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Nuns Ground Offer

By alwaysoptimistic4/9/2024 10:49Wed Sep 4 10:49:22 2024

Views: 2089

Looking at the Nuns RFC Facebook page there is an announcement on there that they were offered the use of the pitch at Liberty Way during discussions between themselves and the landowner. They turned this opportunity down due to costs and the uncertainty around the scale of the commitment involved. Has anyone else heard of this development and if so what implications could this have on any potential return of Nuneaton Town FC to Liberty Way ?

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Liberty Way disaster zone

By stripes4me4/9/2024 13:36Wed Sep 4 13:36:34 2024In response to Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1993

LW as been a disaster from day one .

To many complications who owns what to ever make it work , remember pitch being completely flooded , skipgate etc etc etc

Video on boro chat it is now in a right state been vandalised to death .

Club met with MP recently so hope something can come of that .

To many complications to make it work .

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By London Boro12/9/2024 21:28Thu Sep 12 21:28:19 2024In response to Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 1001

I disliked Linerty Way as much as the next fan, but if the ref hadn't missed the handball in the playoff final, it wouldn't have been a disaster.

I watched us at home at Bedworth, and that was even worse than Liberty Way, in every way, but I appreciate their hospitality.

Whatever happens to Boro it needs to be away from the Nuns. Their downfall has not even been documented.

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)13/9/2024 15:19Fri Sep 13 15:19:37 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 954

Why is the Oval so bad? I enjoy our games there

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By Wotnostrikers13/9/2024 20:59Fri Sep 13 20:59:05 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 883

It’s bloody awful

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)13/9/2024 21:07Fri Sep 13 21:07:41 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 898

No it isnt

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By Wotnostrikers13/9/2024 21:10Fri Sep 13 21:10:46 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 860

Being out of Nuneaton and in Bedworth is enough for me to stick with my opinion.

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By almost average 214/9/2024 08:45Sat Sep 14 08:45:34 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 850

I get you want us back in Nuneaton i can't imagine anyone with the club at heart doesn't , but currently it isn't possible . LW & the Pingles Stadium are the only two sites upto non league standard even at level 6 & both are no goes currently . Apart from those there's simply nowhere else and Bedworth is by far the next best option available to us . The club are trying to build towards a move back at some point but this will take time and then will only be achievable in our current form if the fans stick with it . Either the fans stick with it and we may get back one day or they don't and it will never happen . It's upto to us really .
Personally i'm finding the Oval a much better experience than i expected and way better than Barwell .

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By Dougie813/9/2024 17:00Fri Sep 13 17:00:01 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 896

It is not in Nuneaton.

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By Wotnostrikers12/9/2024 23:08Thu Sep 12 23:08:56 2024In response to Re: Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 993

I totally agree about watching us at the Oval on their dreadful artificial pitch I hope and pray that we eventually return to Nuneaton somehow some way.

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Re: Liberty Way disaster zone

By Atty Boro7/9/2024 18:37Sat Sep 7 18:37:10 2024In response to Liberty Way disaster zone Top of thread

Views: 1734


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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Lord of the Manor4/9/2024 11:31Wed Sep 4 11:31:15 2024In response to Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1921

Iv heard ( don't know how true ) we've had talks with the landlord on a possible return.
See our new MP has got I involved aswell.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)4/9/2024 11:37Wed Sep 4 11:37:22 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1908

Nuns and Town should get together and work out an offer to pay the rent between them and share the Stadium

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By boro447/9/2024 20:56Sat Sep 7 20:56:22 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1623

Nuns are quite happy as they don’t have to pay rent to anyone , they own the pitch they play on ,plus they own there own club house and changing rooms ,so long as they don’t sell any more of the land they own to AT that is.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Gustavus7/9/2024 22:24Sat Sep 7 22:24:14 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1623

But they don’t have a ground next to their clubhouse as they did for well over a hundred years and which any rugby club worth its salt has.

Meanwhile there was hardly anybody there today and they aren selling v few pre match meals or drinks during or after games.

