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Back to Nuneaton Fund

By ntfcadam (nbfcadam)7/1 13:51Tue Jan 7 13:51:29 2025

Views: 1288

Just having a browse at the latest treasurers report and it appears we are smashing the Back to Nuneaton fund! Well done all!

Apologies if its published anywhere but what are the next steps when the target is met? What does the amount cover etc?

Design? Location Surveys? Actually procuring land?

Thanks for any info given on this thread.

Edited by nbfcadam at 13:52:03 on 7th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vulture7/1 22:39Tue Jan 7 22:39:47 2025In response to Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1091

The money they've raised so far wont even get you a planning application. Architects fees and most importantly to start with planning agents who will charge at least 100 quid an hour.
Say they find a site:
1. The council have already said they won't help the club financially and with Boros track record why would they?
2 Limited areas of land and none within the traditional fan base area.
3. Any site will require access infrastructure costs.
4. Just because there is land and money it don't mean you'll get planning permission.
5. Any proposed new ground next to residential development will incur the wrath of local residents and their councilors will have a field day.
Remember too where Leamington have had to play for many years- basically on farm land.
Remember 20 odd years ago Boro approached the council for site recommendations.
All these sites failed and so Boro were shunted in with the Nuns on the towns eastern extremities, far away from the traditional fanbase.
At this time Boro had an asset to sell, all be it complicated with the covenant and club debt.
I reckon you're looking at 3million quid for a basic setup akin to Stratford town.
Grants can be procured but this will only take you so far.
And a big mistake would be to create any new ground far away from the fanbase; Liberty way drove many traditional Manor Park supporters away and the club needs as many fans as it can get.
Looking at the local plan I see no sites suitable in the Stockingford/Camp Hill area or anything near the location of Manor Park.
Me? Id be a cheeky sod and get together with the council and Beduth- sell the oval for much needed housing.
Use this money along with grants to construct a new ground shared by both clubs including leisure facilities, a corporate area to make money and 4G pitches which could bring in money.
The location? Land between the two towns in the vicinity of Bermuda park - green belt but get justification for the development using the NPPF. And remember the new Labour government are pushing the need for new housing so everyone's a winner.
Pie in the sky perhaps but no harm in asking.
The hard part in all this is trying to persuade the LA when you consider the football clubs financial reputation over the last 50 years.
Liberty way? waste of time but may be the only option if Town could somehow get back.
Whatever happens it will be a long long road back sadly and the reality of the damage done the last few years will soon become far more apparent.
Although no longer a supporter myself I wish all you town fans the best of luck for getting the club back into Nuneaton but it aint gonna be easy without a big money investor.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/1 08:49Wed Jan 8 08:49:59 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1016

The Oval is never going to be sold for development, it is inside the Welfare Park, so that is a non starter

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vulture8/1 09:51Wed Jan 8 09:51:39 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 981

Really?Manor park had a legal covenant. The NPPF states that any development in designated green space/ green be!t has to be justified and that any playing field has to be replaced if lost and that would occur if a new facility was built. The miners welfare park may be a registered park or garden so it would be a hurdle but Labour are pushing to changes to the planning system to push residential development.
I'm telling you now there is no land in Nuneaton that wouldn't incur large development costs and town will never have the money to build anything without significant financial help. The council wont hand over cash for Town to build a new ground themselves.
Boro couldn't even afford to fix the driveway properly at Liberty way.
There are fewer sites in Nuneaton now,20 odd years after the council recommended the previous failed sites and looking at the local plan most land has already been earmarked for residential and other development.
I reckon Town will be at Beduth for years.
A sad state of affairs but the damage done the last few years is immense. Going bust is one thing but losing your home ground is quite another and the road back home will be very difficult sadly unless of course some big money person turns up and takes a.punt.

Edit: The miners welfare park is not a registered park and garden and if it was there is no consent system relating to such assets.

