George Talbot
Views: 7781
I'm so very sad to read of the death of George Talbot. When I was a boy, I loved coming to Wheatsheaf Lane to watch that great Staines side of the late 1960s.
George Talbot never gave anything less than every ounce of energy he possessed in every game he played. I suspect he relished his reputation as a rather terrifying full back who tackled players in something of a 'no nonsense' fashion...!
The Ken Ballard era was a wonderful time - we had a very well organised but free-flowing team, who pushed forward at every opportunity, and George Talbot was a key member of that side.
At one time, before he transferred to Walton, there were rumours that Aston Villa had been to the Lane a couple of times to watch him, but as we know, nothing came of it.
Despite his tough persona on the pitch, George Talbot was always very friendly and accommodating to young autograph hunters (me!) after the game.
A good man and a sad loss.
I send best wishes and my sympathy to George's family.
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Next article in this thread: Re: George Talbot by Bob Sherwood16/5/2014 14:42Fri May 16 14:42:35 2014
R.I.P.George Talbot by gordon14/5/2014 07:29Wed May 14 07:29:07 2014view thread
- Re: R.I.P.George Talbot by Yatesy13/9/2015 18:54Sun Sep 13 18:54:15 2015
- R I P George Talbot by Roger14/5/2014 09:18Wed May 14 09:18:35 2014
- Re: R.I.P.George Talbot by John Blair14/5/2014 07:54Wed May 14 07:54:59 2014
- From the Club Website ... by Follow the Swans14/5/2014 08:18Wed May 14 08:18:43 2014
- George Talbot by Gregs16/5/2014 12:56Fri May 16 12:56:19 2014
- George Talbot by Tim14/5/2014 23:54Wed May 14 23:54:32 2014
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- Re: George Talbot by Bob Sherwood16/5/2014 14:42Fri May 16 14:42:35 2014
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