So they’ve got some thinking to do!

Edited by Gustavus at 10:18:46 on 8th September 2024

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By alwaysoptimistic4/9/2024 11:34Wed Sep 4 11:34:45 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1896

Thats what I was hoping would be happening, I won't get to excited but it looks likelier to happen than with JG in charge. Fingers crossed.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By bert's dad4/9/2024 13:43Wed Sep 4 13:43:13 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1895

I think Boro should turn down any move to Liberty Way the owners and the nuns have done too much damage.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By StockingfordBrew7/9/2024 23:16Sat Sep 7 23:16:47 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1588

Speaking to someone who was down their collecting the stuff, they said one side of the ground is in sorry state... which was the office side. They said cause it's not been occupied and been maintained since we been away its in state of possible collapse. Which means that will have been demolished, which won't be a bad thing as at this level and level above you don't really need a club office plus it was always to expensive to run anyway. Big question is with the repairs needed this will cost thousands and thousands pounds... would there be any point?

Of course do fans want a liberty way return, I mean we've seen decent at the oval... not saying we should stay on at the oval as we do need to be back in nuneaton as soon as possible. However as some fans have pointed out getting to the oval is a lot easier than getting to liberty way due to the regular transport links to bedworth.

Myself I'm divided my first thought is that, there's an empty football ground in Nuneaton that's been put to waste and with a bit of work can ours again and we would be playing back in our hometown, plus the club can start to generate their own income in the bar and food.

Negative side, repair costs, the ground's location being 2.5miles from the town centre with limited transport links, flooding risks, limitations to expand the stadium in the future, also that horrible car park and no doubt the awkward relationship with the Nuns.

Never should have gone to Liberty Way, even a previous chairman once pinpointed the issues of moving their some years ago, which have later come apparent.

Our options returning to Nuneaton are limited due to space and local residents who as always don't take kindly to having a local football team on their doorstep. Gala Fields was a favourable option, however I've heard that is some facing issues. I have always liked the idea of the area around Weddington Road, never town and a sized around. Problem again... local residents.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 10:13Sun Sep 8 10:13:28 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1510

I understand that Nuneaton has been identified as an area with insufficient sporting facilities.

Where are 3G pitches in Nuneaton? Etone (which I have heard needs relaying) and ????

I think the best (if not only) hope is a private organisation builds facilities and "boro" can become tenants.

Where could this be?

(I know plans have recently been announced), but it amazes me that my old school (Manor Park) has been pretty much derelict for 20 years?
There was/is an all weather picth there now. So probably only a bit of extension needed.

Irrespective of any ground; I really cant see it being upto level 8 (one bee CL-Central) standard.

The old running track has (understandably) been mentioned, but what rational would that have given its close proximity to council owned land (the Griff).

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By bert's dad8/9/2024 12:02Sun Sep 8 12:02:50 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1451

The Griff ground is not good enough for higher leagues. But it could be expanded as clubs rise up the Leagues.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Gustavus8/9/2024 10:17Sun Sep 8 10:17:45 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1492

I think old running track gone has been lined up for someone else

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By bert's dad8/9/2024 09:11Sun Sep 8 09:11:32 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1533

I think we should stay away from Liberty Way - the cost of renting and maintaining the ground is not worth it. Neither is the relationship with the Nuns. I hope the ground owners continue to lose money over it. Best Boro option is by the old Pingles athletic track. Second best stay at Bedworth.

