am amazed no leaks.
Given this, has not company confidentiality been breached already?

I understand why not at the time, but for all intent and purpose Boro Leisure only exists on paper.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Inquisitiveone31/1 17:37Wed Jan 31 17:37:07 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 798

The whole truth must surely include AT and that might be a stumbling block. A lot of the financial truth would be revealed in the event of liquidation as the full debt position to which creditors would become clear.

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture31/1 16:43Wed Jan 31 16:43:25 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 847

I couldn’t agree more with this. The whole truth is not known but some facts are such as the massive increase in debt recorded on CH during the JG regime.
As I’ve said before of you don’t learn from history you’re doomed to repeat it.
The simple fact is the club has been destroyed and not by supporters.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 22:25Tue Jan 30 22:25:07 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1116

Fair comment

I think this discussion started because Elliott is still in denial and won’t take responsibility as Chairman for what happened. He’s still trying to find a scapegoat when it was negligence in a pretty grand scale.

As for the memorial garden I think a lot of people on here will confirm there is access when approached through the right channels. They’ve posted on here about access. There’s one person who went to the press but I don’t think they contacted the right people and ignored advice of others who told them where to go.

AT communication has been lacking but maybe they thought they didn’t need to explain because they were in the right and were on a hiding to nothing (all the bitches stuff) of they did say anything.

Inquisitive One spot on!

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Re: Meeting

By KLD2/2 19:20Fri Feb 2 19:20:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 498

Not quite sure who you think you are stating that you dont think they contacted the right people. I am not afraid to hide behind an account and hide who I am unlike you especially when it comes to defending my family. Your "facts" are incorrect and you have no right to post what you have regarding your assumptions of my family.
I have solid evidence that the right people were contacted and our access requests were overlooked and no responses made. I have evidence of both multiple attempts to contact through the correct channels and I also now have it in black and white from neil himself that he realised requests we made through the solicitor were passed onto him but he "didnt pick them up". So either you are him and you are telling obvious lies or you are his mate and need to get your facts right before making comments about a family that have been through utter heartbreak of not being able to visit their loved ones graves!! We did not ignore advice of others, we had already done what was advised from the start but received no response. The press release clearly helped, got attention and hit a nerve so it did its purpose and id happily do it again if I was again left with no other option.

Edited by KLD at 19:27:23 on 2nd February 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:32Tue Jan 30 22:32:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1054

You are working very hard Gustavus.

Did you read the Press report on CoventryLive.

The family did everything they could to gain access & say their pleas were ignored.

They were very upset.

You have tried to brush that one off!

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 22:41Tue Jan 30 22:41:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1042

They were offered help on Boro Chat by other families and the landlord has spoken directly to them.

Not sure what else can be done?

He regularly sits in Nuns having a coffee whilst families access memorial garden. He even did it on Xmas Eve

Edited by Gustavus at 22:42:07 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:45Tue Jan 30 22:45:23 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1051

So why did the family see the need to contact the landlord's solicitor, to receive no reply?

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 22:27Tue Jan 30 22:27:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1058

I think I may have missed the "bitches stuff".

Do you know what happened to the flags and the other contents of the buildings?

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 22:29Tue Jan 30 22:29:49 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1086

I believe that’s currently being sorted in terms of possessions on a checklist. As far as I know nothing has happened at all to the ground or any of the buildings.

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Re: Meeting

By The Silverback31/1 01:43Wed Jan 31 01:43:31 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1039

I wonder if all the beer is still in the clubhouse??
Barrels of draught beer will have gone off by now, bottled lagers will be okay though! 🍺

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 22:33Tue Jan 30 22:33:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1055

It would be an appalling act of pettiness if a reliable third party (Town To Town or councillors/MP were not able to collect and store the memorabilia at the club.
Some could even be auctioned to raise some money.
I'd be interested in buying a few bits, such as the rugs with Boro/Town badge on.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 22:36Tue Jan 30 22:36:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1077

Best to contact landowner. Can’t believe they want that stuff. A lot has already been moved and sponsors are collecting their belongings.

Nothing can be taken

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue30/1 22:48Tue Jan 30 22:48:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1047

You might want to tell your legal person your stance.

As lots are still waiting…

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 23:08Tue Jan 30 23:08:16 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1038

Not really sure how calling people bitches helps your appeal?

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue30/1 23:14Tue Jan 30 23:14:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 987

The vibes you give off suggest your from AT, true?

The photo I was forwarded by a friend of a friend suggested my thoughts.

Apologies if I offended. Your posts tonight have indeed changed my views on a lot. I feel AT have in fact been blamed when, as you put, money was ridiculously spent on players instead.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 23:18Tue Jan 30 23:18:56 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1044

I’m not from AT I’m just well informed,

I don’t know anything about your photo?

This conversation only started because I knew what Elliott was claiming was untrue and then others asked me questions.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 23:25Tue Jan 30 23:25:05 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1009

I dont believe it was untrue; just not the whole story.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 23:26Tue Jan 30 23:26:09 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1052

Three points untrue see above

Not sure he said anything else

He’s in denial

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue30/1 23:19Tue Jan 30 23:19:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1008

I’m glad you can give such informed insight.

You have indeed changed my opinion.

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:41Tue Jan 30 22:41:25 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1019

What is happening to sponsorship boards, including those fixed at high level to the Stands?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 22:53Tue Jan 30 22:53:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1006

Same as those who bought season tickets in good faith.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 22:22Tue Jan 30 22:22:30 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1055

I dont know personally any either, but reading social media and having attended games there most certainly are. JG for one.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 22:10Tue Jan 30 22:10:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1043

circa £1000/month I believe. Thats £12,000/year.

As players are paid for 40 weeks thats £300/week during the season.

Rumours abound that certain players were paid £600/week (or more).

So (totally ball park) we are talking about a squad player is same as the rent.
Puts into context "priorities" (and JG wanted more for players 12 months ago to lead to a promotion party).
Accepting other bills had to should have been paid.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:25Tue Jan 30 22:25:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1028

It's difficult to believe that a group of business people would not have prioritised the bills to be paid.

There are remedies for breaches of a lease agreement.

The tenant knows his obligations under a lease & the landlord can point out potential breaches.

It doesn't have to lead to what has happened at LW.

It begs the question as to whether AT just sat quietly by & were in some way complicit in the end result?

I doubt that we will ever know the truth?

Also, Gustavus has commented tonight to the effect that AT never asked JG to go, so that raises another question...what is the real truth?

Edited by VoR at 22:27:00 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 22:32Tue Jan 30 22:32:57 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1028

How long does a landlord have to wait?
what "offers" (if any) were made prior to the gates being closed. Offer that were acceptable to the landlord.

(my view) is that Boro were going to be homeless when the lease expired. This gave the landlords opportunity to bring that forward whilst the club buried its head in the sand.

were there any plans for post-Liberty Way? I dont know; Dean said something about 2 years ago, but it was wishy washy (other than the CIC was in a good place if the club faced problems in the future).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:39Tue Jan 30 22:39:29 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1050

There was talk about a repayment plan being in place & the rent arrears being cleared by December 2023.

Then we have a counter-claim by AT (via Gustavus).

Again, what is the real truth?

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Re: Meeting

By pitman31/1 09:42Wed Jan 31 09:42:47 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1015

Look at my previous posts on this subject. Gustavus speaks the truth.

Only payment plan that was in place was what Jason had agreed to clear COVID rent arrears over a two year period. This was then ignored by the club in not making any payments for over 12 months.

SE requested a further two years to clear the arrears going out to the end of 2025, this was formally rejected by the landlord who suggested to him to re-think the situation and make an improved proposal. (I've seen the email)
The club never replied. This then pissed off the landlord who called in the bailiffs. Only after we had been locked out did SE offer to clear the debt and pay in advance. Trouble is the landlord was made aware of sub-letting which further pissed off the landlord. Given he never put up the rent (£192 per week) we continued to try and stretch out payment plans, didn't honour the payment plan, made a profit in COVID, Sub-let and then continually lied and slag the landlord off, I'm not surprised we are where we are.

