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January Treasurer's Report
Views: 797
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Re: January Treasurer's Report
Views: 594
This really is excellent. A) The results and B) the transparency.
Good to read.
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Re: January Treasurer's Report
Views: 691
Love the way the club underestimated and may that continue.
Build up a reserve to cover the unexpected.
>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<
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Well done all
Views: 623
I'm not going to bang on again about how I had to manage a seven figure annual budget for over 16 years .
My experience was that underestimating and being careful (not mean) leads to successful financial management.
Chucking other peoples' money at the wall for the sake of it is it a mug's game. And a recipe for disaster.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 585
This report is excellent. Well done to Lee and all involved. Shows what can be done with honest and transparent people running the club.
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3 people
Re: Well done all
Views: 593
Be interesting to know what FWP have been asked to look for in terms of the size of the stadium site reqd. Are they looking to future proof the site with it being large enough for proper stands like LW in the future, large car park etc.
Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'
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Re: Well done all
Views: 585
I should imagine it might be the other end of the telescope.
They will be told the sites which may be available and then will produce a report on what might be feasible there.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 628
A good reference document is the (SGSA) Sports Grounds Safety Authority's 'Advice to National League Clubs'.
It is readily available on the Internet & gives a very good summary of the requirements for membership of the EFL.
If the custodians of NTFC, both now & in the future seriously intend for the new Club to progress upwards through the leagues, then this document will help them to understand how to 'future-proof' the Club.
Ultimately, through a Phased Development, NTFC should in my opinion, plan for a 5000 capacity stadium, including 2000 seats.
FWP Architects will know this & it would be helpful to them if the people currently involved in running the Club did some initial preparation work of their own, so as to add value to the Feasibility Study work.
It needs to be a joint approach between the Club & FWP from the outset.
Just my thoughts!
£4,000 will be spent very quickly.
Edited by VoR at 18:59:49 on 12th February 2025
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Re: Well done all
Views: 450
Exactly what is happening 👍
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Re: Well done all
Views: 471
A bit of advice...
Gala Field is the obvious choice, from a Planning point of view.
If you are seriously looking at Vale View, then Warwickshire County Council Highways will have a major say as a Planning Consultee...don't go too far down that route, without understanding the implications on the highways.
Also, Highways England will have a say, they will be another very important Planning Consultee.
A Transport Assessment will need to be submitted with the Planning Application.
NTFC will need to employ a Transport Consultant.
FWP Architects will know & have worked with Transport Consultants of their own choosing.
It would help if FWP make enquiries at NBBC to find out which Transport Consultants are already known to the Planning Department.
Edited by VoR at 22:32:44 on 13th February 2025
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Re: Well done all
Views: 407
Only just seen this
Gala Field is gone - to Nuneaton Harriers and Nuneaton Griff. I’ve mentioned this before.
Highways England doesn’t exist. National Highways does but Warwickshire Highways will be the consultee on an application.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 412
National Highways (formerly Highways England/formerly the Highways Agency) will be consulted.
They will assess the impact of a new Stadium development on the M6 Junction 3 & also the Dodwells Bridge roundabout on the A5.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 441
With the greatest repect,why on earth should we ever wish to be tenants again ?
The King is dead. Long live The King.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 433
Access to much needed funding/financial support.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 398
Is funding only accessible to tenants and not to owners of a field etc ? I would much prefer that all of the recent hard work went into autonomy personally,thus eliminating a landlord.
The King is dead. Long live The King.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 385
NTFC can apply for Grants as a member of the National League System from the following funding bodies:-
The Premier League Stadium Fund.
The Premier League Club Development Fund.
The Football Foundation.
The LED Floodlight Fund.
If NBBC leased Gala Field to NTFC on a 10-year lease, or preferably a 21-year lease, or ideally a 100-year lease, then NTFC would have the security of tenure to apply for various grants.
NBBC would then have the ability to fund a new 4G pitch, floodlights & perimeter fence at Gala Field, with a secure tenant in place.