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LW is not the only option for a return to town

By stripes4me8/9/2024 15:14Sun Sep 8 15:14:24 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1502

thank god , it would lead to more of the same problems that have plagued the fc in recent years

we would be beholding to a landlord that denied access to the memorial garden , says everything about them

stadium that is currently unusable , no usable changing rooms for starters , pitch in god knows what state , and now in such disrepair it would cost a small fortune to be able to call it a football ground again

in addition there are serious access issues as it is landlocked by ground that the rugby club own

I believe other options are available , no need to panic

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Dougie88/9/2024 16:20Sun Sep 8 16:20:18 2024In response to LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1505

I know a return to Liberty Way is not everyone’s cup of tea. The ground will need a lot of work doing on it especially the far side where the dressing rooms were. Also the pitch would have to be relaid whether it be grass or 4G. The other 3 sides of the ground should be in decent order.
The cost of bringing Liberty Way back up to a reasonable standard would be a lot less than starting from scratch and building a new ground.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By bert's dad9/9/2024 13:06Mon Sep 9 13:06:24 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1295

Not if we are still dependant on an unreliable landlord and an unreliable Rugby Club.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By stripes4me8/9/2024 17:33Sun Sep 8 17:33:34 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1480

but how do you feel about having arden tigress as your landlord + a ground where access is owned by rugby club + putting a 4g pitch on an area that as flooded badly twice in last 17 years

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Dougie88/9/2024 17:51Sun Sep 8 17:51:38 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1395

I said a 4G pitch was an option. No reason why a grass one can’t be laid. I don’t think Arden Tigress would have been a problem if the rent had been paid.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 17:58Sun Sep 8 17:58:10 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1382

The big “unknown” is “what are the plans of the landlords”.
I can see why they evicted Boro Leisure but they seem to not want any income (although I strongly believe what we were told was somewhat “economical with the truth” in that the offer made public was after eviction.

However - they have no rent from the ground when they could have (perhaps unreliable) some rent from the ground)…. That does not make sense to me.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By stripes4me8/9/2024 18:52Sun Sep 8 18:52:00 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1364

I would guess there plan is to get nuns on board then get their hands on the parcel of land around the stadium that nuns own

without that I believe they cannot fulfil their ' plans '

nuns hold all the aces and well done them for not jumping at the offer they were recently given

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Gustavus8/9/2024 18:59Sun Sep 8 18:59:11 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1363

Separate issue

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 18:51Sun Sep 8 18:51:25 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1339

I always wonder getting Boro evicted was part of a huge plan to get us kicked out for a long time, especially when Stuart Eliot offered to pay the rent owed plus the rest of the rent to the end of season to keep us at Liberty Way, which was rejected. My guess the landlord wanted to sell up the land for a huge price and maybe had a buyer in talks... perhaps a redeveloper who perhaps wanted to build a warehouse, supermarket, maybe housing or something... of course the whole deal broke down when it was realised the ground or land could not built on.

Nuns was probably there last hope of income, but when they said no where does that leave the landlord.

Edited by StockingfordBrew at 18:53:03 on 8th September 2024

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 19:16Sun Sep 8 19:16:21 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1317

In lease was coming to an end.

I believe the first offer (when boro still there) was to pay back the money owned by December 2025.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/9/2024 18:57Sun Sep 8 18:57:15 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1342

If the landlord had not done due diligence when he bought the Stadium and didn't know it couldn't be built on that is pretty poor on his part

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 19:03Sun Sep 8 19:03:07 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1331

It would explain though why nothing has happened to the stadium since we left. I just find it strange they only just contacted the Nuns to offer them the ground. Evict an football club from a stadium and then not let them use it again... what else would you use it for. If the plan was to get the Nuns back in, they they would already be playing there.

I know this is a long shot, but not so long ago Solihull Moors was announced they were be possibly leave Damson Park for the new Jaguar plant to be extended and one of the tenants at Solihull Moors is Birmingham City ladies, which made me think was there hope for one big local clubs to takeover the ground utilise it as a training venue or as ladies team venue for their sides like a Birmingham City. Plus Birmingham City ladies have used Liberty Way in the past also when Damson Park was not available.