As for JG to my knowledge Landlord never stated they wanted him out of the way, as stated before JG and SE covering their backs.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus31/1 12:42Wed Jan 31 12:42:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 956


No wonder VoR has gone so quiet.

I wonder how much the sub letting was bringing in?

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Re: Meeting

By pitman31/1 13:18Wed Jan 31 13:18:49 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 929

I don't know but I'm sure the landlord would be tuned into social media and looking at reports of wages of £800 per week! Then taking into account money being made illegally through sub-letting at a time when his £192 per week was not being paid.

Never take kindness as a weakness as we have found out at our cost.

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue31/1 13:42Wed Jan 31 13:42:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 871

What blame (if any) do you portion with the people JG put in place to over see the running of the club?

Jason Dean for instance? Chairman during this period of non payment.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 13:30Wed Jan 31 13:30:04 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 871

As JG has recently said on Social Media

I really enjoyed bringing all the locals together to support our Hometown Football Club
If I was at fault for trying to give you genuine boro supporters the best team you deserved then I’m sorry! JG.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 13:31:27 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VS Boro at 13:31:45 on 31st January 2024
Edited by VS Boro at 13:31:57 on 31st January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 10:32Wed Jan 31 10:32:57 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 970


Pretty much my understanding. The "pay arrears by end 2025" has never been stated. Paying by "end of 2023" sounds brilliant and reasonable.

Coming to an agreement whilst still holding the keys is totally different to making an offer when the keys are lost.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers31/1 09:52Wed Jan 31 09:52:19 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 962

This is where the moderator should get the “like” option put back in place

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)31/1 10:33Wed Jan 31 10:33:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 915


>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers31/1 09:49Wed Jan 31 09:49:16 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 948

That account is exactly as I understood it to be and proves the demise of the town’s premier sporting club was totally avoidable.
Every person involved in killing the Boro should be excluded from any form of resurrection.

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon231/1 10:15Wed Jan 31 10:15:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 926

I wonder if any players were not paid during this period.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 22:50Tue Jan 30 22:50:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1032

Yes - There was talk. I have no doubt this offer was made (post lock out), but what went on before?

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:57Tue Jan 30 22:57:57 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1018

This has nothing to do with the post-lockout offer.

This was a claim made by JG, who has repeated recently that the lock-out was nothing to do with the rent?

What was it to do with then?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 23:03Tue Jan 30 23:03:51 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1000

Best ask JG then.

And whilst at it could you explain why the club broke safety rules and put spectators in danger during the play off final and why he felt DA Capital were the best option to sell the club to.
Also, what was the un-budgeted bonus of the Villa and Playoff game spent on (and the fund the budget).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 23:01Tue Jan 30 23:01:10 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1031

Have a read of this.
It answers your questions.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 22:38Tue Jan 30 22:38:53 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1017

There was an automatic right to renewal of the lease so that’s the biggest negligence of all.

It really is pathetic that those in charge won’t accept responsibility and still feel they can throw out tittle tattle!

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:43Tue Jan 30 22:43:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 979

That doesn't answer my question.

Was there a repayment plan in place & were the arrears due to be paid up by December 2023?

YES or NO?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 22:44Tue Jan 30 22:44:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1054

Not seen that question

But a definite NO before all the costs were incurred of reentry

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 22:47Tue Jan 30 22:47:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1065

So, again JG appears to have been mislead by someone...who would that be?

Or is JG being truthful?

Again, what is the real truth?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 23:59Tue Jan 30 23:59:54 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1001

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 22:51Tue Jan 30 22:51:25 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 999

You are making the assumption that JG was not aware of the situation. It is possible that he knew, but chose not to pay because he did not foresee the locks going on.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 22:58Tue Jan 30 22:58:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1003

I think thats 100% true.

No way would I think he would think "I know there is a likelihood that we may lose the ground, but I am prepared to risk that so I can sign a squad player".

I think JG (like everyone) was shocked when the locks went on.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture30/1 17:03Tue Jan 30 17:03:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1287

A good question but perhaps the rent issue and the eviction is irrelevant; the 200’000 debt JG created being more important and why.
Before a new club is started there should be an enquiry into the failure of the last one. We must learn from our history.
You’ve kept your powder dry Hulla on the reasons for the collapse and who is responsible. I respect that even though id love to hear your real views on the matter.

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Re: Meeting

By almost average 230/1 17:41Tue Jan 30 17:41:16 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1220

Not sure how much is down to Jimmy but it was strongly suggested last night that the clubs debts are actually around a million pounds .

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 18:50Tue Jan 30 18:50:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1133

Thats typical for reasons Andy gave.

They were higher than reported when he took over, so basically add 20% onto any figure.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)30/1 18:19Tue Jan 30 18:19:14 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1201

If true. Who are they owing ?

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Re: Meeting

By almost average 230/1 19:04Tue Jan 30 19:04:46 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1153

The general feeling was it's probably not just the rent we've not been paying and we may well owe money all over the place . In terms of us relaunching and how sympathetic the FA are towards us is likely to be impacted by what football debts we have .

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 19:43Tue Jan 30 19:43:23 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1100

We had a transfer embargo.

I *think* that is normally only used for football related debts

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 21:29Tue Jan 30 21:29:53 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1041

Transfer embargos can also be put in place for a breach of regulations relating to financial reporting.


Non-payment of taxes on time is now a reason that has been added.

Edited by VoR at 21:32:46 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 20:27Tue Jan 30 20:27:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1043

Thats what I thought, but I have been told otherwise. If my memory is right it was actually nothing directly to do with debts.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By almost average 230/1 19:44Tue Jan 30 19:44:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1087


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Re: Meeting

By Vernon230/1 17:46Tue Jan 30 17:46:00 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1218

Including rent arrears ? Boro Leisure still ‘Active’ at Companies House this evening.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 18:51Tue Jan 30 18:51:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1123

Its a sinking ship with only passengers with no engine or captain or sailors

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 18:51:34 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue30/1 17:55Tue Jan 30 17:55:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1183

It will remain active as there are NO directors. And nobody will be named Director to then be struck off becoming a director for 5/6 years.

There only hope is they are wound up, but even then it won’t be so simple.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 18:52Tue Jan 30 18:52:48 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1099

ANd I believe there is a cost for anyone issuing a winding up order. Given no chance of getting any money back then pointless spending more.

"HOPE" is they are struck off for not returning accounts (next June) or HMRC do what HMRC do.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon230/1 18:00Tue Jan 30 18:00:21 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1190

How does Boro Leisure get sold or taken over then I wonder.

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue30/1 18:37Tue Jan 30 18:37:27 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1192

It isn’t and won’t.

It will die.

These new clubs will have nothing to do with them.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 18:37Tue Jan 30 18:37:18 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1153

It doesn't.

And that could be a big problem as we have been left ownerless for the second time in a few years.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 15:59Tue Jan 30 15:59:09 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1323

Thanks, much appreciated

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 16:20Tue Jan 30 16:20:34 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1224

It was a very good meeting, well presented and seemed to have a cross section of people.

The fact Andy did most the question taking would hint to what the meeting was about. He never expressed his views explicitly and when asked he reversed the question “it’s about what you want and what you can do to make that happen” whilst stressing its no problem if you can’t help.

If anything the general may have been anti H&H but even then that was “listen to what they have to say and ask questions”

There was no real mud slinging towards to previous owners.
Perhaps the most negative point was regarding a zoom meeting with the council who seemed to be ignorant to what the coop was (they thought owners). I read this as the council not really having any interest in anything to do with the football club.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 16:10Tue Jan 30 16:10:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1251

It was a very good meeting, well presented and seemed to have a cross section of people.

