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Inarticulate swearing attendees at games

By Tim (legacy user)25/3/2014 16:17Tue Mar 25 16:17:17 2014In response to Re: '' A football clubs nothing without the fans'' ( Part 2 )

Views: 3153

I don't believe it would be a negative outcome if the inarticulate, often the 'worse for wear', swearing contingent felt the need to go to somewhere else on Staines match days. These men are a very small minority - usually fewer than a dozen in number.
I think it is absolutely wonderful that the club has spoken out on this issue. I hope the awful obscenities and jeering when an opposition player is injured has gone from Staines forever.
There are far, far, more decent people who would come to watch Staines now that this tiny minority are advised that their abhorrent behaviour is unwelcome.

Well done, Mr Williams, and well done Staines Town!

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