Edited by StockingfordBrew at 19:07:04 on 8th September 2024

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/9/2024 19:08Sun Sep 8 19:08:34 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1359

They know the ground needs work and it's one of the reasons the Nuns turned the offer down, ordinarily you would expect a landlord wanting to rent something out would make it fit for purpose first, the landlord doesn't seem to want to do that so maybe they saw the Nuns as the only option given that. Suspicion would be they kicked Boro out because they didn't like JG

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 19:16Sun Sep 8 19:16:47 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1318

It's not impossible Hinckley AFC to express interest, currently ground share at Barwell and Liberty Way is only like 2.2 miles from the Hinckley boarder. The ground could be there's, though naturally they would be keen to be playing back in Hinckley.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/9/2024 19:21Sun Sep 8 19:21:12 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1299

Not sure it would do Hinckley much good to be playing in Nuneaton

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 19:26Sun Sep 8 19:26:18 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1313

Makes no different to them now as they play in Barwell which is like 3.5 miles out Hinckley town centre. Only difference they can be sole tenants at Liberty Way and generate their own income instead of Barwell claiming it all. Of course I'm not sure what the Hinckley fans would make of playing in Nuneaton and playing outside Leicestershire.

Myself I think it would be a disaster to Hinckley to move in Liberty Way as I'm not sure the fan base would warm to Nuneaton move.

It would be similar to when Kettering Town moved into Nene Park (Rushden's old stadium) almost killed two football clubs.

Edited by StockingfordBrew at 19:28:09 on 8th September 2024

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/9/2024 19:36Sun Sep 8 19:36:16 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1360

One of the problems the Nuns pointed out was they had no idea how long they would be able to use the Stadium for, which would also be a problem for Hinckley, I suspect the Nuns were offered the Stadium because they are the only ones who could have used it given that they already have their own changing rooms / clubhouse in place, for anyone else to use the Stadium it would need a fair bit of money spending on it given that the facilities the Boro used are no longer useable

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Lord of the Manor8/9/2024 18:25Sun Sep 8 18:25:30 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1349

I think not paying the rent made for a perfect hassle free eviction..... Could of been costly orherwise

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 17:41Sun Sep 8 17:41:28 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1381

I think the answer to one (is what I hoped for when the move from MP happened) was the rugby and football club work together.

The solution to the other would be to have a proper mutually agreed and binding contract.

It seems (happy to be corrected) that the last contract was going to expire and for some strange reason the landlords expected the rent to be paid*

* yes - probably more complex BUT when a company says we agreed to have a holiday during Covid then makes a profit during that same period I do have to question the claim.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By stripes4me8/9/2024 17:47Sun Sep 8 17:47:30 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1359

all that you say as was suppose to happen but history tells us how that ended one dispute after another

whats your thoughts on a 4g pitch on a flood plain

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 17:54Sun Sep 8 17:54:11 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1325

I’ve always championed 3G pitches at the level boro would realistically expect themselves to play on.

I know the ground has flooded a few times; but it’s pretty rare. I have no idea what damage would be done. It may be possible to raise a meter when installing - clubs like Rushall and Tamworth both levelled the pitch and with the former at least it was certainly raised and not lowered.

With “rugby/football” club relations.
At the time of the move the football club held all the cards.
Even after the football club reformed it did as it was still the land owner.

Things are different now with both on par and needing something.
* Nuns - pitch by clubhouse.
* Boro - pitch in Nuneaton.

The ground has a pitch (work needed) two covered ends; a club house and changing rooms.. surely something can be worked out.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 17:08Sun Sep 8 17:08:37 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1362

Be interesting to see what relationship the new board can do with the rugby club. I mean for example, offices side of the crowd, with the dressing room and club bar may need to pulled down completely. Which naturally other than the seating stand the ground would only be three sided, until perhaps in good time proper new facilities can be built. In the mean time if we build a relationship with the rugby club, the changing rooms their could be used as well utilise the rugby club bar. Look at way to split the profits in bar takings which would help both the Nuns and NTFC. Its safe to say over the next three seasons ground wise, as long as we've got dressing rooms, floodlights and adequate standing areas for spectators then a return is possible.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Breadline (Helpline......999)8/9/2024 18:47Sun Sep 8 18:47:31 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1301

Whilst the present NTFC chairman & his close associate are connected to anything regards a LW return, there will be no communications with the landlord. (IMHO).