The fact Andy did most the question taking would hint to what the meeting was about. He never expressed his views explicitly and when asked he reversed the question “it’s about what you want and what you can do to make that happen” whilst stressing its no problem if you can’t help.

If anything the general may have been anti H&H but even then that was “listen to what they have to say and ask questions”

There was no real mud slinging towards to previous owners.
Perhaps the most negative point was regarding a zoom meeting with the council who seemed to be ignorant to what the coop was (they thought owners). I read this as the council not really having any interest in anything to do with the football club.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 16:18Tue Jan 30 16:18:15 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1264

It was a very good meeting, well presented and seemed to have a cross section of people.
That's pleasing to hear.

If anything the general may have been anti H&H but even then that was “listen to what they have to say and ask questions”
After reading some things on here I did get the impression they were already considered to be the enemy.

There was no real mud slinging towards to previous owners.
This is the place to do that.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 16:23Tue Jan 30 16:23:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1242

I would say more “those in audience” were anti H&H. The table tried hard to be objective and factual (hence not totally dismissing that they may have supporter representation)

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon230/1 16:23Tue Jan 30 16:23:10 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1215

Could anyone tomorrow ask the potential new owners how many times that they’ve watched the Borough this season. I cannot because I am not going and apologise for that.
And they were reportedly in talks on a sale during Leasegate,so what has resurrected their interest after the loss of a ground would also be of interest to me.

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 16:27Tue Jan 30 16:27:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1239

I can only speak for myself but neither of those things interest me in the slightest so if I was to attend count me out of asking 😂

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Re: What is H&H?

By Albert Drainpipe30/1 09:27Tue Jan 30 09:27:02 2024In response to MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1631

For those who couldn't get to the meeting, what is H&H?

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Re: What is H&H?

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 09:29Tue Jan 30 09:29:23 2024In response to Re: What is H&H?Top of thread

Views: 1587

Holliday and Harrison the brummie guys

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Re: What is H&H?

By Albert Drainpipe31/1 18:07Wed Jan 31 18:07:57 2024In response to Re: What is H&H?Top of thread

Views: 799

Thank you for that information

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Re: What is H&H?

By bert's dad30/1 10:26Tue Jan 30 10:26:30 2024In response to Re: What is H&H?Top of thread

Views: 1512

Billie Holiday and George Harrison?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus29/1 22:00Mon Jan 29 22:00:43 2024In response to MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1992

A very good meeting.

One of those meetings where it was more interesting reading between the lines than what was actually said.

Surprised how United everyone was including sponsors (with one jaw dropping question)

Be interesting how it translates into Wednesday’s meeting.

I fear the 4 week steering committee will be too late if the new overlords carry on regardless.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 22:34Mon Jan 29 22:34:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1827

Another that was a surprise to me (happy to be corrected if I got it wrong) was the loan the coop paid to boro leisure and didn’t get any paperwork.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:01Mon Jan 29 23:01:52 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1759

Did anyone ask what sort of gates Nuneaton United were expecting at their out of town ground share in the Coventry Alliance

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:11Mon Jan 29 23:11:02 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1662

Not directly, but when similar type of questions asked to Andy the reply was (rightly) to all “that’s up to you”.

It must be remembered this was an initial meeting to establish the wish to have a working party that could work on details.

I hope those who do this are conservative in the ambitions. Under promise but over achieve is better than than the opposite. Let’s not let enthusiasm run away.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:21Mon Jan 29 23:21:01 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1731

So, if the Co-op are likely to need a season off, so as not to rush & to do things properly, we can watch the other Boro club while we are waiting, is that the likely scenario?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:24Mon Jan 29 23:24:58 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1672

An option.

But does the town want/need/afford two clubs ?

Is starting quick an advantage/disadvantage?

I would love a compromise, but not optimistic.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)29/1 23:29Mon Jan 29 23:29:26 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1637

Realistically there is no prospect of the supporters co-op being able to start a club for at least twelve months, there is the possibility of the new investors having a club in a league next season, i know which i think stands the better chance of succeeding with a new club

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:35Mon Jan 29 23:35:16 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1632

I think coop could start for next season, but at a lower level where decisions is the leagues and no fa involvement. I THINK that it would be 6 or lower (sl central being 3).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By almost average 230/1 06:22Tue Jan 30 06:22:55 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1567

The application needs to be in with everything up and running and in place by Feb 1 . That's for the non league system so effectively step 6 ( Griffs level ) . We can apply to play at county league level 7 or below ( Midland league 2 or 3 ) after that date but this is dealt with by the BCFA / Midland League .

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:27Mon Jan 29 23:27:22 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1682

I was thinking more in terms of having a Boro club to watch.


Is there anyone on the Co-op Board with any previous experience of running a football club, if not do they have anyone in mind?

Edited by VoR at 23:29:21 on 29th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 10:32Tue Jan 30 10:32:23 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1446

Do H&H have any experience of running a football club?
Did Noel Kelly? Did Howard Kerry? Did Roger Stanford? Did Ian Neale, and so on and so forth.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:34Tue Jan 30 10:34:21 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1415


I also said "if not do they have anyone in mind".

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 10:35Tue Jan 30 10:35:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1400

No one has experience in anything until they do it for the first time.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:37Mon Jan 29 23:37:21 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1634

Probably not - given most/all have followed boro since they were kids.

I suppose they could co-opt JG onto the board 😳😳😳

They will get a hell of a lot of help from FSA…. As they have in the last 2 weeks.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:19Mon Jan 29 23:19:25 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1669

The major income for such lowly clubs must be gate receipts

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:32Mon Jan 29 23:32:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1602

Yes, but costs are also less.

As I said, the working party need to meet and work on this sort of thing.

Expected gate
Cost of pitch hire, where and options/deals.
Fund raising.
Pay expenses or not.
Even wages or not.
Merge with existing CIC - if possible/feasible/desirable.
What model to adopt.

To name a few.

I just hope no over optimism. Past/historical gates were brought up tonight to show potential. Also the size of Nuneaton. Also how some say they would not get involved due to how club run over last 30 years.
^^^ some may be valid to some extent or other.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:37Mon Jan 29 23:37:46 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1635

All they need to do is to copy Hinckley AFC's latest published accounts & set up an Excel spreadsheet...all of the headings & cost centres are there in great detail.


No employees.

Wages £37k


Either a CIC or a Registered Society (Mutual Benefit Society).

Edited by VoR at 23:38:01 on 29th January 2024
Edited by VoR at 23:39:31 on 29th January 2024
Edited by VoR at 23:41:02 on 29th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 10:34Tue Jan 30 10:34:09 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1391

All they need to do is set up an excel spreadsheet?

Oh in that case, we will be up and running in two minutes!

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:36Tue Jan 30 10:36:04 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1375

Look at Hinckley AFC's latest accounts, all the information is there in great detail.

It would be a start.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:39Tue Jan 30 10:39:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1416

I think I will ask the coop to drop Andy Walsh and use a Spreadsheet.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:42Tue Jan 30 10:42:06 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1414

You make some strange comments VS.

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Re: Meeting

By boro4430/1 16:19Tue Jan 30 16:19:21 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1169

He’s not the only one.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:52Tue Jan 30 10:52:57 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1343

The irony.

You propose the coop should use a spreadsheet, create s-curves (forgetting past things like FL stadium), has anyone any knowledge.

Have you any previous experience of creating and running a football club? The coop have access to a vast amount of help and knowledge of people who understand fan owned clubs and have set them up themselves.

If Andy proposes plagiarising other work (I am sure he would) OR creating an s-curve then I would back it.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 10:53:20 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:56Tue Jan 30 10:56:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1397

No but I understand Development costs, Development Programmes, Construction S-Curves & Excel spreadsheets.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 11:13Tue Jan 30 11:13:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1352

So do I, but not directly in construction industry.
Any project needs planning; whether thats a new car model; a new software product, a bespoke machine or holiday.

