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Back to Nuneaton Fund

By ntfcadam (nbfcadam)Yesterday 13:51Yesterday at 13:51:29

Views: 427

Just having a browse at the latest treasurers report and it appears we are smashing the Back to Nuneaton fund! Well done all!

Apologies if its published anywhere but what are the next steps when the target is met? What does the amount cover etc?

Design? Location Surveys? Actually procuring land?

Thanks for any info given on this thread.

Edited by nbfcadam at 13:52:03 on 7th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vultureYesterday 22:39Yesterday at 22:39:47In response to Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 251

The money they've raised so far wont even get you a planning application. Architects fees and most importantly to start with planning agents who will charge at least 100 quid an hour.
Say they find a site:
1. The council have already said they won't help the club financially and with Boros track record why would they?
2 Limited areas of land and none within the traditional fan base area.
3. Any site will require access infrastructure costs.
4. Just because there is land and money it don't mean you'll get planning permission.
5. Any proposed new ground next to residential development will incur the wrath of local residents and their councilors will have a field day.
Remember too where Leamington have had to play for many years- basically on farm land.
Remember 20 odd years ago Boro approached the council for site recommendations.
All these sites failed and so Boro were shunted in with the Nuns on the towns eastern extremities, far away from the traditional fanbase.
At this time Boro had an asset to sell, all be it complicated with the covenant and club debt.
I reckon you're looking at 3million quid for a basic setup akin to Stratford town.
Grants can be procured but this will only take you so far.
And a big mistake would be to create any new ground far away from the fanbase; Liberty way drove many traditional Manor Park supporters away and the club needs as many fans as it can get.
Looking at the local plan I see no sites suitable in the Stockingford/Camp Hill area or anything near the location of Manor Park.
Me? Id be a cheeky sod and get together with the council and Beduth- sell the oval for much needed housing.
Use this money along with grants to construct a new ground shared by both clubs including leisure facilities, a corporate area to make money and 4G pitches which could bring in money.
The location? Land between the two towns in the vicinity of Bermuda park - green belt but get justification for the development using the NPPF. And remember the new Labour government are pushing the need for new housing so everyone's a winner.
Pie in the sky perhaps but no harm in asking.
The hard part in all this is trying to persuade the LA when you consider the football clubs financial reputation over the last 50 years.
Liberty way? waste of time but may be the only option if Town could somehow get back.
Whatever happens it will be a long long road back sadly and the reality of the damage done the last few years will soon become far more apparent.
Although no longer a supporter myself I wish all you town fans the best of luck for getting the club back into Nuneaton but it aint gonna be easy without a big money investor.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)Today 08:49Today at 08:49:59In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 185

The Oval is never going to be sold for development, it is inside the Welfare Park, so that is a non starter

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vultureToday 09:51Today at 09:51:39In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 173

Really?Manor park had a legal covenant. The NPPF states that any development in designated green space/ green be!t has to be justified and that any playing field has to be replaced if lost and that would occur if a new facility was built. The miners welfare park may be a registered park or garden so it would be a hurdle but Labour are pushing to changes to the planning system to push residential development.
I'm telling you now there is no land in Nuneaton that wouldn't incur large development costs and town will never have the money to build anything without significant financial help. The council wont hand over cash for Town to build a new ground themselves.
Boro couldn't even afford to fix the driveway properly at Liberty way.
There are fewer sites in Nuneaton now,20 odd years after the council recommended the previous failed sites and looking at the local plan most land has already been earmarked for residential and other development.
I reckon Town will be at Beduth for years.
A sad state of affairs but the damage done the last few years is immense. Going bust is one thing but losing your home ground is quite another and the road back home will be very difficult sadly unless of course some big money person turns up and takes a.punt.

Edit: The miners welfare park is not a registered park and garden and if it was there is no consent system relating to such assets.

Edited by Armchair vulture at 10:34:37 on 8th January 2025
Edited by Armchair vulture at 10:35:42 on 8th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)Today 09:59Today at 09:59:08In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 153

Thanks for your input. Only one flaw in that detailed critical analysis:

" the reality of the damage done the last few years will soon become far more apparent."

I don't know anyone who follows Boro-in reality home and away, or even from an armchair-to whom the damage done over the last few years is not already all too apparent.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vultureToday 10:11Today at 10:11:02In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 164

It seems to me some think coming back to Nuneaton will be a doddle. All know the damage done regarding the club but the ground issue is far more troublesome to.overcome for a club with no assets and only 4-500 paying supporters.
We will see what happens.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By MJNBToday 11:05Today at 11:05:02In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 139

I agree with the top part of that.

I may be reading it totally wrong, but it does seem some think ‘raise a few quid and we will be back in 3 years’

That simply won’t happen.