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By stripes4me8/9/2024 17:40Sun Sep 8 17:40:07 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1397

rugby club got nothing to do with LW stadium so there is no deal to be done with them

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By bert's dad9/9/2024 13:11Mon Sep 9 13:11:16 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1256

Skip gate and car storage had a big impact. Boro should stay well clear of Liberty Way.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/9/2024 18:21Sun Sep 8 18:21:55 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1310

There is if both football club and rugby club agreed to share the cost of the Stadium rent and both became tenants

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 18:30Sun Sep 8 18:30:03 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1323

My concern would be say sometime next year, it's announced a deal was struck for both Boro and Nuns to return to the main liberty way how long would it take before we fell out again and dispute issue was to start up again.

A lot of promises and commitments would need to be met.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Gustavus8/9/2024 18:27Sun Sep 8 18:27:40 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1279

Landlord wants Nuns to be tenants and made them an offer.

If Boro can get back there it will be via Nuns.

Nuns have turned down offer but suspect they will have to reconsider given the revenue they are missing out on. Nuns have resources but no leadership and Boro are the opposite.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/9/2024 18:29Sun Sep 8 18:29:15 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1291

Nuns can't afford the rent alone that's why I was suggesting a joint venture

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Gustavus8/9/2024 18:33Sun Sep 8 18:33:31 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1311

Landlord offered them rent of 100 a year I think they can afford that!

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 18:42Sun Sep 8 18:42:03 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1310

It would be interesting to hear the Nuns reaction to all, they maybe fearful of moving back in and reaction from Nuneaton folk and Boro fans especially not going down well. Who knows perhaps Nuns trying to negotiate something where the football club can have access.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Gustavus8/9/2024 18:46Sun Sep 8 18:46:50 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1288

Unlikely the way the previous football club behaved. It was Nuns pitch first of course.

It’s just rabbits in headlights I think until Nuns work out how much revenue they are missing out on. Especially on top of alienating the car sales last year and missing out on the storage which went to Old Eds because tried to charge too much!

Edited by Gustavus at 18:49:41 on 8th September 2024

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Vernon Slain8/9/2024 16:31Sun Sep 8 16:31:13 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1398

And dealing with the same landlords ?

Nuneaton Borough FC is dead—Killed by incompetence.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Dougie88/9/2024 16:47Sun Sep 8 16:47:42 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1323

If we pay the rent, why would the landlord be a problem?

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By bert's dad9/9/2024 13:08Mon Sep 9 13:08:18 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1289

Because we have to maintain the buildings and structures that belong to the landlord. Not forgetting how cooperative the Nuns haven’t been.

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By VS City (VS Boro)9/9/2024 15:29Mon Sep 9 15:29:17 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1255

Hopefully that’s in the past.

The conflict started when Ian Neale ripped up the ground share agreement making the Nuns homeless.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Hope v Reality

By stripes4me9/9/2024 15:34Mon Sep 9 15:34:51 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1285

" hopefully "

history tells us all the hope and previous legal agreements meant nothing

LW is not for us , time to look elsewhere

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Re: Hope v Reality

By VS City (VS Boro)9/9/2024 17:53Mon Sep 9 17:53:35 2024In response to Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1280

The word "hopefully" is valid.

are the club definatly returning to Nuneaton (by the time the current agreement expires) or hopefully?.

History is history. Times change and lessons learnt.
I could give a prime (admittedly extreme) example over the last 100 years.

Not saying a return to LW is the best option, or the only option BUT it is an option.

Those involved in ripping up the ground share agreement are no longer involved.
Probably no-one involved in SkipGate is involved.
Many (not all) of those involved with Boro' 12 months ago are still involved.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Hope v Reality

By bert's dad9/9/2024 16:46Mon Sep 9 16:46:58 2024In response to Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1331

Also why should we want to struggle on with all the problems associated with Liberty Way. If we can afford to rent there we can also afford to rent somewhere else.