Edited by Armchair vulture at 10:34:37 on 8th January 2025
Edited by Armchair vulture at 10:35:42 on 8th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/1 09:59Wed Jan 8 09:59:08 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 941

Thanks for your input. Only one flaw in that detailed critical analysis:

" the reality of the damage done the last few years will soon become far more apparent."

I don't know anyone who follows Boro-in reality home and away, or even from an armchair-to whom the damage done over the last few years is not already all too apparent.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vulture8/1 10:11Wed Jan 8 10:11:02 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 964

It seems to me some think coming back to Nuneaton will be a doddle. All know the damage done regarding the club but the ground issue is far more troublesome to.overcome for a club with no assets and only 4-500 paying supporters.
We will see what happens.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By MJNB8/1 11:05Wed Jan 8 11:05:02 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1113

I agree with the top part of that.

I may be reading it totally wrong, but it does seem some think ‘raise a few quid and we will be back in 3 years’

That simply won’t happen.

I’ve asked before if there’s a site in mind, and got short shrift from LH. I understand confidentiality. But I also want transparency- which on the whole there is.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/1 14:44Wed Jan 8 14:44:30 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 968

Still think that any suggestion that anyone who has been to The Oval this season could possibly think that a swift return to Nuneaton would or could be " a doddle", is a bit insulting tbh.

The fact that an empty ground in Nuneaton once used by BoroTown is slowly rotting away unused is not a pipe dream but a fact. I drive past it four or six times a day at present . A monument to stupidity. ( We are playing Bromsgrove Rovers next btw).

And: (being contentious-not like me)- I also think that some people (not "supporters" or "fans" ) genuinely want the current enterprise/adventure to fail. Some weird kind of revenge/ satisfaction thing. Don't get it/won't ever get it-but there is definitely a tiny little group of guillotine knitters out there still hoping for it.

The more I go..the less sure I am that they will get actually their wish.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By boro4410/1 08:38Fri Jan 10 08:38:03 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 507

Very good post , completely agree with your last paragraph.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By bert's dad8/1 21:37Wed Jan 8 21:37:45 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 818

I am happy seeing Town at Bedworth. It’s a nice friendly ground. I would not be happy with a return to Liberty Way going on bended knee to the ground owners and having to put up with the antics of the nuns.

Edited by bert's dad at 21:38:06 on 8th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)9/1 12:15Thu Jan 9 12:15:59 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 657

Agreed BD

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)9/1 09:06Thu Jan 9 09:06:46 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 668

I ain't going anywhere on bended knees. Mine don't bend any more.

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By MJNB8/1 19:27Wed Jan 8 19:27:06 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 865

I can’t think of a single reason why anyone, whether they’ve been The Oval or not (well done you) would want the current regime to fail.

I’m yet to go, not because I don’t want to, but because circumstances/family/finances doesn’t really make a 250 mile/£60 round trip to see step 6 football the most important thing in my priority list, but rest assured I respect and appreciate the work of the likes of Mark Lacrouts immensely and want our club back on the map! They’re doing a fine job of rebuilding a damaged reputation.

I could ‘retaliate’ and say I find your suggestion that people yet to go The Oval as insulting, but I won’t. G’night’

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/1 20:48Wed Jan 8 20:48:47 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 813

Don't see anything insulting in "yet to Go To The Oval " at all. It's just a phrase to describe those who haven't yet been . It's a free country. It's up to them. Although clearly people have all sorts of reasons other than no longer interested for not attending. Distance, family commitments etc.

I can think of several people who quite evidently want this latest reincarnation to fail. Like you ( I think), I have absolutely no idea why they feel like this. But they do exist. I am 100% certain.

I respect the feelings of anyone who has not yet gone to the Oval, does not want to go or cannot go. As i said. Up to them. Won't stop me trying to persuade them otherwise though. Up to me. Free country.

I have missed about three home games and most away ones this season due to work commitments and Family Care duties coming first.

Good night.

