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Out of genuine interest.
Views: 703
Over the last weekend and having no Boro fix my thoughts turned to this site and there being notable absences since the death of the old club. One in particular,VoR,perplexes me a little as I feel that if he was known to the club hierarchy then he could be perhaps of value,reference a possible new ground. I don’t know if anyone truly knows who he(she ?) is but it all seems eerily quiet these days.
Just my thoughts.
We were warned,but did it anyway.
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 647
Not even looked at the forum (as logged in as VoR at least) since April
>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 661
VoR went off in a huff quite a while before the old club folded, Vernon.
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 598
I’m out of synch with the actual timing,but I just wonder why,given the new club up and running that he has made no comment. Good or bad.
We were warned,but did it anyway.
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 579
He trolled and spammed the forum so much people got fed up with him and made it very clear what they thought.
Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 474
I'm afraid I was one of those who teased him fairly cruelly and he did indeed get the huff eventually . I feel only mildly guilty over that as he did spout an awful lot of guff at times.
I have since learned who he is.
At present I believe he is enjoying the rise and rise of his beloved Coventry Rugby Club whom (ahem!) thrashed The Tigers on their own ground in a cup game on Saturday.
Bet he enjoyed that.
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 518
One of those that were vocal in the demise but strangely silent upon the resurgence.
We were warned,but did it anyway.
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 526
For some reason he was determined to back HH and before that DCA. But when the combined Coop and Nuneaton business group emerged as victors he got annoyed and disappeared.
He may have been looking for a role with owners who were going to splash the cash although it’s doubtful either of his favoured parties would ever have done so.
Not sure he was genuinely a supporter of Coventry rugby. He played for Manor Park and previously watched the Nuns. So a bit of a maverick all round.
Edited by Gustavus at 12:12:56 on 12th November 2024
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 427
If he’s who I think he is he was a Boro regular for many years and went to lots of away games in the 70s. Definitely a dedicated Boro fan over the years.
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 419
He’s definitely a proper Nuneatonian not a Coventrian!
He had a sense of where the Boro should be and what they were and struggled to recognise the catastrophe which occurred and the effort required to come back!
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Re: Out of genuine interest.
Views: 439
He's definitely who he thinks he is. I would agree that he had a very strongly formed image of how Boro should proceed and was disappointed that not everyone shared the same kind of
Like a few of the other senior followers he seems to have struggled with the latest reincarnation of the club.
He also definitely goes to watch Cov. Even if "beloved" was a bit strong and typical, unnecessary US sarcasm.
I know of him through another mate who is currently lapsed Boro and an ex Forum contributor . Who ( I think) also goes with him to The Butts sometimes.
It's not a crime to step outside the boundaries of Nuneaton or even Warwickshire sometimes. Most of us are doing it currently even by going to "Home " games.
As I have said many times, my own family has circumnavigated this part of the Midlands triangle of Cov, Beduff and Nuneaton for centuries. They have tended to migrate to where the work is/has been.
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Previous thread: Boro v Paget Rangers 50/ 50 Result. by boro4412/11/2024 23:09Tue Nov 12 23:09:18 2024view thread