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Re: Hope v Reality

By Dougie89/9/2024 21:16Mon Sep 9 21:16:00 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1287

Not in Nuneaton we can’t.

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Re: Hope v Reality

By bert's dad10/9/2024 08:01Tue Sep 10 08:01:39 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1343

Not necessarily true. Who knows what might become available.

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Re: Hope v Reality

By Dougie810/9/2024 20:51Tue Sep 10 20:51:57 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1081

There is no stadium to rent in Nuneaton apart from the Pingles Stadium where Griff play but that is not graded for any football above grade 6.

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Re: Hope v Reality

By bert's dad11/9/2024 08:58Wed Sep 11 08:58:15 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1079

No but in future there may be land to rent and develop a stadium on - who knows?

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Re: Hope v Reality

By Dougie811/9/2024 10:15Wed Sep 11 10:15:54 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1031

So we stay at the Oval till that day comes.

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Re: Hope v Reality

By bert's dad11/9/2024 14:27Wed Sep 11 14:27:42 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 981

Why not?

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Re: Hope v Reality

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)11/9/2024 13:00Wed Sep 11 13:00:28 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 997

Unless Bedworth kick us out

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Re: Hope v Reality

By Dougie811/9/2024 20:50Wed Sep 11 20:50:05 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 985

I was under the impression that the club wanted to return to Nuneaton within 3 years. Or have I got that wrong?

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Re: Hope v Reality

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)12/9/2024 12:10Thu Sep 12 12:10:49 2024In response to Re: Hope v RealityTop of thread

Views: 1062

They may want to, having a site and the finance to build on it is another matterc

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Re: LW is not the only option for a return to town

By Vernon Slain8/9/2024 16:56Sun Sep 8 16:56:56 2024In response to Re: LW is not the only option for a return to townTop of thread

Views: 1488

Would be best to ask him/her for answers to the actions taken. Their silence has been deafening. Once bitten,twice shy also springs to mind.

Nuneaton Borough FC is dead—Killed by incompetence.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Wotnostrikers8/9/2024 14:48Sun Sep 8 14:48:47 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1498

Staying at Bedworth for good ?.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By bert's dad9/9/2024 13:03Mon Sep 9 13:03:55 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1230

If that’s the only practical option - yes.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Lord of the Manor8/9/2024 15:15Sun Sep 8 15:15:10 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1450

Said it and I still stand by it .....

Nuneaton & Bedworth united ....

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By bert's dad9/9/2024 13:05Mon Sep 9 13:05:10 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1194

Not sure Bedworth would agree.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 16:50Sun Sep 8 16:50:33 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1404

Can't happen Nuneaton as a town is too big to merge with another towns team plus fanbase wise neither Boro fans or even Bedworth fans would stand for this. If it was to happen, some fans would not attend and look to reform a separate club.

The oval is only on table I think for three years, however it was interesting to what Ian Cook said on a local non league podcast, when he said "we have a deal on the table to stay at Bedworth for two or three seasons, if we choose to stay that long..." Which gets me thinking is a return to Liberty Way on the highest agenda.

I won't be surprised if we end back at Liberty Way next season, even though ground is needing a lot of repairs and some fans but not all are particular keen on returning there. Our MP, Ms Gosling my understanding is trying to get us back in their.

I'd be interested to know, what was the situation with the Pingles, before deciding on the Oval. I agree the Oval is better than the Pingles but at least it was in Nuneaton.

Edited by StockingfordBrew at 16:54:12 on 8th September 2024
Edited by StockingfordBrew at 16:54:42 on 8th September 2024

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 17:21Sun Sep 8 17:21:48 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1338

I honestly can’t see what a MP can do.
It’s privately owned land.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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By stripes4me8/9/2024 17:55Sun Sep 8 17:55:03 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1367

totally true and this is why other options are the way forward , don't understand the panic and why people think it's LW or nothing

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Re: MP

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 18:02Sun Sep 8 18:02:59 2024In response to MPTop of thread

Views: 1331

I think the “lw is only option” comes from the basis
* look at difficulty finding land when leaving MP was confirmed.
* the cost of buying and building anything.
* where is available?
*’political aims (all parties) to build more houses.

