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Boro 1 Bridgnorth 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 15:38Sat Feb 8 15:38:54 2025

Views: 880


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

Edited by BoroughPod at 15:39:12 on 8th February 2025

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HT Boro 1 Bridgnorth 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 15:47Sat Feb 8 15:47:49 2025In response to Boro 1 Bridgnorth 0Top of thread

Views: 840

Boro lead but also had one off line and one hit post. They had a couple of chances saved by Bache.
Boro much better side, they a dangerous side looking to hit us on break.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Boro 2 Bridgnorth 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 16:08Sat Feb 8 16:08:37 2025In response to HT Boro 1 Bridgnorth 0Top of thread

Views: 786

Superb strike from Aaron Williams

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Boro 3 Bridgnorth 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 16:13Sat Feb 8 16:13:02 2025In response to Boro 2 Bridgnorth 0Top of thread

Views: 777


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Boro 4 Bridgnorth 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 16:20Sat Feb 8 16:20:25 2025In response to Boro 3 Bridgnorth 0Top of thread

Views: 790


Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 16:29Sat Feb 8 16:29:41 2025In response to Boro 4 Bridgnorth 0Top of thread

Views: 784

Spruce further stuffs the Bridgnorth managers comments down his throat.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 399

By Boropod (BoroughPod)8/2 16:50Sat Feb 8 16:50:53 2025In response to Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0Top of thread

Views: 806

Boro were superb in 2nd half.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 399

By bert's dad8/2 17:11Sat Feb 8 17:11:32 2025In response to FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 399Top of thread

Views: 838

Keith would have been proud. A perfect send off and the old five - thanks Boro

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Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417

By almost average 210/2 17:13Mon Feb 10 17:13:31 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 399Top of thread

Views: 478

They seem to have found a few since Saturday .

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Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417

By LH10/2 17:37Mon Feb 10 17:37:03 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417Top of thread

Views: 456

What's given out during the game is always provisional until a full reconciliation is done after the match.

Hats off to those volunteers that do it, they miss most of the game and it's very rarely different!

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Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417

By NuneatonisBlue10/2 22:22Mon Feb 10 22:22:32 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417Top of thread

Views: 526

Who is unnamed sauce pmsl it's source .sort it out🔵⚪️

Edited by NuneatonisBlue at 22:22:53 on 10th February 2025

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Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)11/2 09:02Tue Feb 11 09:02:49 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417Top of thread

Views: 398

Maybe get a sense of humour transplant, or look up the word "pun" in a dictionary?

P.S. Whilst we are being pedantic , a few punctuation tips : it is customary to place a question mark at the end of a sentence where an answer is required. And to start a new sentence with a capital letter.

If you want to sort me out , just come up to me at the next home game and say hello. I'll gladly oblige. :-)

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Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417

By Boropod (BoroughPod)11/2 07:56Tue Feb 11 07:56:21 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 417Top of thread

Views: 385

May I suggest you look at an satellite image from google and you'll see Nuneaton is mostly grey and green, not blue before being pedantic about forum names.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/2 17:27Sat Feb 8 17:27:40 2025In response to Re: FT Boro 5 Bridgnorth 0 att 399Top of thread

Views: 858

I only go back to Beazer Midland days (when I'm sure we played Bridgnorth?) but in terms of goals scored , this is the most entertaining season for me yet. I have NEVER experienced a season when so many goals have been scored-and I don't give a stuff about levels. This squad are winning and punishing the opposition because they work hard for each other, they are not without talent and they clearly care about wearing the shirt.

Bridgnorth had a few decent players and made a game of it first half. But Like so many visiting teams, they lost their tempers. Even before Borough scored they got gobby and argumentative and so lost direction. First of all with the officials and then during the second half with each other. Cue another rout.

Some of Boro's football this season has been outstanding. To an extent where for the first time in years I look forward to the next home game.

