'' its all about the football''
Views: 3010
So what an eventful afternoon that was !
Overall in my opinion it was a fantastic team performance, over shadowed by some questionable referee decisions. but they went our way for once so happy days ..
Didn't really see what happened at the end of the game .. seemed like hand bags .. Chelmsford fans on twitter showing very little class , and Im lead to believe they showed little class with some taunts aimed at Staines players .
Don't forget
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Next article in this thread: Re: '' its all about the football'' by SAGE19/4/2014 21:33Sat Apr 19 21:33:43 2014
'' its all about the football'' by Andrew6719/4/2014 19:06Sat Apr 19 19:06:40 2014view thread
- Re: '' its all about the football'' by SAGE19/4/2014 21:33Sat Apr 19 21:33:43 2014