I’ve asked before if there’s a site in mind, and got short shrift from LH. I understand confidentiality. But I also want transparency- which on the whole there is.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)Today 14:00Today at 14:00:47In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 44

Got shouted down when I first mentioned it .... got told we can get grants to pay for it 😏

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)Today 10:12Today at 10:12:48In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 155

Anchor down for a long ride

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 10:13:20 on 8th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vultureToday 10:21Today at 10:21:20In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 149

Yes Lord - a very long ride sadly

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By joetowny (Joe)Today 10:48Today at 10:48:57In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 129

AV, sadly you are more or less spot on.
as far as the latest debacle goes
i gave JG the benefit of the doubt on several occasions
alas my trust was misplaced.
to quote ; there is no fool like an old fool.
end of.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Boropod (BoroughPod)Yesterday 15:13Yesterday at 15:13:51In response to Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 428

Pretty sure Lee said there will be a forum to update fans on next steps on return to Nuneaton.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By almost average 2Yesterday 17:27Yesterday at 17:27:01In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 370

The money the club have generated is impressive but it's also a drop in the ocean of what we're going to need .
Has anyone from the club actually done any sort of research into what it's going to cost or looked at what it's cost other clubs to build similar . Seems to me some sort of feasibility study to determine what we're actually looking at is the first thing we need .

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)Yesterday 19:06Yesterday at 19:06:56In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 318

Have they looked at ground share .... maybe with Griff

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By almost average 2Yesterday 19:14Yesterday at 19:14:59In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 322

Personally i'd rather stay at the Oval but from what i've heard the Pingles is a no go .

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By almost average 2Yesterday 19:28Yesterday at 19:28:10In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 326

Somewhere between 1 to 5 million seems to be the estimates dependent on various factors .

Edited by almost average 2 at 19:28:29 on 7th January 2025

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If only,,

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)Yesterday 19:57Yesterday at 19:57:27In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 303

I honestly did not think we'd get this far OFF the field, so soon. It is a credit to those now running the club, to the staff and all of the squad, the volunteers and the fans who are attending that we have done so.

This amount of progress so far, given the immediate past is of course impressive. But just think: if only 50% of those still self-flagellating and punishing themselves (and us) by staying away joined those of us giving it a go this season, they would accelerate the Back to Nuneaton goal even further. I understand their scepticism I really do-but we cannot as a club conjure up a Fighting Fund out of thin air. We need everyone who cares back on board.

There's no great hardship (other than a psychological one), in watching our football temporarily at The Oval. They treat us well there. The bar and the grub is decent. Access and parking is easy. The football frankly, has been great compared to the last 2-3 seasons.

The "If Only" btw refers to that ghost stadium slowly rotting away behind Eastboro' Way. It definitely isn't MP. The Biscuit Tin definitely wasn't the CABE. But returning there still holds out more promise than taking binoculars along to The Pingles for every home game. What a chronic waste of time and resources this stalemate situation is. All to feed a few individuals' wounded pride. No-one, NO-ONE is profiting from leaving it empty.

Would it cost £1.5 to salvage/restore/rebuild it? As it stands, what a ridiculous monument to bad planning, lack of vision, sheer stupidity and brute ignorance it has become. Far from perfect as it was. No use to anyone as it is.

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Re: If only,,

By MJNBToday 11:07Today at 11:07:37In response to If only,,Top of thread

Views: 135

Look at what happened to Nene Park.

What a waste that was too; and that was significantly better than Liberty Way.

Loved being in the Airwair away end there, and it’s now bulldozed to bits.

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open invitation

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)Yesterday 20:13Yesterday at 20:13:17In response to If only,,Top of thread

Views: 299

further to the above i will leave an offer of an open invitation as the clubs guest to anyone who wants to invest a couple of hours on a saturday afternoon , to see just what others say about us on here .

every boro/town fan is important to us . this is your club , it always has been . The club is its supporters , not its custodians at any given time .

Edited by Camp hill reserves at 20:42:27 on 7th January 2025

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Re: open invitation

By almost average 2Today 13:05Today at 13:05:00In response to open invitationTop of thread

Views: 88

Have spoken on this subject with a number of fans and there's no doubt the 400- 500 who do seem to be on board do feel this is our club and there's a really positive feel about match days . The away days are really fun with 200 - 300 fans converging on some local club who normally get 30 - 100 home fans . Does help when your winning most weeks .
I'd rather see the club playing at step 6 in Bedworth , but being run well , than at step 1-3 by people you can't trust with the clubs best interest a distant second to their own , or just plain poorly . Despite all the positivity there does also need to be realism about what's ahead of us and imo it ain't going to be easy or quick , but for now i'm thoroughly enjoying this new boro / town .
Nice to see some lapsed posters back with some interesting posts .

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Re: open invitation

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)Today 14:06Today at 14:06:20In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 39

Really enjoying going to watch us again this season + getting to know the players again ..... something that's been missed over the last few seasons ....
How long this new found optimism will last i don't know.

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Previous thread: Gala Field by VoRToday 12:26Today at 12:26:16view thread