If NBBC were unable to fund a new changing facility, then NTFC could apply for a Grant towards the cost of this provision.
In my opinion, all of this would be a good starter for ten...
To follow the 'autonomous' route, NTFC would need to find & buy themselves a piece of land suitable for a new Stadium development.
Just my thoughts!
Edited by VoR at 10:17:37 on 14th February 2025
Edited by VoR at 10:18:19 on 14th February 2025
Edited by VoR at 10:19:19 on 14th February 2025
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Re: Well done all
Views: 370
Once again, VoR - just like the old days - you have latched on to an idea and will not let it go even in the face of facts. Gala Field is not available as it has already been allocated to Griff and the Harriers. Let that go - we will not be developing a ground there.
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Hijack alert
Views: 387
A perfectly reasonable thread, celebrating CURRENT management, organisation and financial good housekeeping, is turned into a seminar/lecture on pipe dreams and fancy, purely to:
(a) massage the ego of one person and :
(b) show the rest of us how stupid we are.
( Whereas the number of errors in some of these posts tends to highlight the reverse).
P.S. Does the CURRENT club have a game tomorrow? Does anyone other than Walter Mitty want to speculate on that?
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Re: Well done all
Views: 388
But once again improving facilities that the Club would ever own. I hope that our hierarchy bear this in mind with their decision making. We have had an enforced break from a tenancy and I hope that we will not return to another. An interesting comment earlier with regards to the old running track incidentally plus Nuneaton Griff FC are now existing under the Nuneaton Harriers direction apparently.
The King is dead. Long live The King.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 396
Who is to say that the Club will never own the new Stadium.
Circumstances may arise in the future that mean that NTFC can buy the Stadium from NBBC.
We all collectively have to think many years ahead in this process...this is 'future proofing' the Club.
It would be wrong to trap ourselves into only looking short-term.
That is why you start with a design for a 5000 capacity stadium, including 2000 seats & work backwards to the present day, in a structured phased process.
FWP will know this & the current hierarchy need to fully understand this philosophy.
This was the main thrust of my discussion with Jason & Santi, before events overtook the situation at LW.
Edited by VoR at 10:29:36 on 14th February 2025
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Re: Well done all
Views: 388
All of this has been previously discussed to death. There is nothing at all wrong with taking one’s foot off the accelerator and looking for farmers field and building up from that base (including future-proofing). That is why,in my opinion,there must not be a stampede towards promotion after promotion and we put the proverbial cart before horse. Using my previous experience of this forums history of mega meandering I will now call this my last word on this.
The King is dead. Long live The King.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 366
Agree Vern, makes sense it will prob be a location on the edge of town, some wont like it.
Went to York xmas shopping with wife stayed in hotel next to new York City ground, lt looks fab. But well out of town.
Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'
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Re: Well done all
Views: 384
I looked at Mickleover FC on our last visit and it’s a good example of how to start off with a farmers field. Leamington,where I haven’t visited,seems another example. Sheepy Road would probably fall into the same category so we’re are not unique being in this position are we ?
The King is dead. Long live The King.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 376
I think Leamington may be facing "eviction" (not their fault).
Not sure of the date of this. These plans seem to regularly come up.
>>>> Former Nuneaton Boro fan <<<<
Edited by VS Boro at 13:20:14 on 14th February 2025
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Re: Well done all
Views: 366
ref York. . . . one of my favorite destinations.
great city for a break
hoping to get to one of their gee gee meetings this year, all being well.
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Re: Well done all
Views: 388
Yes, shame as it would be a good spot for a small footie stadium and 4g pitch shared by Boro and Griff.
Note to self, 'be careful what you wish for'
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Re: Well done all
Views: 399
Yep that option has well and truly gone.
There are others though!
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Re: Well done all
Views: 348
I don't think we need to attach too much importance to that latest Agreement.
It is a shrewd move by NBBC in the light of budget cuts.
Good financial housekeeping by offloading the cost of grounds maintenance for Gala Field into the private sector, thereby removing it from the Council's books.
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