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Boro 1 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)25/1 15:09Sat Jan 25 15:09:49 2025

Views: 917


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)25/1 15:47Sat Jan 25 15:47:22 2025In response to Boro 1 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 842


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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HT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)25/1 15:48Sat Jan 25 15:48:23 2025In response to Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 838

Boro cruising

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: HT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Gustavus25/1 15:57Sat Jan 25 15:57:06 2025In response to HT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 823

450 ish attendance?

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Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)25/1 16:18Sat Jan 25 16:18:53 2025In response to Re: HT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 837


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

Edited by BoroughPod at 16:30:07 on 25th January 2025

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FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)25/1 16:52Sat Jan 25 16:52:00 2025In response to Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 828

Not vintage Boro today, keeper saved us second half.
But 3 points in the bag.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)25/1 17:36Sat Jan 25 17:36:40 2025In response to FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 762

Decent performance whilst not spectacular, played well first half, just did enough to win

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)25/1 18:16Sat Jan 25 18:16:17 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 808

Shame the vile and disgusting pissed up singing ruined it for me in the second half, they have been told!

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

Edited by BoroughPod at 19:16:15 on 25th January 2025

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)26/1 11:09Sun Jan 26 11:09:31 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 673

Need to watch this.

Would be a terrible shame for us to get within touching distance of starting the journey back, and then having to face yet another points deduction or other penalty imposed upon us.

Cop shop is just across the road. Lock 'em up.

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)26/1 11:35Sun Jan 26 11:35:34 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 662

Not cordoning it but what offends one won't nessassary offend another .....

If it's just mild language why not just move?

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)26/1 11:46Sun Jan 26 11:46:23 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 702

It ceratainly wasn't mild language and I certainly wasn't offended, why should I move anyway. It was pointless deliberate repeated chants of 'Cunt' right by the entrance to the club, this offended someone as they got told off by Bedworth staff so I was told.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Cordoning and mildness

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)26/1 13:17Sun Jan 26 13:17:19 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 801

I fear some people are missing the point I made earlier. In fact I fear a few of you might just be being a bit of a C*** here. (:

If someone from a visiting club or a player objects to this though-then we could get in trouble, Even though we've fallen a long way, there are STILL C***s out there who hate us, itching for a chance to take us down further. Singing or shouting obscenities gives them a nice opening.

Vile language doesn't bother me, either aih. And yes you can move elsewhere in a near deserted ground if you don't like it. ( I've had to move away from c***s at the Oval a few times already this season: not because of their vile language, but because I object to them picking on individual players and they are largely just regurgitating tripe they've heard on MoM anyway.

Just best to behave ourselves imho and keep to the law at present. That was my point.

If anyone still needs to get pissed up and shout abuse-there are plenty of other venues that would welcome you. So do one and leave us alone, eh?

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Re: Cordoning and mildness

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)26/1 15:11Sun Jan 26 15:11:26 2025In response to Cordoning and mildnessTop of thread

Views: 707

Did the club not remind everyone a couple of weeks ago on forums about its code of conduct,

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Re: Cordoning and mildness

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)26/1 16:25Sun Jan 26 16:25:14 2025In response to Re: Cordoning and mildnessTop of thread

Views: 647

They did ....

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By VS City (VS Boro)26/1 12:14Sun Jan 26 12:14:20 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 692

Interesting that abuse of people is okay, as long as it does not fit into those categories ;)

Spectators should:

* Show due respect to match officials and others involved in the game.

* Not verbally abuse match officials.

* Encourage and show positivity towards all players.

* Not applaud or cheer foul play.

* Show respect for the opposition team, its officials and supporters, no matter what the score or situation in any particular game.

* Never verbally abuse a player, coach, official or spectator based on their appearance, race, religion, gender, sexuality, age, or disability.

* Not engage in racist, sexist or homophobic chanting.

* Not use inappropriate language or engage in aggressive behaviour.

*The club operates a zero-tolerance policy on the illegal drugs. The club will take strong action against anyone identified carrying or using these articles.

* Never encroach on, or throw any items onto the pitch or its surrounds.

* Always have regard to the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion on the game, including others involved in the game.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)26/1 15:01Sun Jan 26 15:01:40 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 649

Don't condone any personal abuse but bad language is part of any game in any league not just football .... it comes with the territory and not just supporter's who use it.

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 15:04:54 on 26th January 2025

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Truth in that

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)26/1 16:03Sun Jan 26 16:03:06 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 690

Language on field, at senior and part time level is often worse that that used by spectators. Which I accept, is an irony,

However, there is a difference between an occasional outburst of industrial language after you've been clattered and sustained chanting or singing.


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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)26/1 13:19Sun Jan 26 13:19:41 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 2 v Birstall 0Top of thread

Views: 736

And if you don't conform to this then potentially you could be prejudicing the progress we have made since the humiliation of being expunged last season.