The key is managing challenges and change. How often did I see a PM produce a new fancy spreadsheet when things went pear shaped rather than predict and adjust before the shit it the fan. Often the end date was kept the same, just compress the components.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 11:32Tue Jan 30 11:32:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1317

Construction is different VS.

Value Engineering is a key component & there are always unexpected exceptional costs that have to accounted for in the process.

With a new Stadium build, there will be many different Consultees in the process but all of this can be financially modelled from Local Authority Planning, Pre-Construction, Construction, Post-Construction & on into the future involving Phased Development.

The key tool is being able to produce a Development Programme, which can be priced, generating the S-Curve.

Any change/revision to the Development Programme subsequently generates an updated S-Curve, so you can keep on top of the financial modelling.

With the progressive development of the Development Programme, it generates numerous Operations/Activities, that can run into hundreds of items, the more detail you generate & every activity can be priced.

You can financially model a Construction S-Curve over 20 or 30 years if you want to & it can immediately be updated on any given day for any given situation/occurence, most importantly to update/define the critical path.

It can be used to support funding applications to the Banks etc.

Edited by VoR at 11:32:39 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 12:23Tue Jan 30 12:23:27 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1305

Any project need planning.

And it’s not as if either bodies are going to do any building. They will consult.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 12:32Tue Jan 30 12:32:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1326

Everyone needs to be aware of how long the Planning process will take...NBBC will lead the process but there are many Consultees & the legal process to contend with...there will be many delays.

...& that's before it gets to the Council Chamber!

Edited by VoR at 12:34:22 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By BoroNotBoro30/1 11:48Tue Jan 30 11:48:00 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1333

Get a room, you two!

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:44Mon Jan 29 23:44:14 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1640

What has any of this got to do with the Nuneaton Boro we all supported and loved, this is just an amateur club, I live a stone’s throw from Ambleside but never go to watch them.
Roll on Wednesday night perhaps there may be a glimmer of hope.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:50Mon Jan 29 23:50:45 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1650

I hear exactly what you are saying.

Good luck and happy to help (as I’ve done) those trying, but I am indifferent (as thing stand).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:42Mon Jan 29 23:42:52 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1579

“All they need to…”


The saying my colleagues used to wind me up “all you need to do is” to which my stock answer was “if it’s that easy, then why don’t you do it”

That, and “it can’t be that difficult”

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 23:43:07 on 29th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:23Mon Jan 29 23:23:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1617

If you look at the Hinckley AFC link that Mark posted earlier, all of the income & expenditure is listed in their accounts.

They are a very profitable club.

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:28Mon Jan 29 23:28:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1585

Yes and they have been going since 2014 and after 7 years they play in Griff’s league

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:39Mon Jan 29 23:39:51 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1571

And there is Hinckley road!!!

Two clubs surely is not viable or sensible and what Nuneaton have to avoid.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:31Mon Jan 29 23:31:02 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1577

They are steamrollering the MFL Division One this season, after losing out in the play-offs last season.

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:32Mon Jan 29 23:32:13 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1602

10 effing years

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:46Mon Jan 29 23:46:26 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1563

You can't rush these things...

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:49Mon Jan 29 23:49:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1625

I’m sorry VoR but all this has made me realise whatever this is it has nothing to do with the Boro, my club has gone forever.

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon Slain30/1 08:43Tue Jan 30 08:43:15 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1453

My viewpoint exactly too W. New investors trying to hitch a ride on the back of a famous name. Of course,it is so evident that a way is possible to circle all the NBFC offshoots into a single venue at a new xG floodlit stadium.
I see the recent catastrophic events as the final nail in our coffin.


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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 09:14Tue Jan 30 09:14:16 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1437

I hate "well x, y and z have achieved this and that" because every situation is different and IMO Boro is very different due to history of failure, unexpected demise and how many lapped up what the previous owners "achieved".


He gave examples, particularly Scarborough and Darlington who he said were similar sized clubs to boro.
He also said the model Maidstone used (starting in a park I believe) was no longer possible given rules.

He also used Runcorn as an example of a club who started with nothing. They currently play at the same level at Bedworth.
This is their ground now.....built from nothing.
As I said, every club is different. I think Boro only hope is finding land currently owned by the council (a problem in itself).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)30/1 09:28Tue Jan 30 09:28:56 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1414

The obvious problem for either group is where do they play, until either group has an answer to that anything else is irrelevant at the minute

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 09:30Tue Jan 30 09:30:34 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1415

IMO, a 5-year minimum groundshare is required, with a further Option to extend it to 10-years.

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 14:58Tue Jan 30 14:58:46 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1190

"IMO, a 5-year minimum groundshare is required"

How come you've never mentioned that before?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 09:28Tue Jan 30 09:28:15 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1393

If you transpose that image on to Gala Field & NBBC fund what has been suggested on here by LukeS, the Council will pay for virtually everything except the two 'bus shelters', one of the 'bus shelters' shown is seated & the other is a covered terrace.

The Building shown is I assume a Clubhouse/Changing Rooms facility, which would probably be jointly funded by NBBC & the new Club.

The football ground shown meets Level 8/Step 4 ground-grading requirements, although the floodlighting will now need to be 200 lux to meet the upgraded FA standard for new Stadiums.

Edited by VoR at 09:28:27 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Breadline (Helpline......999)30/1 10:46Tue Jan 30 10:46:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1338

There is surely an option to discover Football Foundation, Sport England, on the proviso the new club gets an agreed long leasehold?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:52Tue Jan 30 10:52:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1358

There is a parallel here with the thread I posted last night about the Perdiswell Leisure Centre in Worcester.

It would be interesting see a breakdown of the costs involved, totalling £800k.

If NBBC agreed to re-develop Gala Field in a Joint Venture Partnership, they could grant a 100-year lease in return for the investment.

Edited by VoR at 10:53:30 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 10:39Tue Jan 30 10:39:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1378

I had been away from this forum so long I had forgotten you were a parody/satire/troll.

I have now remembered so will try to avoid reacting to your absolute lunacy and concrete on the musings of others.

Have a great day.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Oh if only we still had a "like" button.

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)30/1 19:49Tue Jan 30 19:49:53 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1142

No text

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Re: Oh if only we still had a "like" button.

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 20:29Tue Jan 30 20:29:08 2024In response to Oh if only we still had a "like" button. Top of thread

Views: 1075

Blame uneaton borough.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Oh if only we still had a "like" button.

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)30/1 21:24Tue Jan 30 21:24:15 2024In response to Re: Oh if only we still had a "like" button. Top of thread

Views: 995

No idea who most of these people are to be honest. Or what 75% of them are on about.

Edited by Bedduth Blue at 21:25:14 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 13:45Tue Jan 30 13:45:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1224

I have now remembered so will try to avoid reacting to your absolute lunacy and concrete on the musings of others.

I just wish others would do the same.
Let the troll talk to himself ....

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 01:42Tue Jan 30 01:42:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1539

I agree, I feel the same.

At my age now, I haven't got time to waste.

I will make best use of my Saturdays from now on...

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers29/1 23:28Mon Jan 29 23:28:48 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1565

Sorry 10 years

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 23:35Mon Jan 29 23:35:04 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1550

Realistically, for Nuneaton United:-

5 years in the Coventry Alliance (learning the ropes).

10 years in the Midland Football League.

5 years in the Northern Premier League Division One Midlands.

10 years in the Southern League Premier Division Central.

Finally, one season in the National League North & then go bust!

Just my thoughts!

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Re: Meeting

By Barwell Boro (Spurs and Verde)30/1 03:28Tue Jan 30 03:28:49 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1547

So we don’t need a league one standard stadium being planned then now ??

Retired Boro fan
Tottenham and Austin FC sufferer

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 06:07Tue Jan 30 06:07:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1533

Let's see what the Consortium bid have to say for themselves on Wednesday, as an alternative to Nuneaton United, who have now shown their hand?