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Well said n/t

By Gustavus8/1 19:59Wed Jan 8 19:59:42 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 781

No text

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)8/1 15:00Wed Jan 8 15:00:40 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 864

Here here sauce , let’s not forget that it’s been five months since since we kicked a ball , still under 12 months since I sat with 20-30 volunteers at Bermuda phoenix centre
So many things have been achieved in such a very short time frame . Let alone managing to put a successful team together on the pitch .

We plan to update the fans in the near future at a fans forum , however long it takes the people moving this forward are well aware of the challenges and mountains we still have to climb

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)8/1 14:00Wed Jan 8 14:00:47 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 873

Got shouted down when I first mentioned it .... got told we can get grants to pay for it 😏

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)8/1 10:12Wed Jan 8 10:12:48 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 949

Anchor down for a long ride

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 10:13:20 on 8th January 2025

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Armchair vulture8/1 10:21Wed Jan 8 10:21:20 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 937

Yes Lord - a very long ride sadly

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By joetowny (Joe)8/1 10:48Wed Jan 8 10:48:57 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 970

AV, sadly you are more or less spot on.
as far as the latest debacle goes
i gave JG the benefit of the doubt on several occasions
alas my trust was misplaced.
to quote ; there is no fool like an old fool.
end of.

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The latest debacle?

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/1 18:56Wed Jan 8 18:56:26 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 870

Ended when our league record was expunged, the club was dissolved and any "assets" lost. Like lancing a boil.

JG's ill fated regime bears no resemblance to the current set up. Light years away in every respect.

Sorry to contradict JT as I have a lot of respect for you views and hostory of support.

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Re: The latest debacle?

By joetowny (Joe)8/1 22:13Wed Jan 8 22:13:12 2025In response to The latest debacle?Top of thread

Views: 776

i think you have the wrong end of the stick here sauce.
i think you have totally misunderstood my comments.
read them again.

not for the first time on here
i wish everybody concerned in or around the club nothing but the best for the future.

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Re: The latest debacle?

By MJNB8/1 19:30Wed Jan 8 19:30:54 2025In response to The latest debacle?Top of thread

Views: 830

If we aren’t to associate JG et al with the current club, you could argue we can’t glorify the Middlesbrough and Stoke ties as part of our history?

Surely, every aspect of the past is part of the new club, or none of the past it?

We can’t just highlight the good parts of the past and pretend the bad didn’t happen!

(I’m not suggesting you are doing that by the way mate, just saying we are either new, or we aren’t).

All the best 👍🏼

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Boropod (BoroughPod)7/1 15:13Tue Jan 7 15:13:51 2025In response to Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1191

Pretty sure Lee said there will be a forum to update fans on next steps on return to Nuneaton.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By almost average 27/1 17:27Tue Jan 7 17:27:01 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1116

The money the club have generated is impressive but it's also a drop in the ocean of what we're going to need .
Has anyone from the club actually done any sort of research into what it's going to cost or looked at what it's cost other clubs to build similar . Seems to me some sort of feasibility study to determine what we're actually looking at is the first thing we need .

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)7/1 19:06Tue Jan 7 19:06:56 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1054

Have they looked at ground share .... maybe with Griff

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By almost average 27/1 19:14Tue Jan 7 19:14:59 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1036

Personally i'd rather stay at the Oval but from what i've heard the Pingles is a no go .

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Re: Back to Nuneaton Fund

By almost average 27/1 19:28Tue Jan 7 19:28:10 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1066

Somewhere between 1 to 5 million seems to be the estimates dependent on various factors .

Edited by almost average 2 at 19:28:29 on 7th January 2025

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If only,,

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)7/1 19:57Tue Jan 7 19:57:27 2025In response to Re: Back to Nuneaton FundTop of thread

Views: 1068

I honestly did not think we'd get this far OFF the field, so soon. It is a credit to those now running the club, to the staff and all of the squad, the volunteers and the fans who are attending that we have done so.