Making you, gentlemen, a bit of a c**t.

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Common Assault.

By VS City (VS Boro)26/1 17:04Sun Jan 26 17:04:52 2025In response to ExactlyTop of thread

Views: 773

Common assault is a crime in English law that occurs when someone intentionally or recklessly causes another person to fear immediate unlawful violence.

It can include physical violence, threatening words, or minimal physical contctat

Examples of common assault Shoving or pushing someone, Using threatening words, Spitting at someone, and Raising a fist.

Whilst a call to the police is unlikely, a report to the FA will be taken seriously.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Common Assault.

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)26/1 17:57Sun Jan 26 17:57:18 2025In response to Common Assault.Top of thread

Views: 658

Are you saying that a common assault charge has been made here ? Or are we over reacting ?

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 17:57:34 on 26th January 2025

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Re: Common Assault.

By Snappycroc UTT (SnappyNBFCcroc)26/1 21:48Sun Jan 26 21:48:36 2025In response to Re: Common Assault.Top of thread

Views: 553

Can someone explain to me what happened after the final whistle?

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Re: Common Assault.

By VS City (VS Boro)26/1 20:24Sun Jan 26 20:24:03 2025In response to Re: Common Assault.Top of thread

Views: 603

I am giving the definition of common assault.

If the victim felt theattdned and/or in danger and made a report to the police, the police would investigate.

I quote what I said Whilst a call to the police is unlikely, a report to the FA will be taken seriously.

If the club (rightly) have codes-of-conduct they must act to uphold them.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

Edited by VS Boro at 20:25:49 on 26th January 2025

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Re: Common Assault.

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)27/1 03:44Mon Jan 27 03:44:05 2025In response to Re: Common Assault.Top of thread

Views: 569

Looks like the club did and they stopped it ..... which is fare enough.

I don't think the swearing is a / the problem, but personal abuse is.

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 03:45:45 on 27th January 2025
Edited by Lord of the Manor at 03:46:02 on 27th January 2025

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Typically Boro ( Town ) fans

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)26/1 18:08Sun Jan 26 18:08:47 2025In response to Re: Common Assault.Top of thread

Views: 694

When we're doing absolutely brilliant on the pitch, the management, the board room, interacting with the community etc etc etc ...lets find something to try and destroy it or at least tarnish the club.

I couldn't of envisioned of a better club to come out of the ashes than whats been achieved this season....

My hat goes off to everyone who's put time money and sweat into this season to think last april we didnt even have a ball to kick ....

Absolutely 💯

And I don't mean the singers but the moaners

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 18:10:36 on 26th January 2025

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Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)26/1 18:58Sun Jan 26 18:58:38 2025In response to Typically Boro ( Town ) fans Top of thread

Views: 645

Wasn't moaning. Just pointing out a few basic facts.

Don't think you could find a more loyal, supportive Boro fan than Pod either, btw. He is sometimes critical. He is entitled to be, in my book. He goes home and away :he pays to get in and he is there most weeks.

The only time I've moved away from fans at he Oval is because they were really moaning. Even when we were 3-0 up. Ridiculous. That's proper moaning, that is. Shouting at OUR players every time they make a mistake. ( Which the table seems to suggest is not that often).

Flagging up a few minor comments about a nuisance most of us could do without is commenting. That's all.

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Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)26/1 19:09Sun Jan 26 19:09:26 2025In response to Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans Top of thread

Views: 621

We all have our own opinions ( God I've had a few ) but if there's something you don't like, if it bugs you that much, go and report it..... I'm sure someone will have a word with those concerned....

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Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans

By almost average 226/1 20:16Sun Jan 26 20:16:06 2025In response to Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans Top of thread

Views: 613

They did the lady from the bar gave them a telling off backed up by the Head Steward and they carried on singing but without the worst of the swearing .

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Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)27/1 03:42Mon Jan 27 03:42:11 2025In response to Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans Top of thread

Views: 545

There you go then .... and if they persist ask em to leave ...

Simple ....

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Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans

By Snappycroc UTT (SnappyNBFCcroc)26/1 21:57Sun Jan 26 21:57:15 2025In response to Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans Top of thread

Views: 569

Well I was behind the goal second half and maybe they was loud but I couldn’t hear any swear words used🤔

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In summary

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)27/1 09:20Mon Jan 27 09:20:51 2025In response to Re: Typically Boro ( Town ) fans Top of thread

Views: 576

(It's Monday morning).

It was another three points in a long series of winning three points over there and I am really pleased that we added them to our total.

This is a very personal view, and no offence intended etc but I'm sorry if anyone purporting to be a boro fan feels we have a right to be at the Oval/inBeduff and so can do what we want -because:

(1) we don't and (2) we can't.

If we ever do "Get Back To Nuneaton" some of the credit may well be down to them for offering us hospitality when few cared.