It's far too early for the Co-op to have shown their hand IMO...from the responses/posts I have read on here so far, H & H were right to leave it at just the one meeting.

As Andy Walsh said, it is up to the supporters if they want a club?

Edited by VoR at 06:14:20 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 09:40Tue Jan 30 09:40:44 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1375

The co-op Haven’t shown their hand hence the steering committee

If Your referencing my comment here last night Nuneaton United as some slight towards the fanbase … then shame on you

My point was The fanbase appears United for now

I believe it’s you VOR that is showing your hand

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 09:48Tue Jan 30 09:48:37 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1344

Not at all, why shouldn't the new fan-led Club be called Nuneaton United, I can't think of a better name, it would declare a real intent, it is better than Nuneaton Divided.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 09:48Tue Jan 30 09:48:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1374

The turnout surprised me a bit. I didn't expect that many, which backs up "united" (although I suspect a few have there loyalties elsewhere).

The coop have done things properly. The show-of-hands was a democratic way of moving forward. All it asked was "Do you want to fight to keep a football club in the town" (or words to that effect)

There will be differences of opinions and "what you should do" but thats democracy and those leading must be trusted and follow the consensus of those pushing it.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 09:56Tue Jan 30 09:56:25 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1385

Absolutely VS it’s important that the steering group take a wide consensus approach across the entire fanbase .
What i deem acceptable isn’t how someone else see the clubs setup

However at some point we are going to have to put something to the fanbase therefore decisions will have to be made

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 09:55Tue Jan 30 09:55:56 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1385

We have just had an owner whose ethos is 'my way or no way'.

What we don't want is a Co-op whose ethos is 'my way or no way', or we will get what we have just had!

There HAS TO BE A COMPROMISE between the Co-op & H&H if we want to get NBBC on our side.

Gala Field is the only site in Nuneaton that is available to build a suitable new football Stadium, NBBC need a new facility, so we need proper focus now on the task ahead.

Just my thoughts!

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 15:04Tue Jan 30 15:04:52 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1203

A couple of points there, VoR:

"We have just had an owner whose ethos is 'my way or no way'."

Weren't you singing JG's praises for most of last season? You seem to be doing an about face now.

"There HAS TO BE A COMPROMISE between the Co-op & H&H if we want to get NBBC on our side."

If you had been there last night, you would know that H&H told the Co-op that their new venture will be wholly owned and run by them (unless I misunderstood).

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 15:40Tue Jan 30 15:40:31 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1174

"H&H told the Co-op that their new venture will be wholly owned and run by them (unless I misunderstood)."

I think it was implied that there may be a small clink of light to allow the coop in in some capacity.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 15:40:55 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)30/1 18:36Tue Jan 30 18:36:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1085

You would think as a new venture they would want the co-op on side, be interesting to see what they say tomorrow

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 18:55Tue Jan 30 18:55:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1051


as siad yesterday "A club is nothing without supporters"

Lets wait and see (what they have to say).

There plan may be appear attractive or they may be hoping for Hobsons choice.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 15:42Tue Jan 30 15:42:16 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1150

Makes perfect sense.

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon230/1 15:18Tue Jan 30 15:18:43 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1151

They may well wholly own and run a new club,but they may well have to do it with a reduced number of ticket-paying fans though.

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture30/1 15:29Tue Jan 30 15:29:18 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1171

Boro were struggling financially at Manor Park and decided they needed a new ground. The club was close to the end just before the Middlesbrough game.
The ground move was a balls up and the relocation to Liberty way drive many fans away who never returned.
Liberty way was hardly a crowd puller and Boro have struggled financially there too.
And now some think a new Boro playing what in all intents and purposes will be parks football, will be viable playing outside the town in a ground share.
Nuneaton Boro is not Hereford.
Do some actually believe the Boro can start again at such a low level with big crowds and rise like a rocket back to conf north in record time?
Only a massive cash injection, unprecedented in the history of Nuneaton football May achieve this.
Three crashes in 30 years should tell us something.
Viable? I’m no longer convinced but each to their own.

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)30/1 18:38Tue Jan 30 18:38:46 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1064

Yes it can happen if done properly, just because things have not been done properly in the recent past does not mean they cant be going forward

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Re: Meeting

By almost average 230/1 16:49Tue Jan 30 16:49:14 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1131

The majority of talk last night was very much about slow & steady progress and laying strong foundations . I don't recall any talk of flying through the leagues like a rocket in fact mostly the opposite .

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture30/1 16:58Tue Jan 30 16:58:55 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1134

That may be so but with an ageing fan base is low level non league football ever going to attract young fans?
At this level there will be little atmosphere and zero prospect of an attractive cup run to stir the blood.
I would think a decade at least before Boro could return to conf north.

Edited by Armchair vulture at 16:59:09 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 15:13Tue Jan 30 15:13:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1191

Not at all, I think JG has been treated very shabbily but he appears to have contributed to his own downfall...that still has to be proven, I suppose we will never find out the truth about his last days at the Club.


Regarding H&H, I still believe there will have to be a compromise preceded by a negotiation.

Edited by VoR at 15:17:01 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 15:36Tue Jan 30 15:36:53 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1149

How has JG been treated shabbily?

Recorded debt increased by £200,000 in three years (and as Andy said last night - that’s just the declared debt)
Didn’t pay rent.
Wanted more money from fans to pay on players.
Constantly exaggerates
Call for sponsors to help HIM and not the club.
Failed on the field despite prioritising this.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 15:37:35 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture30/1 15:40Tue Jan 30 15:40:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1181

Yes - as I’ve said VS caught with the bloody knife in hand over the corpse but got away with it - and remarkably still praised and defended by many. The general who lost the battle blaming everyone else.

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture30/1 15:20Tue Jan 30 15:20:13 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1185

Sorry but JG has got away with murder. Treated shabbily? If you think this you’re well and truly deep in cloud cuckoo land.
The man managed and owned the club as an autocrat.
He achieved nothing on the field yet overspent on very average players in priority to paying the bills.
He criticised long standing fans on Boro chat and has grossly overstated the size of the crowd in the play off final.
The Captain sunk his own ship and then cleared off in a lifeboat .
If you can’t see this I’m afraid no one will ever take you seriously in what ever you say.
Unless you think, like in the Titanic the 1st officer was responsible for the ship hitting the berg while the captain was resting in his quarters? At the end of the day the buck stops with the owner. He wanted to rule as a dictator and he should accept the responsibility.
All this talk of a new club amuses me when very few seem to want to understand and accept what killed the old one.
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it as they say.
And this applies to Boro.

Edited by Armchair vulture at 15:21:53 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 15:41Tue Jan 30 15:41:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1149

By 'shabbily' I mean the manner in which he left.

There is common decency to be had!

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon230/1 16:33Tue Jan 30 16:33:41 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1176

He resigned at his choosing.

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers30/1 15:46Tue Jan 30 15:46:09 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1136

You won’t win this one VoR Ginnelly killed our club

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 16:46Tue Jan 30 16:46:52 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1155

I don't want to win anything W, I just think there is a right & wrong way to do things, a right & wrong way to treat people.

Unfortunately for JG, that will now be his legacy.

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Re: Meeting

By almost average 230/1 16:54Tue Jan 30 16:54:06 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1072

How do you think he should be treated ?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 16:56Tue Jan 30 16:56:51 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1103

He shouldn't be told that if he is prepared to 'sacrifice' himself & leave the Club, there would be a better chance of the Boro returning to LW, which has proved to be unfounded.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 18:16Tue Jan 30 18:16:12 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1037

It was he who likened himself to Jesus

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers30/1 17:54Tue Jan 30 17:54:00 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1100

He put Boro in that position everything he did was for himself with a disregard to the club and an indifference to the supporters.
In fact he took the pee out of us most of the time.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 16:58Tue Jan 30 16:58:55 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1178

Who told him that?
Why did they tell him that?
Was there a better chance of it happening without him? That has certainly not been disproved.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 17:01Tue Jan 30 17:01:06 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1146

Who knows?