Only one minor grumble. For the fourth time at The Oval this season, I got stuck next to a couple of whingers first half and had to move away, as they were really pissing me off. Why do they come? Beats me.

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By Boropod (BoroughPod)9/2 17:05Sun Feb 9 17:05:25 2025In response to Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 510

One of those old whingers lived over the road from my house, my mum asked him to take to my first Boro game v Chelmsford 1971 aged 13.
It was after lloyds cancelled the baggies coach and I was missing footie.
Been going Boro ever since, After a few weeks got my mates to come with me and we walked from Weddington over the fields via Sandon park, dog shit railway bridge, Jodrell St and Manor Ct road.
Yes him and his mate shout rubbish and crap at every loose pass but I learned a while ago to stand somewhere else, cant fault their loyalty though.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By Camp hill reserves (Camp hill reserves)9/2 17:28Sun Feb 9 17:28:29 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 521

Which proves We all support our club in different ways…I’ve been guilty of the odd moan in the past , it’s not like I didn’t have any reason either

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By MJNB9/2 19:47Sun Feb 9 19:47:30 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 514

Mine and WCB mums house is being sold. Many years of childhood memories to reflect on.

So I’m staying at hers for the weekend for the final time 7-9 of March, and shall be having a good moan at the Coton Green game at Beduff on March 8th :)

Look forward to seeing you all! Keep up the good work!

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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)10/2 09:44Mon Feb 10 09:44:00 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 527

There is moaning..and then there is moaning for moaning's sake. The people I am talking about shout their rubbish at the players and then turn round, as if to seek support from others. There is none, because they single out individual players and identify what they see as their mistakes. Almost everything they shout comes indirectly off the telly.

Forum "moaning" usually is no such thing. It's just a varied group of people expressing different opinions. "Forum": as I have often suggested, the clue is in the name.

Hands up, I have moaned for England over the years. As much as anyone. But rarely if ever at the players. I did grumble about Gary Bradder on the one of two occasions I ever sat in the stand at MP. He was club captain at the time but injured hence sitting nearby. He spent more time checking results elsewhere than he did encouraging those playing and wearing the shirt. I thought that was a poor show.

Being judgemental, I doubt the armchair moaners have ever coached, played, run the line or refereed. Those of you who have, may well agree with Lee Dixon that shouting things at individuals does not really make anyone play any better. You know when you have made a mistake on the field. You don't need to be reminded about it again by some nonentity watching.

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Re: Moaning

By Boropod (BoroughPod)11/2 18:52Tue Feb 11 18:52:49 2025In response to MoaningTop of thread

Views: 353

No, I was joking as you said about Bradder checking in on other matches.
The bloke you mean stood on the Rugby club side at the kiosk end at LW with his little radio and yellow puffer coat and beard. I have not seen him this season at Bedduff. Expect someone on here will know who he is.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: Moaning

By Boropod (BoroughPod)11/2 18:05Tue Feb 11 18:05:38 2025In response to MoaningTop of thread

Views: 415

Did Bradder have a little radio held to his ear.

Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'

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Re: Moaning

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)11/2 20:51Tue Feb 11 20:51:07 2025In response to Re: MoaningTop of thread

Views: 398


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Re: Moaning

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)11/2 18:45Tue Feb 11 18:45:05 2025In response to Re: MoaningTop of thread

Views: 384

I remember one of our supporters who had a beared, always had a radio to his ear with the football on ....

Is this him ?

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Re: Moaning

By MJNB11/2 13:55Tue Feb 11 13:55:02 2025In response to MoaningTop of thread

Views: 395

Should be 3 ex 'home and away' regulars there that day :)

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)9/2 17:23Sun Feb 9 17:23:48 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 526

There are two sets of whingers I have to avoid to protect my blood pressure . One is an old boy who looks about 90 and his son.

Yesterday however it was a younger, middle aged bloke and his missus . They were at it ( I kid you not), within the first few minutes, shouting the sort of claptrap at Boro players that the pundits use on telly. I'd already moved away before Boro' scored their first. ( I bet it choked them).