And if the lady in the tea bar was the one who runs the green hut by the stand, she is a diamond imho.


Edited by Bedduth Blue at 12:19:43 on 27th January 2025

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Re: In summary

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)27/1 09:56Mon Jan 27 09:56:24 2025In response to In summaryTop of thread

Views: 557

Spot on US

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Re: In summary

By MJNB27/1 11:20Mon Jan 27 11:20:11 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 549

well said

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Re: In summary

By Boropod (BoroughPod)27/1 16:09Mon Jan 27 16:09:00 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 540


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: In summary

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)27/1 09:43Mon Jan 27 09:43:41 2025In response to In summaryTop of thread

Views: 562

Never wanted us to go there ( and I hold my hand up ) but I'm loving it, especially the 3G pitch,
Ok were not City orLiverpool but it makes for great football.

Can I just say, if you haven't been just give it a go, just one game, you'll be surprised.

Edited by Lord of the Manor at 09:45:16 on 27th January 2025

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Re: In summary

By bert's dad27/1 11:30Mon Jan 27 11:30:22 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 544

There is a case for a proper ground share and both clubs developing additional resources - improved terracing for instance. I see Bedworth are looking to spend £250,000 on a new artificial pitch.

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Re: In summary

By Vernon227/1 13:16Mon Jan 27 13:16:28 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 494

I think that that is a fair comment but the main worry for me is that,unless we can purchase freehold,then we are forever going to be tenants and all that which goes with that situation.

As one door closes,another one opens.

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Re: In summary

By Boropod (BoroughPod)27/1 21:13Mon Jan 27 21:13:52 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 458

Neither us nor Bedworth will ever be buying the Oval freehold.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: In summary

By bert's dad28/1 08:00Tue Jan 28 08:00:26 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 412

And neither club would need to. The Council’s record at Bedworth is excellent.

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Re: In summary

By Vernon227/1 21:59Mon Jan 27 21:59:59 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 467

Correct. I was not referring to The Oval but replying to the previous that we need to get freehold otherwise we stay tenants,which is where we were and with problems.

As one door closes,another one opens.

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Re: In summary

By bert's dad28/1 08:01Tue Jan 28 08:01:45 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 428

But we never had major problems with the Council only private landlords.

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Re: In summary

By Vernon228/1 09:30Tue Jan 28 09:30:14 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 483

Yeah,they were really helpful when we were looking for a site post-Manor Park. No problem with any landlord when you are the freeholder. Just my opinion of course,others are entitled to theirs also.

As one door closes,another one opens.

Edited by Vernon2 at 09:31:01 on 28th January 2025

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Re: In summary

By bert's dad28/1 18:25Tue Jan 28 18:25:07 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 365

Good point but they were always good landlords. They didn’t kick us out.

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Re: In summary

By Boropod (BoroughPod)28/1 19:25Tue Jan 28 19:25:18 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 362

They also sold us/Noel Kelly Manor Park cheaply so they have done good things for Boro, shame selling us the ground was the catalyst for mismanagement and where we find ourselves now.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: In summary

By boro4427/1 12:08Mon Jan 27 12:08:25 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 573

It has to be replaced every 10 years ,so I believe.

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Re: In summary

By Vernon227/1 13:14Mon Jan 27 13:14:27 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 531

I think that I read somewhere that for every pitch booking that BU have had over the last twelve years,that they saved a percentage of the income for when the replacement pitch needs doing. Hence their ability to find the necessary quater of a million pounds needed.

As one door closes,another one opens.

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Re: In summary

By MJNB27/1 14:24Mon Jan 27 14:24:43 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 560

Whilst not meaning to a) go on about our previous regimes or b) being disrespectful to Beduff, but it makes the mind boggle how a smaller club like them than run themselves properly whilst we continuously fucked up basic budgeting time and time again.

I'm very impressed with our current regime and the monthly treasurer report because it shows we are doing things right.

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Agree 100% LoTM

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)27/1 10:03Mon Jan 27 10:03:45 2025In response to Re: In summaryTop of thread

Views: 559

So much more fun this season than many others. Particularly some of the games previously under you know who when some of the antics on the pitch and in the dug out were often ruddy awful.

I wish Beduff could open the turnstile some days by the Memorial Gates, like they used to during our "derbies" there, but I guess that is a maintenance/H. & S. /staff costs issue nowadays.

And finally (to provide all Forum readers with an amusing image), being in my dotage now, if I slipped on that grass bank coming down towards pitchside I'd probably bounce right over the perimeter fencing and onto the 3G.

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Match video link

By Boropod (BoroughPod)28/1 15:00Tue Jan 28 15:00:09 2025In response to Agree 100% LoTMTop of thread

Views: 425

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Previous thread: Cup Final Date by Boropod26/1 07:22Sun Jan 26 07:22:03 2025view thread