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Feedback please !
Views: 942
Hi all. I was unable to attend the meeting the other night due to work commitments but am fully open to any feedback please, not seen anything yet. Like other people I am looking to give it another go ,so am very interested in progress thus far. Another reincarnation of our football club,fingers crossed. Cannot even consider following anybody else and i need a football fix on Saturdays and weekdays when able.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 938
An interim board of 6 from memory . Ian Cooke , Stuart from Stuarts Plumbing , a couple from the co-op , Richard Dean ( Gaz's dad ) and one other .
A budget based around average home gates of 200 with backup plans if crowds are better or worse than expected .
Legal measures are being put in place to make sure the same mistakes can't be made as in the past .
Part of the remit for the new manager will be to build an attack minded team
Wages will be paid to manager / players but only within budget
Admission will be inline with whatever league / division we end up in
They knew the old club was in big trouble from pre season and from what was said wouldn't have finished the season even if the rent had been paid
If there's anything you want to specifically know and i can remember ask away .
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 829
"Part of the remit for the new manager will be to build an attack minded team"
LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE...... I hope they pick a manager who shows that intent rather than be told.
"wouldn't have finished the season even if the rent had been paid"
Pretty much what I was told in September, and JG advised of this.
"backup plans if crowds are better or worse than expected ".
personally I would rather a back up plan if worse than expected. If better, then save the surplus and re-evaluate at the end of season.
That is. Don't increase spending. Small steps.
Did they say who this "decorated player" H&H seemed to think they had tapped up :)
My guess at the time was the could not tell their Dean from Dean :)
Was/is Ian Cook not a shareholder of Boro Leisure?
>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 712
Regarding your second point - any additional sponsorship over and above what is needed (which is a very conservative amount compared to previous amounts - especially given the fact that sponsors who had previously stepped away are begining to return), and that any gate reciepts above the level needed (a prudent average of 200), these monies will not be spent on increasing the playing budget.
And fans will see this because we are going to be sharing a month update on finances, like Bury FC do, showing we are living within our means.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 764
I believe backup plans are in place for both crowd scenarios. If worse than expected, expenditure will be reduced to compensate. If better than expected, the surplus will be held until next year's plan. I am happy to be corrected if I have misunderstood that.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 700
Thanks - what I would hope.
AA paraphrasing implied money might be spent immediately if a surplus occurs.
I hope a “conservative” guesstimate is always used; particular before any surplus is generated and for the first few years.
>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 725
It was something like that if a surplus the money will go on building the club rather than players wages if less then they will cut back to only spend what we generate .
Ian Cooke said he's the only person still registered to the old club and efforts are being made to wind it up but it's complicated . Others might understand it better than me .
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 699
My understanding is it costs money to liquidate a company where as having a winding up order placed (or compulsory winding up) is cheaper / costs nothing.
However a business would only apply for a company to be wound up if the company had assets that could be liquidated; boro leisure does not, so pointless spending money to get nothing back.
Perhaps a big player like power company or HMRC may just follow process …. Eventually.
>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 686
If they need a volunteer. I'll do it on the basis they owe me a season ticket refund.
Edit: nope cant, not owed enough and too expensive
Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'
Edited by BoroughPod at 19:41:11 on 15th March 2024
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 677
Excellent - they owe me mine to, so I've volunteered as treasurer so I don't waste my season ticket money next season 😊
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 741
Thank you for all of that.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 859
In the next few days we intend to release the presentation online and some FAQs
If you have any questions from this please do not hesitate to contact the co-op
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 764
Great, will do and thank you.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 778
They were full of praise for Bedworth who have been really helpful including allowing us to use their ground for mid week training at no extra cost . Stockingford also offered us the use of their ground but they haven't got floodlights . Windmill was also mentioned but would need massive upgrade .
Andy from the Football Supporters has also been a massive help . He's been down attending meetings almost on a weekly basis and he lives in Manchester . He was there on Wednesday and gave another really positive speech . I like the way he slipped a couple of time and referred to us as we rather than you . Top Man
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 690
Bedworth who have been really helpful including allowing us to use their ground for mid week training at no extra cost . Stockingford also offered us the use of their ground but they haven't got floodlights.
The above is incorrect.
1. We are to pay for training at Bedworth. 2. PIV were approached & they told us No.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 694
This is all more positive than I initially thought in fairness.
It’s not Boro’ to me, yet, but I may well give it a chance and see what’s what.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 671
Agree's not the Boro we know.
Having been about half a dozen times in the last 3 years I'm willing to give this a go .......
Even thinking of a season ticket just to help a little maybe.
( Let's wait and see)
Edited by Lord of the Manor at 06:11:22 on 16th March 2024
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 667
I'm trying to fight it, as I really don't fancy going Beduff for years.
Problem is I keep watching Borochat and on here for news and updates so probably care more than I want to.
Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'
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2 people
Re: Feedback please !
Views: 658
Exactly the same as me, wish I wasn’t arsed, but still am.
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Re: Feedback please !
Views: 673
After a few weeks of being so peed off i felt like it was a relief i didn't have to go anymore i now find i'm starting to increasingly miss it .
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