This amount of progress so far, given the immediate past is of course impressive. But just think: if only 50% of those still self-flagellating and punishing themselves (and us) by staying away joined those of us giving it a go this season, they would accelerate the Back to Nuneaton goal even further. I understand their scepticism I really do-but we cannot as a club conjure up a Fighting Fund out of thin air. We need everyone who cares back on board.

There's no great hardship (other than a psychological one), in watching our football temporarily at The Oval. They treat us well there. The bar and the grub is decent. Access and parking is easy. The football frankly, has been great compared to the last 2-3 seasons.

The "If Only" btw refers to that ghost stadium slowly rotting away behind Eastboro' Way. It definitely isn't MP. The Biscuit Tin definitely wasn't the CABE. But returning there still holds out more promise than taking binoculars along to The Pingles for every home game. What a chronic waste of time and resources this stalemate situation is. All to feed a few individuals' wounded pride. No-one, NO-ONE is profiting from leaving it empty.

Would it cost £1.5 to salvage/restore/rebuild it? As it stands, what a ridiculous monument to bad planning, lack of vision, sheer stupidity and brute ignorance it has become. Far from perfect as it was. No use to anyone as it is.

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Re: If only,,

By MJNB8/1 11:07Wed Jan 8 11:07:37 2025In response to If only,,Top of thread

Views: 930

Look at what happened to Nene Park.

What a waste that was too; and that was significantly better than Liberty Way.

Loved being in the Airwair away end there, and it’s now bulldozed to bits.

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open invitation

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)7/1 20:13Tue Jan 7 20:13:17 2025In response to If only,,Top of thread

Views: 1050

further to the above i will leave an offer of an open invitation as the clubs guest to anyone who wants to invest a couple of hours on a saturday afternoon , to see just what others say about us on here .

every boro/town fan is important to us . this is your club , it always has been . The club is its supporters , not its custodians at any given time .

Edited by Camp hill reserves at 20:42:27 on 7th January 2025

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Re: open invitation

By almost average 28/1 13:05Wed Jan 8 13:05:00 2025In response to open invitationTop of thread

Views: 941

Have spoken on this subject with a number of fans and there's no doubt the 400- 500 who do seem to be on board do feel this is our club and there's a really positive feel about match days . The away days are really fun with 200 - 300 fans converging on some local club who normally get 30 - 100 home fans . Does help when your winning most weeks .
I'd rather see the club playing at step 6 in Bedworth , but being run well , than at step 1-3 by people you can't trust with the clubs best interest a distant second to their own , or just plain poorly . Despite all the positivity there does also need to be realism about what's ahead of us and imo it ain't going to be easy or quick , but for now i'm thoroughly enjoying this new boro / town .
Nice to see some lapsed posters back with some interesting posts .

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Re: open invitation

By bert's dad9/1 08:47Thu Jan 9 08:47:33 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 671

We seem to be able to make a profit at step 6 by living within our means which is exactly what we could have done in the Southern League after relegation.

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB9/1 10:58Thu Jan 9 10:58:22 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 657

Absolutely spot on.

I am sure with 400-500 paying fans we could hold our own at Southern League level in the future and that's what we should have done before.

If that's 'our level', that's fine. We don't, and shouldn't have, need to push the boat out chasing the dream. And I'm sure under this model we won't.

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Re: open invitation

By almost average 29/1 15:31Thu Jan 9 15:31:52 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 596

What is our level potentially ?

I'd say in our current form playing at the Oval , step 4 would be achievable but anything beyond probably not .
If we could get a ground back in Nuneaton and ran within our means then Step 3 . If we wanted to survive for long any higher we would need outside funding and that's were it get complicated .

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Re: open invitation

By bert's dad10/1 09:16Fri Jan 10 09:16:29 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 496

I think the Oval is suitable for step 3 even step 2.

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB10/1 09:26Fri Jan 10 09:26:48 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 481

I think for Step 2 you need 500 seats and further cover for 500. Possibly more.

