My posts !
Views: 2829
Sorry for those that tune into my musings expecting in depth football analysis. As ive said before I have been watching football at many levels for 40 odd years ( I know ladies I don't look a day over 21 ) but I always keep my opinions on team performance firmly away from here. I wouldn't expect anyone to come into my working environment , watch me work for 90 minutes and then crucify my performance to shreds in an open forum.
I also leave the in depth football reporting to the experts in no Henry Winter or Steve Parsons . hopefully I get extra nerd credit for mentioning Steve Parsons in the same sentence as Henry Winter.
At the end of the season I hope to put together a magazine / fanzine of my posts with copies maybe sold for a charity of the clubs choosing .. lets call it an end of season comedy / interesting view of a Staines Town fan .
This is just an idea but be warned once I get an idea in my head it normally happens ... Any way just thought I would say footballs nothing without the fans . and its all swings and roundabouts anyway :)
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2 people
My posts ! by Andrew6726/2/2014 19:15Wed Feb 26 19:15:38 2014
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