Re: You got no fans, you got no atmosphere!
Views: 3169
Firstly are we allowed to create such a covering behind the goals? Once we have confirmation of this, we can get the ball rolling.
Secondly, what are the hierarchy's opinion of this happening. Would they want the covered areas? Or do they have there own plans.
Thirdly, we could go getting money from fans, but as you said there's not many of us at the club at the moment and how many will pay?
I am happy to try and raise some money through an event of some sort. A fund raising event on behalf of the fans to raise some cash?
Anyone else?
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Next article in this thread: Re: You got no fans, you got no atmosphere! by Anonymous28/4/2014 19:59Mon Apr 28 19:59:10 2014
You got no fans, you got no atmosphere! by Wakes27/4/2014 09:15Sun Apr 27 09:15:21 2014view thread
- Re: You got no fans, you got no atmosphere! by Dom weir27/4/2014 10:43Sun Apr 27 10:43:43 2014
- Re: You got no fans, you got no atmosphere! by Anonymous28/4/2014 19:59Mon Apr 28 19:59:10 2014
- Re: You got no fans, you got no atmosphere! by Danswan27/4/2014 12:14Sun Apr 27 12:14:35 2014