Perhaps Greenmoor Road? perhaps the running track? But I am struggling after that to think of suitable land where it would be feasible.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: MP

By lukey9/9/2024 15:16Mon Sep 9 15:16:18 2024In response to Re: MPTop of thread

Views: 1244

What about Haunchwoood recreational ground would be a good bet to look into.
I am presuming the council own the land.
Also looks a fair bit of land there too.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Dougie88/9/2024 17:25Sun Sep 8 17:25:16 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1333

Not a lot, but they like to be seen looking as if they are doing something. It is known as conning the voter.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 17:29Sun Sep 8 17:29:56 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1322

Yep - looks good doesn’t it.

I think the previous MP wrote a tweet on the subject.

As I said, it’s not a political matter as I can’t see any government forcing a landlord to let a football team play OR buy the ground for a football club.

The only political influence would be a council helping and (at least part funding) sporting facilities in the town that a football club can use.

I suppose they could also block “change of use” which may tie the landlords hands

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 17:31:10 on 8th September 2024

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 18:25Sun Sep 8 18:25:40 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1313

Having someone within the government I guess backs the Boro's cause to the landlord, may make them feel they can trust this new board a lot compared to last regime. As lets face it Ms Gosling didn't have to get involved as she could have said this is a footballing issue, but to her credit she's spoken to our board and realised the importance of having the town's football team back within the town and given her full support in trying to get the club back to where it belongs.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Wotnostrikers8/9/2024 08:49Sun Sep 8 08:49:19 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1491

I never liked LW but to I would jump at the chance at thanking. Bedworth but saying bye, bye.
I have walked from the town centre to LW and it’s a doddle it would need to be a sponsored walk from Nuneaton to The Oval.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Lord of the Manor8/9/2024 07:03Sun Sep 8 07:03:10 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1514

We're never going to be able to afford to buy the land
( without some kind of sugar daddy ) never mind build any kind of stadium in the town.
LW is and probably the only hope at the minute.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By almost average 28/9/2024 10:57Sun Sep 8 10:57:49 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1424

I'm sure many on here went to the new ground at Sutton United . That's probably the type / standard of ground we would need to build . How much would it cost to obtain a piece of land and build something even to that standard , and that would only do for now . It would need significant improvement if we were ever to get back to the levels we used to play at . Even with all it's problems and issues LW might well be our only realistic option with the current model of the club .

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Lord of the Manor8/9/2024 11:16Sun Sep 8 11:16:16 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1396

Well if you think Manor park went for 4 1/2 million all them years ago ..... That's the figure you'd be looking at.
Any suitable land is building land ( houses ) ..... We just couldn't afford anything of that sort in the Town

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By Lord of the Manor4/9/2024 11:41Wed Sep 4 11:41:12 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1944

I don't think the owner and JG got on apparently....

Think that was one of the problems....
Again here say, but rings true.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By StockingfordBrew8/9/2024 16:59Sun Sep 8 16:59:00 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1842

Interesting that the only time we got the eviction notice on the gates was when JG was chairman. Jimmy has a lot to answer for I'm afraid, Jase Dean seem to get a lot of blame but their are some areas I think still unclear. One day perhaps the full story will be revealed.

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Re: Nuns Ground Offer

By VS City (VS Boro)8/9/2024 17:26Sun Sep 8 17:26:26 2024In response to Re: Nuns Ground OfferTop of thread

Views: 1402

And let’s not forget
* (my opinion) - how we treated the Nuns originally
* the fact the ground and club were separated - seem to remember the rational was to protect the football club.
* Ted Stocker involvement.

As usual - A problem NOW is not sudden and has historical roots.

I don’t deny I think the club had to move from Manor Park and Liberty Way should have been adequate. Perhaps in hindsight I was wrong, but I think problems started after the move.

* clearly the original tent was not adequate…… the erected stand was just adequate

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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