JG said himself that he didn't know whether it was true?

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 17:33Tue Jan 30 17:33:37 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1111

So you are basing your opinion on something you have no idea is true?

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 17:08Tue Jan 30 17:08:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1125

As far as I know, VoR, there is no witness to the "if JG goes there's a better chance" offer. Do you know for certain that it actually happened that way?

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 18:46Tue Jan 30 18:46:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1049

There was this (reference to stepping down as owner)

In the post, Jimmy Ginnelly wrote that the takeover is the 'best possible outcome' in order for the club to survive. He wrote: "My time as a custodian of Nuneaton Borough has come to an end.

"Their expertise and ability as owners to take the club forward and deal with the challenges ahead is the best possible outcome for the survival and growth of the club.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 19:36Tue Jan 30 19:36:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1018

There's nothing there about AT saying JG had to go. That's the thing that VoR has said was unfair - and as far as I know there is no actual confirmation that ever happened.

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture30/1 15:43Tue Jan 30 15:43:03 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1139

Yes a common decency by holding your hands up, admitting you’ve screwed up and apologising.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 15:48Tue Jan 30 15:48:31 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1148

I give you this......

This before being locked out. It was all about him.

Hello mate this is a standard message to my good pals!!!

For some strange reason I’ve inherited quite a few
jimmy Ginnelly haters down here at nuneaton boro fc

Mainly keyboard warriors (There a few driving bad vibes about me and my team)
We reach the fucking play offs in front of the biggest crowd ever seen at Liberty way 5000 plus unbelievable to see!!
(Lost on penalties)

But for some strange reason the keyboards are a rattling.

I now need my genuine friends to out way these nasty Badtards and give me your support,

You can do this by coming to a few games or by getting the lads together and having a table at 1-2 of our home games (it’s great to see my mates down there supporting the boro and myself!!

You could help me by sponsoring myself or one of the players
Non of this is expensive)

The moral of this text is JIMMY needs your support,
Let me know bud if you can get a few of the lads or family together and have a good afternoon out while watching your home town club managed by your mate JG.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 15:48:48 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:02Tue Jan 30 10:02:01 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1348

There are other options. Which is most feasible and possible is another matter.

(hypothetically speaking). If there are two new clubs and one plays a season or two at the Griff and the other plays a season or two at Hinckley which is the one the council will favour?

Anyway - Why should the council favour either or help a football club (when there are two in the borough).

If someone approached the council and says we will fund and manager Gala Field (or wherever) then I have no doubt the council would rightly snap their hands off.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:07Tue Jan 30 10:07:05 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1340

There will be very little cost in building infrasture at Gala Field in the early years, if NBBC are funding the majority of the construction.

The costs will only increase, in line with a Construction S-Curve after 4/5 years, so there is plenty of time for any new Club to plan ahead.

I repeat, the 'off-field' stuff needs to stay ahead of the 'on-field' stuff 'just-in-time'.

The prospective new Club owners who best understand that will be most successful.

Produce a Construction S-Curve financial model that best suits your ambitions, over however many years & you will have a good basis for starting your new project/venture/adventure.

Edited by VoR at 10:12:37 on 30th January 2024
Edited by VoR at 10:13:25 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:25Tue Jan 30 10:25:56 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1289

S- curve - I am sure the coop would welcome such an illustration.

What jerk (rate of change of acceleration) would you apply to this s-curve?

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:30Tue Jan 30 10:30:52 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1316

Once you have modelled your S-curve & identified beforehand your critical path, you can flatten the curve by extending the duration.

The key is to produce your Development Programme from the outset, identify the critical path & then price the programme to produce your S-Curve...then play about with the durations.


Without that detailed knowledge from the outset, you won't be able to plan successfully for anything!

Edited by VoR at 10:31:27 on 30th January 2024
Edited by VoR at 10:32:55 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 10:41Tue Jan 30 10:41:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1306

10+ years in business never felt the need to use the scurve
I balance the books spend within my means at a time that expansion is within my budget
I have grown through hard work and not spending what I do not have . I believe although a completely different realm , these are cross transferable
Pretty simple really complicated by morons

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:47Tue Jan 30 10:47:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1291

In other words.....the principal I use/used.

With all these s-curves its a wonder any project fails / goes over budget.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers30/1 12:07Tue Jan 30 12:07:44 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1255

The KISS principle These are Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy Nights

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 10:56Tue Jan 30 10:56:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1307

Yes mate , tried and tested . It’s not rocket science

I operated my business in a not for profit basis alongside my day job at the time . Everything the business earnt after paying my operating expenses was ploughed back in … never took a penny

Again the same business practices are transferable , small steps in business help with firmer financial foundations in turn allows growth of said business
However expectations have to be managed with full transparency and accountability something I believe boro supporters have been sadly lacking over the past decades

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 11:09Tue Jan 30 11:09:58 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1278

Caveat - Sorry; a pet hate of mine.

"Rocket Science" is not difficult for rocket scientists :) but there are not many of them.

Whilst reality may exist today, I fear expectations will increase ...... a s-curve may help visualise :)

With building anything, the foundations have to be solid. If solid change, improvements and issues can be addressed.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 11:50Tue Jan 30 11:50:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1276

thankfully i have a decent track record in business i qualify ?


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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 11:35Tue Jan 30 11:35:05 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1263

An S-Curve is a very good visual presentation tool.

What it would highlight is how little infrastructure cost would be involved for the new Club in the early years (4/5 years) in the event that NBBC could fund the new pitch & the other associated facilities.

Edited by VoR at 11:38:01 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:38Tue Jan 30 10:38:20 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1340

Once you have modelled your S-curve & identified beforehand your critical path, you can flatten the curve by extending the duration.

I know all about s-curves, but would not tell those who don't to implement.

(for those who don't) an s-curve effectively plots velocity against time, with the tangent to the line being the acceleration.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 09:58Tue Jan 30 09:58:41 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1385

Perhaps you should have come to the meeting, but don’t worry I said it for you last night …

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:13Tue Jan 30 10:13:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1345

Said what?

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 10:16Tue Jan 30 10:16:51 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1308

You had to be there I guess

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Re: Meeting

By Barwell Boro (Spurs and Verde)30/1 07:29Tue Jan 30 07:29:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1509

Yeah your right I’ve heard they taking us to the prem will need a bigger ground

Retired Boro fan
Tottenham and Austin FC sufferer

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue29/1 22:46Mon Jan 29 22:46:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1670

Why did you find it surprising?

I would have thought it was par for the course.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By ManorParkBlue29/1 22:27Mon Jan 29 22:27:41 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1695

Who asked it and why?

Edited by ManorParkBlue at 22:30:14 on 29th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)29/1 22:07Mon Jan 29 22:07:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1774

i sense H&H might have to put their big boy pants on Wednesday , it may get a bit fractious ...worth turning up just for that .

however i suspect they will have something up their sleeves regarding boro leisure as it seems NBFC have cosied up to them.

its worthwhile remembering the supporters now hold all the cards , after tonights meeting i am very confident of that for once we seem a very united voice

nuneaton united!

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 22:02Mon Jan 29 22:02:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1728

The thing with 4 weeks is that proper process is needed.

I would not be surprised if H&H have not already approached the FA for approval for a team next season.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus29/1 22:05Mon Jan 29 22:05:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1781

Given *somebody* has stopped editing I’ll have to place this here:

The jaw dropping question was “how do we stop them?”

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 22:10Mon Jan 29 22:10:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1689

As Andy said “a club is nothing without its supporters”

I got the feeling of a lot of mistrust over any new owners (unlike some with DA capital).
However - some may lap up the promises and there is the “them or nothing” (where nothing is potentially 12 months”

Will H&H be able to get the financial help needed?