Oval has under 500 seats, I think.

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB9/1 20:18Thu Jan 9 20:18:27 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 508

Pretty much agree.

I’d say in Nuneaton depends on the support we can get.

If we were getting say 800, conference north at a push.

But for me, if we are a step 4/3 club, self sufficient, I think I’d be more than satisfied at that being our ceiling.

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Re: open invitation

By joetowny (Joe)9/1 10:30Thu Jan 9 10:30:54 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 674

absolutely >THIS <
total incompetence by past regimes
has come home to roost
the loyal fan base has been left holding the baby
the offending culprits have long gone.
its going to be a long long road back
yet again i wish all involved the very best.

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Re: open invitation

By boro448/1 23:54Wed Jan 8 23:54:04 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 778

Well said mate, I see the doom and gloom have surfaced again after a few peaceful months, and none of em have got a clue what’s going on .

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB10/1 09:26Fri Jan 10 09:26:06 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 464

The oracle.

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB9/1 10:59Thu Jan 9 10:59:26 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 645

:) x

Edited by MJNB at 11:02:46 on 9th January 2025
Edited by MJNB at 11:03:20 on 9th January 2025
Edited by MJNB at 11:03:44 on 9th January 2025

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Re: open invitation

By Armchair vulture9/1 10:19Thu Jan 9 10:19:05 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 671

No doom and gloom on here - there is realism and reality - starting a new club is the easy bit - building a brand new ground in a town with very few suitable sites is quite another. And the money the club has made so far may perhaps pay for a buffet spread at a planners meeting.
Not negativity just realism.
25 years ago Boro asked the council for potential sites for a new ground. All recommendations failed at the planning stage. Opposition from local residents related to each site was massive and other issues also contributed to the plans failure - the result was that Boro were shafted into Liberty way at the other side.of the town resulting in many Manor park stalwarts abandoning their support.
Even if the council propose a site they will not fund it and planning permission is.never guaranteed. Any proposal in the close vicinity of residential development will face opposition which is just what occurred when the council proposed the Jubilee centre.
Not impossible but certainly not easy and that my friend is the reality.
Modern Nuneaton is predominantly a residential area with very few areas of land that have not been earmarked in the local plan for more housing. Boro missed a big opportunity decades ago when there were some decent tracks of abandoned industrial land available but these have since been developed.
I still believe that Boro and Bedworth United should come together and approach the council with a plan to build a new purpose built facility for both to share funded by grants and the sake of the Oval. The council would still own the ground with both clubs paying rent.
The location is difficult but perhaps on land next to Bermuda park.
Can't see the council offering anything other than pre-ap advice unless there is something in it for them. Why would they put any money into an institution with a track record of financial failure with nothing in return? For me a joint venture with Beduth is perhaps the only way forward but getting all parties to agree would be a major stumbling block.

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Re: open invitation

By bert's dad10/1 09:09Fri Jan 10 09:09:51 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 469

The best we can get from the Council is some land we rent off them.

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Re: open invitation

By VoR9/1 13:06Thu Jan 9 13:06:21 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 665

I am going to take you to task here AV & no apologies for it!

Gala Field is the obvious location.

It would be a prestige development that NBBC would still own & gain rent from, generating an income & they could put funding into the project if they give it very careful consideration.

If only the Nuns & the Boro could put their differences aside & could co-operate, a town the size of Nuneaton could have a facility & a groundshare between their two premier sports clubs that they could be proud of & who knows Nuneaton Griff could also consider joining the party in some form or other.

The town needs visionaries to step forward from all quarters.

Just my thoughts!

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Re: open invitation

By bert's dad10/1 09:14Fri Jan 10 09:14:10 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 490

Totally against any co-operation with the nuns. The two sports don’t go together and the people running the nuns have done nothing to help the Boro/Town.