They pay their entrance money, same as me, so I guess that entitles them to moan knowledgeably and the onus is on me to move away before I myself say something abusive. So that's what I do.

I liked what Lee Dixon said during a commentary yesterday about touchline shouters: " They can rant away as much as they like but no-one listens to them. I never did."

Funny old game.

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By Lord of the Manor I'm (Lord of the Manor)8/2 19:28Sat Feb 8 19:28:19 2025In response to Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 709

Full praise to all involved..... i think it's remarkable.....
Back last April we didnt even have a ball to kick.

Just let that sink in.

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By almost average 28/2 18:21Sat Feb 8 18:21:25 2025In response to Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 743

Second half was one of our best 45 mins of the season . Think it was only five because we went into cruise mode last 20 mins or so . Bridgnorth weren't bad but we were a different class .
Ten points clear at the top in fact due to our goal difference you can say eleven .

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By Vernon Slain8/2 20:49Sat Feb 8 20:49:43 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 641

I agree with that aa2. When we pause the frantic Freddie approach and we play steady and measured,as we did second half,then we are as good as anybody in this league. Cannot wait for the video highlights as we scored a few beauties today.The others will have thought that today was a potential bananskin but will feel depressed with the result. On to Wednesday now.

The King is dead. Long live The King.

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By VS City (VS Boro)8/2 18:14Sat Feb 8 18:14:06 2025In response to Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 785

I really must make the effort to get down. I was looking for an evening game, but fixture imply there ain't going to be any.

Irrelevant as NTFC are now being run properly.
I see the messiah and his mad mate* are really working hard to achieve what they didn't when at boro (getting out of the SL-Central). Dropped to 21st today. I was forwarded a text that he claimed that finally Barwell would be able to compete with the rich-boys in the league.

* what's happened to the club he left to join the boro since he left ;)

PS - Seems Daly has left the club/football. I don't look at this forum as much now, so if "old new" the so-be-it.

>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/2 17:43Sat Feb 8 17:43:05 2025In response to Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 754

Correct US we were in same league as Bridgnorth a few years ago, superb second half performance, we are beginning to look a class above most sides in this league now

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/2 17:44Sat Feb 8 17:44:59 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 738

Yes..I'm sure I still have the programme somewhere. At MP, yes?

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Found it

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)13/2 10:34Thu Feb 13 10:34:54 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 214

April 1996. at MP . Beazer Midland. Came up on Bookface Memories today.

Nice looking cover. Renshaw design?

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/2 17:51Sat Feb 8 17:51:08 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 773

Yes it would have been, went to crown meadow ( Bridgnorth ground) a couple of times in those days to watch the Boro play them there

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Re: Superb....AGAIN!

By MJNB8/2 21:12Sat Feb 8 21:12:56 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 626

95/96 aged about 10 I went to Bridgnorth

Brendan Phillips first season managing

Peter Gleasure in goal, dived to try and save an indirect free kick and tipped it in

Soon afterwards we signed Paul Hayward and went on to win the league.

95/96, 98/99 and 09/10 our most entertaining seasons

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By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/2 18:48Sat Feb 8 18:48:53 2025In response to Re: Superb....AGAIN!Top of thread

Views: 752

Kit Kat and Coffee magnificent as always, btw.

Man it was cold. Nearly went to sit in stand.

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Re: Bump

By s. tone ragma7 (stone ragma)8/2 20:32Sat Feb 8 20:32:55 2025In response to BumpTop of thread

Views: 643

Hot chocolate and cake lovely to

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Stenson and Armson

By Unnamed Sauce (Bedduth Blue)8/2 19:02Sat Feb 8 19:02:34 2025In response to BumpTop of thread

Views: 739

Scored for Telford today.


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Previous thread: Back to Nuneaton Fund by ntfcadam7/1 13:51Tue Jan 7 13:51:29 2025view thread