I hope a compromise can be found but I don’t think H&H are prepared to change the course they visualise - perhaps Wednesday may make them think again OR just give up.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 09:45Tue Jan 30 09:45:19 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1329

Why should H & H give up, or is that just your wishful thinking?

If anything, if H & H are reading the comments on here, it should give them more encouragement to proceed.

If the sponsors want security with their 'investment', putting aside all of the emotion at the moment, they will want to be confident in what they are sponsoring & remember JG had a good relationship with the sponsors, he said in his leaving speech that the Boro had a strong group of 40 sponsors.

They must still exist?

Edited by VoR at 09:45:48 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 09:58Tue Jan 30 09:58:22 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1358

If they realise they wont get support then they may just give up.
Certainly no "wishful thinking".

I am less confident that my preferred outcome will be possible.
My biggest fear is that there are two clubs.

Are H&H much different to DA Capital? When both got involved Liberty Way was seen as a possibility but debts were troublesome.
Difference here is a brand new club with no ground.

What encouragement or opposite have been viewed on here. I would actually say the feeling at the meeting was many saw them as "the enemy" (but rightly stressed they need to be heard and people should go to the meeting and ask difficult questions that were presented last night (but not for the coop to answer))

You mention JG. The same person who said "DA Capital were the best option for the boro".
It was also interesting to see who was at the meeting and how (I felt) they were now behind whatever the coop may deliver against H&H. Thats my perception. For example; Jason Dean has not been heard from since leaving, but he was there and asked a question (I cant recall what he asked, but it was pertinent).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:17Tue Jan 30 10:17:07 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1372

What has happened at LW hasn't put H&H off.

I don't think you can compare H&H with DA Capital, that would be wrong.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 10:21Tue Jan 30 10:21:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1337

Why not?

I dont know what DA Capital intentions were and why they pulled out.

And the fact that there is an opportunity for a new club, without any debts is an opportunity that previously did not exist.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)30/1 14:23Tue Jan 30 14:23:00 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1205

Thats correct you dont so why be suspicious of a completely different company H&H ?

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 14:39Tue Jan 30 14:39:42 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1165

Why on earth would any Boro fan not be suspicious of anyone who wanted to run whatever can come out of the ashes of the dumpster fire that is Boro?

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

Edited by The_Hullablue at 14:39:55 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)30/1 14:54Tue Jan 30 14:54:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1140

Personally i would listen to what they have to say first

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue30/1 15:08Tue Jan 30 15:08:28 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1148

And until you have had that chance?
Are you 100% trustful of their aims, intentions and methods?

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Wotnostrikers30/1 14:31Tue Jan 30 14:31:55 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1212

That’s exactly what I was thinking

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Re: Meeting

By Fromage30/1 09:34Tue Jan 30 09:34:58 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1354

I think what Andy might've been saying was that any new club needs to engage with it's supporters and keep hold of them while taking them on a journey.

Any club with a large number of supporters in a lower league might be expected to achieve great things, which needs to be addressed straight away by any potential owners.

It could be very easy for supporters to be short-sighted and expect great things to happen if dropping down many leagues, when holding on to memories from the past success of a previous club.

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:02Tue Jan 30 10:02:29 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1297

The new Club with a large support also needs to engage properly with its new league & more importantly the clubs that have got to host the games & provide security & safety for their own fans.

Eg. Hereford's first away game at Dunkirk, a district of Nottingham!

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 09:42Tue Jan 30 09:42:01 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1328

"It could be very easy for supporters to be short-sighted and expect great things to happen if dropping down many leagues, when holding on to memories from the past success of a previous club"

Indeed and there was a (very small) hint of that last night.

Its dangerous to remember "We played Luton" "We finished 2nd in Alliance twice" "6000 went to Middlesborogh" "22,000 attended a game at Manor Park" without remembering what pretty much followed these events.

(forgetting recent events), but the best I believe a club in Nuneaton could realistically achieve (without Massive amount of money) is conference-north with hope of a brief holiday in the National. That was when the club had a ground suitable for that level.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Vernon230/1 14:01Tue Jan 30 14:01:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1190

I will agree with those sentiments VS. In the previous “deaths” there was always a ground/pitch accessible to the new entity. This time round though the previous custodian has ruined that option. I do hope sincerely that if a new club/team does get off the ground that it will not be a walk in the park to progress. My advice is try with the Council to groundshare with Bedworth Utd at The Oval and get in the MFL. That should give three or four or five years breathing space to find/fund the future.

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Re: Meeting

By LukeS (LH)29/1 22:24Mon Jan 29 22:24:33 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1736

The things that are stacked against H&H are that they may need local sponsor money to deliver there plans - unless things have changed in the last few weeks, there own funding to start the club isn't likely to be much more than was raised in the "back the Boro" campaign last season. Given the fact Andy Walsh stated that we would need to about £50k to start a club, that may be a big problem for them

Also, it has previously been stated that one of the clearesr routes to a ground in Nuneaton favours a community led club rather that a privately owned entity

Edited by LH at 02:58:29 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 09:35Tue Jan 30 09:35:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1395

Any prospective new Club owner will need the backing of sponsors in the town.

Why have you made that comment?

What you have said is potentially going to cause friction & set up two factions.

There is going to be competing interests, that is clear but there needs to always be the possibility of a compromise, if the new Club, in any guise, is going to gain the full support of NBBC.


Your last paragraph has been disputed on here?

I admire your enthusiasm but you need to have an open mind at this stage.

In a competition like this, to show your hand too early is a mistake.

Edited by VoR at 09:38:35 on 30th January 2024
Edited by VoR at 09:39:19 on 30th January 2024
Edited by VoR at 09:39:31 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus30/1 10:18Tue Jan 30 10:18:45 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1306

He's now edited his last para. He's replaced what he claims was clearly stated last night with what he claims has been said previously.

Both are wrong. Indeed everything stated about a potential ground on here is wrong.

Far better to say nothing that put forward dangerous speculation.

As for the sponsors. You should have been there last night. Their position was made relatively clear and they stood together.

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Re: Meeting

By LukeS (LH)30/1 10:12Tue Jan 30 10:12:17 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1319

Any non-league football club relies on local sponsorship for income, certainly at a level where you pay players, and common sense dictates that there is a direct link between the clubs level of support and the number of sponsor and the level of income generated.

It wasn't said to cause friction, its my belief the H&H, (or H,H &W) will need to win the trust of fans, and "going it alone" lead to failure.

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 09:28Tue Jan 30 09:28:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1379

Can’t say I relish the thought of raising £50k which I believe is easily doable then giving it to a private limited company
Been there done that ….

A club for the town with full co-op between a levels of football kids , women and men’s.

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus29/1 22:59Mon Jan 29 22:59:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1602

That last para wasn’t stated.

Mark was v careful and accurate what he said,

All the ill informed speculation on here won’t help get a ground!

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:05Mon Jan 29 23:05:45 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1594

The closest to that was the statement that a zoom call was initially dominated by the council who thought the coop were actually the club.

Also (iirc properly) that any mention of the football club did not sit well with the council.