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Re: open invitation

By Armchair vulture9/1 13:43Thu Jan 9 13:43:11 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 633

Yes worth a punt but where do the development costs come from? The council would have to spend - If they sold the Oval and used the money from that it would not impact the tax payer.
You are the expert in construction finance so you will know but surely the club will never have the money to build a ground of their own.
As for Gala fields- worth a shot but not a simple process and imo they wouldn't get planning permission anyway.. The club could raise some money ( they have 25 grand so far) and spend it on architects schemes and planning consultants long before a brick is laid or a pitch laid out.I
Not an easy thing to achieve a new ground and the LA might not be too interested in helping an institution financially that is patronised by 500 people out of a population of around 90 thousand, and which has suffered several financial collapses in its modern history
Time will tell though I siuppose.

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Re: open invitation

By VoR9/1 14:02Thu Jan 9 14:02:55 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 652

AV, your head is a shed & it needs a clear out.

It would be worth us meeting up & I can explain to you how it all works.

You are an intelligent bloke & you will quickly follow my logic.

At the moment you are tending to come over as negative, which is doing you a dis-service.

A lot of what you are saying has validity but there is a way through the mist, I can assure you.

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Re: open invitation

By Armchair vulture9/1 15:32Thu Jan 9 15:32:49 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 625

Thanks for the head is a shed comment - with a first class honours degree related to the conservation of hisotric buildings and architecture and the planning system related to it and a master of science degree distinction in Sustainable architecture I find that a tad strong.
No matter what you say you don't get something for nowt. If this is the case why did Boro not get a super duper New ground in the town 25 years ago for nowt or perhaps they never had your experience in alchemy. If it was as easy as you say why hasn't it occurred and why didn't it occur when Boro had an asset to chip in albeit with restrictions related to the covanent?
Sorry pal but I'm fully aware of how the planning system works and how much professional fees can cost. That is not negative.
Even if Town manage to get a site recommended that doesn't mean theyll get p!naming permission. What you want is not always what you get - the planned demolition of Nuneaton library has been approved despite opposition from some quarters who have tried unsuccessfully to get it listed. I tried on other forums to explain how the system works and why the building has not been statutory protected only to be negative- you just can't win.
As for head in the shed
Understanding construction finance may make you a QS but it don't make you a planner, architect or builder.
If you can explain to me how a club supported by 500 people can get a new ground built with stands and facilities and with no assets to contribute then I am all ears.
The club was looking to do this since Noel Kely was chairman - all they got was two tin stands and a shed .for a social club - perhaps with you involved it would have been different?
All I say is perhaps you should get involved with the new club and in two years time they will be playing at Vale view park or Gala fields in a new 5-8000 capacity stadium with 4 g pitches and corporate facilities.
The alchemy you profess to understand didn't get a 1000 seat stand at Liberty way or a set of football league standard flood lights did it?
As Lord Percy did in blackadder you may attempt to produce gold but will only recreate pure green.
All the best and as I say get involved, your experience will be very useful.

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Re: open invitation

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)12/2 22:35Wed Feb 12 22:35:56 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 167

Other clubs have achieved it AV

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Re: open invitation

By VoR9/1 19:09Thu Jan 9 19:09:03 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 554

Let's get back to the basics shall we?

Firstly, we are looking at potentially a 15-year development programme (& that could be optimistic) to re-establish the new Club at Step 3...I don't think anyone would disagree with that?

Secondly, we have to start somewhere & use the limited funds that have been raised so far to best use...I don't think anyone would disagree with that?

Thirdly, to make any progress in achieving a return to Nuneaton, the new Club needs to gain the support of NBBC...that is crucial.

To explain further, NBBC need to construct more artificial pitches...I believe that is a fact.

They have the finance available to fund such a requirement...I believe that is also a fact.

To construct the 4G pitch at the Butts Park Arena in Coventry cost £600,000...that's what I have been told.

If NBBC were to construct a new 4G pitch at Gala Fields, it would come with new state of the art floodlights & a perimeter fence.