^^^ please correct detail if wrong ^^^

No way was there any hint that a CIC would be favourable.
Given finances at the moment, if a private company came in and said “we will build and manage facilities for you” the council would snap their hands off,…… followed by years on paper work.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus29/1 23:07Mon Jan 29 23:07:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1569

There was also an intro from Mark where he said in very general terms he had been in discussions with others in a separate group. But didn’t go beyond that. And certainly not the para written above.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 23:15Mon Jan 29 23:15:22 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1559

I think it’s fair to say the three main “presenters” were impressive and considered with responses.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 22:32Mon Jan 29 22:32:32 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1671

Yes £50,000 or 500 supporters giving £100. Possibly, but no easy task unless people happy to part with more for equal ownership.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By LukeS (LH)29/1 22:40Mon Jan 29 22:40:27 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1646

Plenty have done it, through various means ans with smaller fan bases - Hinckley AFC for example

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture29/1 22:48Mon Jan 29 22:48:59 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1608

And Boro could do it easily but finding and funding a ground in Nuneaton is a major obstacle. Can’t see a consortium procuring one or the coop either.
Only hope is the council but with Boros record may not be easy.
Only way forward for me is community club owned by fans which may sway council to help- but not set in stone they ever will.
A hard way ahead and it should not be rushed.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 22:45Mon Jan 29 22:45:35 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1588

You said it would be a problem fir H&H

many companies have spent that on start up costs, so I can’t see that as a problem for H&H.if rumours were right they were looking to buy liberty way. Da capital would have probably had some idea of costs involved buying boro …. Until they found the reality.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By LukeS (LH)29/1 22:54Mon Jan 29 22:54:29 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1605

There were other people involved when they were looking to buy Liberty Way, they fell by the wayside when it fell through

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Re: Meeting

By Barwell Boro (Spurs and Verde)30/1 03:44Tue Jan 30 03:44:31 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1517

Also seem to fall by the wayside

Wonder why ?

Retired Boro fan
Tottenham and Austin FC sufferer

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus29/1 22:15Mon Jan 29 22:15:00 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1721

Well there’s no doubt Wednesday’s 2024 version of Ted Stocker’s presentation will promise great investment and a search for a new ground in Nuneaton.

Let’s hope Dave S or audience ask what guarantees can be offered on either of those things and how they will be accountable.

Edited by Gustavus at 22:15:24 on 29th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Armchair vulture29/1 22:18Mon Jan 29 22:18:50 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1706

No money- no chance. Words are easily said.
Biggest issue for coop or the consortium is procuring a ground and that will cost big time.
I can’t see council help and with Boros record why should they?
And if business consortium has any vestige of JG or his acolytes I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole- and that’s being kind.

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Re: Meeting

By The_Hullablue29/1 22:08Mon Jan 29 22:08:03 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1717

I was reading updates and I thought that was a very odd question.

How bright should floodlights be in the Conference?

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Re: Meeting

By Gustavus29/1 22:10Mon Jan 29 22:10:03 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1708

Well it was very surprising where it came from!

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)29/1 22:00Mon Jan 29 22:00:28 2024In response to MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1810

One thing I learned was if the coop start a new club/team it would be separate to the existing CIC. Can anyone confirm

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 15:33Tue Jan 30 15:33:46 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1151

Maybe I heard something different, but it was stated right at the start of the meeting that there was no way the Co-op could start or run a club.

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 15:46Tue Jan 30 15:46:41 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1149

Cheers for that Gregg.
Whoever did the speaking , did they hint or mention who'd start the Club and then run the Club?

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 15:57Tue Jan 30 15:57:30 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1130

Basically, what VS (location of the day) said. Their job is to present the fan view to any faction wanting to launch a "Boro", then feed back to the members to decide whether they should support that bid. They would also push for fan representation in the running of any phoenix club. That was my understanding, any way.

Edited by Greg (NBFC) at 15:57:59 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 15:53Tue Jan 30 15:53:22 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1123

(Whilst I am not greg)


The meeting was more to present what the situation was, what was known, what the options might be and to get permission to form a steering group to take the matter forward to investigate all possibilities and to come up with at least one proposal.

Particularly given tomorrows meeting (where people encouraged to attend) its a valid approach.

Here lies the problem of a democracy over a dictatorship.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By mark-nbfc30/1 16:24Tue Jan 30 16:24:43 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1162

This is correct.

What Jim said at the start, was that the co-op board currently could not start or run the club by themselves. It would need the work of bigger group of Boro supporters who had the skills, connections, time and dedication to get things going. Hence the call for people to sign up to the steering group to explore the options moving forward, and also hear what Holliday's group plans are with an open mind.

The meeting was recorded and should hopefully be available to watch soon.

Hope is not a plan.

Edited by mark-nbfc at 16:24:52 on 30th January 2024
Edited by mark-nbfc at 16:25:30 on 30th January 2024
Edited by mark-nbfc at 16:27:49 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 16:11Tue Jan 30 16:11:36 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1125

Thanks for that, 👍
The only people that are prepared (or are in a position to) to start a club and then run a club are these H&H people ?
Apologies for all the questions,

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 16:25Tue Jan 30 16:25:24 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1157

As of 30th September 2024 - Yes.

It’s not known if H&H have made application to the Fa (needed by 1st feb) to have a club at a higher standard than would be possible after 1st Feb.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Greg (NBFC)30/1 16:17Tue Jan 30 16:17:18 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1141

They are the only people who are currently in the ring, Jebbs. According to what was said last night, the called the Co-op and effectively said "We're the new owners of your club and we'd like to talk to you". The FSA guy made it clear that they are not proposing to "take over" Boro - they are launching a new entity and hoping it will become Boro.

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Re: Meeting

By VS Griff (VS Boro)30/1 16:27Tue Jan 30 16:27:40 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1095

“The golden ticket” - it’s currently help by the FA

For completeness - (extremely unlikely) Boro Leisure could also start a new club.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Meeting

By Jebbs30/1 16:25Tue Jan 30 16:25:02 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1141

Aaah I see Gregg, thanks.
So not 2 or 3 entities fighting for the top prize.
Just one group laughing a new football club.

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 15:44Tue Jan 30 15:44:11 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1135

Thats mightily encouraging!

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Re: Meeting

By LukeS (LH)29/1 22:00Mon Jan 29 22:00:26 2024In response to MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1784

A fair summary.

Lots of membership forms completed during the meeting. If you haven't join yet you can sign up here

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Re: Meeting

By VoR29/1 21:56Mon Jan 29 21:56:07 2024In response to MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1760

Coventry Alliance.

5 Divisions.

Levels 13 to 17/Steps 9 to 13.

Feeds into the Midland Football League Division 3...(Level 12/Step 8).

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 00:07Tue Jan 30 00:07:29 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1604

I have no doubts that we will be pitched into midland combination level

Andy Walsh said as much tonight if you were there , furthermore if done correctly and if not rushed with our comeback then I have no doubt that’s where we end up rather than some cov alliance pub team

Edited by Camp hill reserves at 00:07:52 on 30th January 2024

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 01:57Tue Jan 30 01:57:38 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1549

What level are you expecting the new fan-led club to be pitched in at, remembering another new Boro club may have already completed a season.

Surely the MFL will just think of it as a group of mates, with no previous experience of running a football club, starting up a club of their own.

The new fan-led club could well be pitched in at Level 12/Step 8 (MFL Division Three), one Level/Step above the Coventry Alliance Premier Division.

Surely at least two or three years in the Coventry Alliance, a local league with 10 teams in each division would be a better bet, nothing too taxing, until everybody learned the ropes?

It's as VS has said repeatedly, once the early enthusiasm starts to wane, then people will drift away.

Just my thoughts!

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Re: Meeting

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)30/1 09:24Tue Jan 30 09:24:10 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1408

Up to this point it’s all speculation , unlike yourself I actually attended , contributed I was listened to as you said no one would listen and offered my time to the process

A group of mates is way off the mark , perhaps you should of come to the meeting hear what was said instead of being a keyboard warrior

It was so worthwhile just to gauge the level of support for the continuation of a football club in Nuneaton

Andy spoke to me after and thanked me for my contribution he was pretty sure that I should get myself involved

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Re: Meeting

By VoR30/1 10:41Tue Jan 30 10:41:03 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1330

I am not remotely interested in becoming part of an 'US' & 'THEM' situation, IMO that will only ultimately lead to failure & waste a lot of time.

I will quite happily devote my free time to productive work.

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Re: Meeting

By Barwell Boro (Spurs and Verde)30/1 14:34Tue Jan 30 14:34:43 2024In response to Re: MeetingTop of thread

Views: 1202

I will quite happily devote my free time to productive work.

No comment

Retired Boro fan
Tottenham and Austin FC sufferer

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