It would also reasonably be expected to have a new Building containing Changing Rooms as a very minimum.

So, we now have a basic facility that the new Club could rent, for starters...all paid for by NBBC (don't laugh!)...I would put an estimate of £1,250,000 on this first phase of the development.

This first phase in the development could take 5/6 years to complete, by the time NBBC have worked their way through all of their consultations, gained a satisfactory Planning Permission & Planning Committee Approval.

During that time, the new Club could continue to build their 'Back to Nuneaton' fund, carefully prepare a Phased Development Plan, with a Concept Stadium Design, fully costed, including a high-level Construction Programme, which would provide the basis for their Business Plan.

All of that could be discussed with NBBC & if consensus is reached, other Funding Institutions could be approached for Grants.

To finish, IMO, Gala Fields is the logical location for such a new Stadium to be built.

Just my thoughts!


To develop the new Stadium to Step 1 (National League) requirements would reasonably cost £5,000,000

Check out Truro City's new Stadium which I understand cost circa £4,500,000

Edited by VoR at 19:12:05 on 9th January 2025
Edited by VoR at 19:17:26 on 9th January 2025

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Re: open invitation

By Gustavus9/1 23:28Thu Jan 9 23:28:51 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 502

Gala Fields has gone and been leased elsewhere.

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Re: open invitation

By almost average 210/1 09:30Fri Jan 10 09:30:49 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 461

Not 100% but i believe it's been leased long term by the Griff for use by their junior teams .

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Re: open invitation

By Boropod (BoroughPod)9/1 21:03Thu Jan 9 21:03:01 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 504

Dont forget the project plan S Curve. Callum Carsley can help, he produces a wicked curve from corners.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: open invitation

By VoR9/1 21:16Thu Jan 9 21:16:11 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 502

You can price the high-level Construction Programme, which allows the S-Curve to be super-imposed on the Programme.

The benefit of doing that is that when you need to change the Construction Programme, you also automatically change the S-Curve.

Super Project is an example of a programming tool that can be used for this purpose (if it still exists?) but there are other planning/programming tools that can be used to the same effect.

When you develop the Construction Programme in far greater detail, you can drill down far more accurately into the construction costs, which enables you to fine tune your cashflow...that helps with your lending from the Bank.

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Re: open invitation

By karmacoma9/1 15:45Thu Jan 9 15:45:27 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 670

priceless. vor and av arguing about the new ground for a team neither watches

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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)9/1 18:21Thu Jan 9 18:21:22 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 565

Don't think that comment will be surpassed in this thread, which is now going the way they used to in the bad old days.

So I'm pressing the ignore button now and leaving it to the intellectuals.

More interested in football tbh.

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Re: open invitation

By Vernon29/1 08:55Thu Jan 9 08:55:21 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 687

There’s no real gloom and doom out there really but it matters not one jot. Bert’s dad has just nailed within our means. Warnings were given at the start that this is a marathon not a sprint but having a fair first season has sparked a lot of excitement and dreams. Time to put our foot on the ball and breathe in.

As one door closes,another one opens.

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB9/1 11:04Thu Jan 9 11:04:50 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 658

I've not seen a single post where people aren't happy with how the clubs being run, and there's zero 'doom and gloom'.

44 seems to just wanna have a dig at some of us for no reason. Hey ho.

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Re: open invitation

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/1 15:46Wed Jan 8 15:46:23 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 859

100 PC agree AA, funny how the negative comments are still coming from those that have not been to watch the new club, if we had to stay at Bedworth for the next ten years I for one would not be bothered in the slightest, enjoy watching games there more than I ever did at LW, easy parking, nice clubhouse

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Re: open invitation

By VoR10/1 06:32Fri Jan 10 06:32:17 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 494

I think 10 years is not far off the mark, I would certainly be thinking 7/8 years is a possibility.

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB8/1 19:33Wed Jan 8 19:33:48 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 776

Who’s been negative?

Who’s not to go who’s been negative?

If you mean me, quote something ‘negative’ to back yourself up!

If you don’t mean me, say who and quote them to back yourself up!

Not sure saying it won’t be easy to get back to Nuneaton is negative, just realistic.

Davey in slating other fans for having a different opinion shocker 😉

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Re: open invitation

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/1 19:36Wed Jan 8 19:36:50 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 755

Wasn't aimed at you

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Re: open invitation

By MJNB8/1 19:38Wed Jan 8 19:38:14 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 751

Who then?

Name the negative ones?

Or are you viewing a hint of realism as negativity?

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Re: open invitation

By Armchair vulture8/1 20:00Wed Jan 8 20:00:35 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 768

He probably refers to me. I decided myself that I would not support again due of the.last few years but my reasons also include the fact that I have other interests which I now value and enjoy more than watching town/Boro. I tend to concur with Vs in that the last 5 or 6 years and all those happenings has destroyed my love for the club I supported since a 6 year old in 1978. I just don't feel the same anymore sadly but I do hope despite what some are inferring on here that the new club returns to.Nuneaton and becomes a sustainable success for those who want it and there are many who support it that deserve that.
Personally I also think that 3 financial collapses in 30 odd years tells us a story.
Has it always been the fault of club owners and directors that the club has failed or is it perhaps
partly true that the club is just not economically viable with the numbers who are prepared to pay and watch unless a lower level of non league is accepted.
Personally I think it's probably both.
But as I say let's hope that those that do want it get the success and progression they.crave regardless of realities and the hurdles they may present in the future.

Edited by Armchair vulture at 20:02:14 on 8th January 2025

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Re: open invitation

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)8/1 14:06Wed Jan 8 14:06:20 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 865

Really enjoying going to watch us again this season + getting to know the players again ..... something that's been missed over the last few seasons ....
How long this new found optimism will last i don't know.

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Re: open invitation

By Armchair vulture8/1 20:45Wed Jan 8 20:45:05 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 736

That's good and how it should be but it's just not anymore but I wish it well.

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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/1 14:49Wed Jan 8 14:49:56 2025In response to Re: open invitationTop of thread

Views: 860

Yep. That's the key word.

Better playing wise than the last three seasons put together.

More goals. More entertainment. Genuine endeavour onfield-having dispensed (finally) with overpaid journeymen. Less secrecy. More transparency.

Less idiots all round.

I've even heard some singing.

That became a non event at LW

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Re: Enjoyment

By VS City (VS Boro)8/1 16:02Wed Jan 8 16:02:25 2025In response to EnjoymentTop of thread

Views: 853

I have yet to attend, but intend to...but when.
As explained JG has cured my addiction to football.

What I am picking up is people are enjoying it now and feel part of the endeavour. Winning certainly helps.
For too long the club has been one persons personal play thing. Why should I pay for someone else's family and friends to get their fix and income?

As for ground move. The $64,000 question is "where", then closely followed by cost.

Im not saying this is exhaustive, but..
* Liberty Way.................very unlikely, but things do change.
* Joint endeavour with the Nuns on their land?.
* Jubilee way - probably unsuitable for housing, so can't be discounted.
* The pingles?
* Gala Fields?
* Windmill?

Even if a location can be identified there are a lot of hurdles past the finance.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Enjoyment

By Snappycroc UTT (SnappyNBFCcroc)8/1 19:22Wed Jan 8 19:22:24 2025In response to Re: EnjoymentTop of thread

Views: 779

No text

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Re: Enjoyment

By Snappycroc UTT (SnappyNBFCcroc)8/1 19:22Wed Jan 8 19:22:38 2025In response to Re: EnjoymentTop of thread

Views: 781

Vale view

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Re: Enjoyment

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/1 16:05Wed Jan 8 16:05:59 2025In response to Re: EnjoymentTop of thread

Views: 811

Where there is a will there is a way

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